Bioinspired Deep Foundation Systems


A U.S. patent for piles and anchors inspired by nature’s root systems has been awarded to engineers from New Mexico State University who were also associated with the Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG), an NSF-funded Engineering Research Center (NSF ERC) headquartered at Arizona State University. Another patent is pending for a new pile and anchor expansion mechanism using a pressurized bladder system.


The engineers found ways to improve the bearing capacity in support structures by redesigning piles and anchors. Pile load tests demonstrated that the capacity of radiated piles installed in sand is more than double the capacity of conventional piles, which is promising for those who wish to improve the efficiency of their foundation systems


The new bioinspired foundations provide much greater shaft resistance, a major source of bearing capacity, than typical support piles and anchors. The engineers’ design rests on the lateral expansion of the pile shaft through an inflatable bladder.

The team successfully completed a Test Series 3 with six instrumented pile prototypes and control piles. In a CBBG ground pit, engineers tested two different mechanisms of pile expansion as well as a locking mechanism. The patent for radially expansive piles and anchors was awarded in October 2021, while a patent is pending for the expansion mechanism using the pressurized bladder system.

P. Zelkowski


Tempe, Arizona


Start Year

Energy and Sustainability

Energy and Sustainability Icon
Energy and Sustainability Icon

Energy, Sustainability, and Infrastructure

Lead Institution

Arizona State University

Core Partners

Georgia Institute of Technology, New Mexico State University, University of California, Davis
P. Zelkowski


A U.S. patent for piles and anchors inspired by nature’s root systems has been awarded to engineers from New Mexico State University who were also associated with the Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG), an NSF-funded Engineering Research Center (NSF ERC) headquartered at Arizona State University. Another patent is pending for a new pile and anchor expansion mechanism using a pressurized bladder system.


Tempe, Arizona


Start Year

Energy and Sustainability

Energy and Sustainability Icon
Energy and Sustainability Icon

Energy, Sustainability, and Infrastructure

Lead Institution

Arizona State University

Core Partners

Georgia Institute of Technology, New Mexico State University, University of California, Davis


The engineers found ways to improve the bearing capacity in support structures by redesigning piles and anchors. Pile load tests demonstrated that the capacity of radiated piles installed in sand is more than double the capacity of conventional piles, which is promising for those who wish to improve the efficiency of their foundation systems


The new bioinspired foundations provide much greater shaft resistance, a major source of bearing capacity, than typical support piles and anchors. The engineers’ design rests on the lateral expansion of the pile shaft through an inflatable bladder.

The team successfully completed a Test Series 3 with six instrumented pile prototypes and control piles. In a CBBG ground pit, engineers tested two different mechanisms of pile expansion as well as a locking mechanism. The patent for radially expansive piles and anchors was awarded in October 2021, while a patent is pending for the expansion mechanism using the pressurized bladder system.