Industry & Stakeholders Portal

A central motive of the Engineering Research Centers program is to form partnerships between academia and industry in systems-oriented research areas that are critical to the Nation's economic strength. Each ERC collaborates with industry from the early stages of its vision creation and strategic planning, and collaboration extends to technology development and pre-commercial application… Read More.

Tech Sectors

Each center supports convergent research within its’ core sector, but is enabled with the flexibility to conduct interdisciplinary projects as required. ERCs are currently divided into four key technology sectors.

Advanced Manufacturing

Biotech and Healthcare

Energy and Sustainability

Microelectronics, Sensing, and IT

Industry Partnerships & ERC Membership

Industrial Partners are integral to the ERC Innovation Ecosystem model. Each ERC offers a range of membership opportunities and encourages active, regular engagement between stakeholders.

This gives ERC partners the chance to become an integral part of the innovation process accelerating the commercialization of technologies that are relevant to the current market and are good prospects for wide-scale adoption in the real world.

Key benefits may include:

  • Priority negotiation for IP & licensing
  • Participation in IABs (Industry Advisory Boards)
  • Access to exclusive events, presentations & webinars
  • Early access to research results
  • Influence in the direction of research projects
  • Opportunity to recruit up and coming talent
  • Direct access to student internship programs
  • Access to existing libraries of research and publications

Find out more about the options available on each ERC’s partnerships page.

Startups and Achievements

Since 1985 the ERCs have generated over 240 startup companies, enabling the wider public to benefit from their research. Examples of successful startups and other high impact achievements can be found on the following pages:

Key Information

Additional information about the ERC programs and the centers can be found below.



A central motive of the Engineering Research Centers program is to form partnerships between academia and industry in systems-oriented research areas that are critical to the Nation's economic strength. Each ERC collaborates with industry from the early stages of its vision creation and strategic planning, and collaboration extends to technology development and pre-commercial application… Read More.

Tech Sectors

Each center supports convergent research within its’ core sector, but is enabled with the flexibility to conduct interdisciplinary projects as required. ERCs are currently divided into four key technology sectors.

Advanced Manufacturing

Biotech and Healthcare

Energy and Sustainability

Microelectronics, Sensing, and IT

Industry Partnerships & ERC Membership

Industrial Partners are integral to the ERC Innovation Ecosystem model. Each ERC offers a range of membership opportunities and encourages active, regular engagement between stakeholders.

This gives ERC partners the chance to become an integral part of the innovation process accelerating the commercialization of technologies that are relevant to the current market and are good prospects for wide-scale adoption in the real world.

Key benefits may include:

  • Priority negotiation for IP & licensing
  • Participation in IABs (Industry Advisory Boards)
  • Access to exclusive events, presentations & webinars
  • Early access to research results
  • Influence in the direction of research projects
  • Opportunity to recruit up and coming talent
  • Direct access to student internship programs
  • Access to existing libraries of research and publications

Find out more about the options available on each ERC’s partnerships page.

Startups and Achievements

Since 1985 the ERCs have generated over 240 startup companies, enabling the wider public to benefit from their research. Examples of successful startups and other high impact achievements can be found on the following pages:

Key Information

Additional information about the ERC programs and the centers can be found below.
