Materials Camp for Teachers


Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing–Moving from Evolution to Revolution (HAMMER), an NSF-funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) headquartered at The Ohio State University (OSU), partnered with the American Society for Materials (ASM) Education Foundation to host a one-week residential camp on June 12-16, 2023 at OSU. The week-long ASM Materials Camp®–Teachers provided educators with hands-on experiences and insights into the world of advanced materials and manufacturing. The camp was attended by 22 K-12 teachers and 3 Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) NSF program awardees from across the United States. Primary instruction came from three ASM Master Teachers who teach materials science at the high school level; they utilized the "teach the teacher" model to share knowledge and best practices. The program also included tours of labs at OSU and guest lectures from faculty and industry (Intel and Dassault).


The K-12 teachers left the camp with laboratory supplies, new contacts, instructional materials, and motivation to teach materials science and processing in their classrooms. Over the years, this ASM program has been effective at introducing full material science courses in high schools. This program will help reduce workforce shortages in STEM fields, from skilled technicians to PhD-level scholars. It also raises awareness of the essential importance of materials and processes to those things we use daily and their impact on the world in the economy and in terms of sustainability.


The week-long ASM Materials Camp® took place as part of HAMMER's mission to address the shortage of skilled manufacturing talent that currently burdens domestic industry. By equipping teachers with the latest knowledge and practical skills, HAMMER aims to empower teachers to inspire and educate the next generation of skilled professionals in the manufacturing industry.



Columbus, Ohio


Start Year

Advanced Manufacturing Icon
Advanced Manufacturing Icon

Advanced Manufacturing

Lead Institution

The Ohio State University

Core Partners

Case Western Reserve University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Northwestern University, University of Tennessee-Knoxville


Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing–Moving from Evolution to Revolution (HAMMER), an NSF-funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) headquartered at The Ohio State University (OSU), partnered with the American Society for Materials (ASM) Education Foundation to host a one-week residential camp on June 12-16, 2023 at OSU. The week-long ASM Materials Camp®–Teachers provided educators with hands-on experiences and insights into the world of advanced materials and manufacturing. The camp was attended by 22 K-12 teachers and 3 Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) NSF program awardees from across the United States. Primary instruction came from three ASM Master Teachers who teach materials science at the high school level; they utilized the "teach the teacher" model to share knowledge and best practices. The program also included tours of labs at OSU and guest lectures from faculty and industry (Intel and Dassault).


Columbus, Ohio


Start Year

Advanced Manufacturing Icon
Advanced Manufacturing Icon

Advanced Manufacturing

Lead Institution

The Ohio State University

Core Partners

Case Western Reserve University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Northwestern University, University of Tennessee-Knoxville


The K-12 teachers left the camp with laboratory supplies, new contacts, instructional materials, and motivation to teach materials science and processing in their classrooms. Over the years, this ASM program has been effective at introducing full material science courses in high schools. This program will help reduce workforce shortages in STEM fields, from skilled technicians to PhD-level scholars. It also raises awareness of the essential importance of materials and processes to those things we use daily and their impact on the world in the economy and in terms of sustainability.


The week-long ASM Materials Camp® took place as part of HAMMER's mission to address the shortage of skilled manufacturing talent that currently burdens domestic industry. By equipping teachers with the latest knowledge and practical skills, HAMMER aims to empower teachers to inspire and educate the next generation of skilled professionals in the manufacturing industry.