New Website Opens Opportunities for Technology Transition


A new web resource has been established to provide public access to research products and services from the NSF-funded Engineering Research Center for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems (TANMS), headquartered at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). The effort was a partnership of TANMS and the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering to help advance the technological developments of public and private research and development efforts that were previously primarily restricted to higher education institutions.


In addition to UCLA, TANMS includes partner institutions California State University-Northridge, Cornell University, Northeastern University, University of California-Berkeley, and the University of Texas at Dallas. The Center has expertise from world-class researchers from top research institutions nationwide. These knowledge assets, plus TANM'S top-notch engineering research facilities and equipment, are now available to assist others with their research and development ventures. The web page, which is entitled UCLA-TANMS Engineering Products & Services (, was approved for launch in early 2021. It will provide a revenue stream to sustain the Center, enable industry to access unique products and services, and help transfer and translate new technology for commercial markets.


UCLA-TANMS Engineering Products and Services now has a growing list of products and services readily available to the outside community on a fee-for-service basis without cumbersome sponsored research agreements. Moreover, because the focus is on mature products, intellectual property complexities inherent in transferring fundamental research are not an issue. Products/services are available on the site for:

  • Thin Film Fabrication
  • Micro/Nanoparticle Synthesis
  • Imaging Services (high-speed camera, SEM, TEM)
  • Analytics, Characterization, Testing
  • Modeling
  • Other/Consulting

Each topic includes a description of the technology, lists of potential applications and available options, and some publications for additional detail.



Los Angeles, California


Start Year

Microelectronics and IT

Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon
Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon

Microelectronics, Sensing, and IT

Lead Institution


Core Partners

Cornell University, Cal State Northridge, UC-Berkeley


A new web resource has been established to provide public access to research products and services from the NSF-funded Engineering Research Center for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems (TANMS), headquartered at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). The effort was a partnership of TANMS and the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering to help advance the technological developments of public and private research and development efforts that were previously primarily restricted to higher education institutions.


Los Angeles, California


Start Year

Microelectronics and IT

Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon
Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon

Microelectronics, Sensing, and IT

Lead Institution


Core Partners

Cornell University, Cal State Northridge, UC-Berkeley


In addition to UCLA, TANMS includes partner institutions California State University-Northridge, Cornell University, Northeastern University, University of California-Berkeley, and the University of Texas at Dallas. The Center has expertise from world-class researchers from top research institutions nationwide. These knowledge assets, plus TANM'S top-notch engineering research facilities and equipment, are now available to assist others with their research and development ventures. The web page, which is entitled UCLA-TANMS Engineering Products & Services (, was approved for launch in early 2021. It will provide a revenue stream to sustain the Center, enable industry to access unique products and services, and help transfer and translate new technology for commercial markets.


UCLA-TANMS Engineering Products and Services now has a growing list of products and services readily available to the outside community on a fee-for-service basis without cumbersome sponsored research agreements. Moreover, because the focus is on mature products, intellectual property complexities inherent in transferring fundamental research are not an issue. Products/services are available on the site for:

  • Thin Film Fabrication
  • Micro/Nanoparticle Synthesis
  • Imaging Services (high-speed camera, SEM, TEM)
  • Analytics, Characterization, Testing
  • Modeling
  • Other/Consulting

Each topic includes a description of the technology, lists of potential applications and available options, and some publications for additional detail.