"The goal of the ERC Program is to integrate engineering research and education with technological innovation to transform national prosperity, health, and security. ERCs create an innovative, inclusive culture in engineering to cultivate new ideas and pursue engineering discovery that achieves a significant science, technology, and societal outcome within the 10-year timeframe of NSF support.”  NSF 15-589 https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15589/nsf15589.htm 

It takes time to design an organizational structure that will facilitate achievement of these goals.  The Administrative Director can lead the effort to provide stable yet flexible management systems, while working with and challenging existing institutional policies and procedures.  In addition, the AD can play a key role in establishing priorities, managing conflicts, dealing with barriers and promoting the work of the Center.  The ERC will evolve as the team is constructed and all members work together to integrate and implement the ERC key features of research, workforce development and innovation ecosystem development.