Advanced Forestry Systems

The Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (CAFS) brings together industry and agency scientists with practitioners and university scientists from across the country to take interdisciplinary approaches to solving problems facing our nation’s planted and natural forests. Its mission is to help create a future with sustainable, healthy forests that provide an economic foundation for many communities and industries, and that offer numerous environmental services.

CAFS seeks to optimize genetic and cultural management regimes to produce high-quality raw forest materials for new and existing products. To do so, CAFS convenes scientists from different disciplines who define and conduct collaborative research on specific and compelling issues relevant to industry that transcend species, regions, and disciplinary boundaries.

Research Areas: 

CAFS’ research is in four primary areas:

Decision-support tools.
Forest genetics.
Forest management.
Remote sensing.

Last Modified Date: 
Friday, October 2, 2020


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