Advancing Food Safety and Security

The US food and beverage industry employs 1.46 million individuals and is responsible for more than 10% of all manufacturing shipments. Even though sanitation is one of the food industry's biggest production expenses, inadequate sanitation remains one of the greatest threats to America's food safety and security due to the lack of modern technology and consistent application of sanitation policies.CAFSS will strive to integrate and streamline the entire food supply chain in the US from 'Farm to Fork' and supply safe (pathogen and allergen free), secure (uninterrupted and fully traceable sources), wholesome and plentiful supply of food to the US and Global consumers.CAFSS objectives will focus on addressing two grand challenges of national importance:1) Ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of affordable, safe, nutritious food not only for the US but also for the rest of the world.2) Equipping and empowering US food manufacturers and their supporting industries, to establish highly competitive manufacturing plants in the US and the world.The US food industry adds commercial value to agricultural products and provides employment opportunities in both rural and urban areas and CAFSS will enhance the overall sustainability and profitability through automation and new private-public partnerships.The proposed CAFSS will bridge technological gaps, which fall under the general theme of food safety, security and traceability of all raw materials throughout the entire supply chain from 'Farm to Fork'. Bridging these gaps will require multidisciplinary collaborations among public and private enterprises and groundbreaking research and development within the following fundamental science and engineering platforms:1) Automation, control and robotics; IoT systems and data integration; 2) New sensors; big data analytics and artificial intelligence; 3) New functionalized surfaces, new materials / coatings 4) Novel food sterilization technologies. Automation, control, and robotics minimize human contact with food and greatly enhance food safety. Newer sensors with data analytics enable the food companies to improve food safety, quality, and traceability. Novel functionalized surfaces enhance food sanitation efficiency thereby reducing production downtime, and energy and water requirements. Novel food sterilization and pasteurization technologies improve food safety with minimal deterioration in food quality and they meet consumers' demand for minimally processed foods.Research projects will be carried out at CAFSS hub facilities in Nebraska and Georgia and the resulting breakthroughs will allow the US food manufacturing industry to join other industries in terms of efficiency, automation, lower cost, predictability, safety and security of goods supplied.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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The US food and beverage industry employs 1.46 million individuals and is responsible for more than 10% of all manufacturing shipments. Even though sanitation is one of the food industry's biggest production expenses, inadequate sanitation remains one of the greatest threats to America's food safety and security due to the lack of modern technology and consistent application of sanitation policies.CAFSS will strive to integrate and streamline the entire food supply chain in the US from 'Farm to Fork' and supply safe (pathogen and allergen free), secure (uninterrupted and fully traceable sources), wholesome and plentiful supply of food to the US and Global consumers.CAFSS objectives will focus on addressing two grand challenges of national importance:1) Ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of affordable, safe, nutritious food not only for the US but also for the rest of the world.2) Equipping and empowering US food manufacturers and their supporting industries, to establish highly competitive manufacturing plants in the US and the world.The US food industry adds commercial value to agricultural products and provides employment opportunities in both rural and urban areas and CAFSS will enhance the overall sustainability and profitability through automation and new private-public partnerships.The proposed CAFSS will bridge technological gaps, which fall under the general theme of food safety, security and traceability of all raw materials throughout the entire supply chain from 'Farm to Fork'. Bridging these gaps will require multidisciplinary collaborations among public and private enterprises and groundbreaking research and development within the following fundamental science and engineering platforms:1) Automation, control and robotics; IoT systems and data integration; 2) New sensors; big data analytics and artificial intelligence; 3) New functionalized surfaces, new materials / coatings 4) Novel food sterilization technologies. Automation, control, and robotics minimize human contact with food and greatly enhance food safety. Newer sensors with data analytics enable the food companies to improve food safety, quality, and traceability. Novel functionalized surfaces enhance food sanitation efficiency thereby reducing production downtime, and energy and water requirements. Novel food sterilization and pasteurization technologies improve food safety with minimal deterioration in food quality and they meet consumers' demand for minimally processed foods.Research projects will be carried out at CAFSS hub facilities in Nebraska and Georgia and the resulting breakthroughs will allow the US food manufacturing industry to join other industries in terms of efficiency, automation, lower cost, predictability, safety and security of goods supplied.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.




United States



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