Architectural and Engineering Design Center

The Architecture and Engineering Design Support Centre (AEDSC) was founded in March 1997. Its first Managing Board was endorsed in November 1997; and its Third board, currently in office was formulated in October 2003. arc1 The Architecture and Engineering Design Support Centre (AEDSC) enjoys the extensive experience of the faculty of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University and the immediate support of selected faculties from other departments in the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University; who collectively combine distinguished professional and academic experience; as well as the support of key specialists in the realms of humanities, economics, horticulture…etc., from the various Faculties of Cairo University. The AEDSC Objectives include: – The provision of specialized professional consultations in the realms of Integrated Architectural, Urban Design & Planning and Environmental Studies. – Co-operation with, and provision of support services for the construction industry, governmental and non-government organisations and institutions (local and regional) in the areas of: Urban and Rural, Touristic and Environmental Development. – Formulation and development of Architectural, Urban and Environmental Databases; and its integration into Architectural, Urban and Development Studies and Design. – Undertaking comprehensive applied research studies in the realms of: Architectural, Environmental Urban & Rural Design and Development. – Organisation & Operation of training programmes, courses and symposia for architects, engineers, planners and interested personnel from closely related specialisations.

Research Areas

Scope of Activities
The Architecture and Engineering Design Support Centre (AEDSC) scope of activities covers:
Development Studies, Integrated Architectural & Engineering Studies, Preparation of Construction & Tender Documents, Building Science & Technology, Environmental Design & Planning, Energy Conservation, Site Planning & Landscaping, Urban renewal & Upgrading, Architectural & Urban Conservation, Urban Design, Housing, Architectural & Urban Computer Aided Design, Assets & Real State Assessment & Evaluation.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations






Africa/Near East/S.Asia

Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Prof. Dr. Medhat El-Shazly

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(202) 35678340



The Architecture and Engineering Design Support Centre (AEDSC) was founded in March 1997. Its first Managing Board was endorsed in November 1997; and its Third board, currently in office was formulated in October 2003. arc1 The Architecture and Engineering Design Support Centre (AEDSC) enjoys the extensive experience of the faculty of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University and the immediate support of selected faculties from other departments in the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University; who collectively combine distinguished professional and academic experience; as well as the support of key specialists in the realms of humanities, economics, horticulture…etc., from the various Faculties of Cairo University. The AEDSC Objectives include: – The provision of specialized professional consultations in the realms of Integrated Architectural, Urban Design & Planning and Environmental Studies. – Co-operation with, and provision of support services for the construction industry, governmental and non-government organisations and institutions (local and regional) in the areas of: Urban and Rural, Touristic and Environmental Development. – Formulation and development of Architectural, Urban and Environmental Databases; and its integration into Architectural, Urban and Development Studies and Design. – Undertaking comprehensive applied research studies in the realms of: Architectural, Environmental Urban & Rural Design and Development. – Organisation & Operation of training programmes, courses and symposia for architects, engineers, planners and interested personnel from closely related specialisations.






Africa/Near East/S.Asia

Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Prof. Dr. Medhat El-Shazly

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(202) 35678340



Research Areas

Scope of Activities
The Architecture and Engineering Design Support Centre (AEDSC) scope of activities covers:
Development Studies, Integrated Architectural & Engineering Studies, Preparation of Construction & Tender Documents, Building Science & Technology, Environmental Design & Planning, Energy Conservation, Site Planning & Landscaping, Urban renewal & Upgrading, Architectural & Urban Conservation, Urban Design, Housing, Architectural & Urban Computer Aided Design, Assets & Real State Assessment & Evaluation.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations