Building Reliable Advances and Innovation in Neurotechnology

The Building Reliable Advances and Innovation in Neurotechnology (BRAIN) Center develops and tests the efficacy, safety, and long-term reliability of patient-centered neurotechnology. The BRAIN Center allows research that would not be possible within the traditional silos of academic, industry, regulatory, and clinical communities. The BRAIN Center’s mission is to develop safe, effective, and affordable personalized neurotechnologies for diagnostics, restoration, enhancement, and rehabilitation of sensory, motor, affective, and cognitive functions. This is pursued by supporting innovative interdisciplinary research across the multiple dimensions of brain function and behavior, with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life. The BRAIN Center’s discoveries: Revolutionize the way scientists and engineers approach the design of complex human-machine systems using data. Interpret brain function from the molecular to the network levels. Harness neuroplasticity and emergent properties at multiple time scales to enhance the engagement and efficacy of human-machine interfaces. Enable innovative devices that support accessible health care and empower individuals to control their own health, wellness, and fitness. Redefine the human-technology frontier.

Research Areas

The BRAIN Center research topics focus on the needs of the members and the capabilities of the participating universities.
Topics include:
Invasive neurotechnology.
Medical devices law, regulation, and ethics.
Mobility assessment and clinical intervention.
Neurological clinical research.
Neurorehabilitation technology.
Noninvasive neurotechnology.
BRAIN Center research areas include:
Big Data.
Clinical trials.
Device development.
Device interoperability.
Neural activity measurement.
Neurorehabilitation and assistive devices.
Regulatory science.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Marco Santello

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The Building Reliable Advances and Innovation in Neurotechnology (BRAIN) Center develops and tests the efficacy, safety, and long-term reliability of patient-centered neurotechnology. The BRAIN Center allows research that would not be possible within the traditional silos of academic, industry, regulatory, and clinical communities. The BRAIN Center’s mission is to develop safe, effective, and affordable personalized neurotechnologies for diagnostics, restoration, enhancement, and rehabilitation of sensory, motor, affective, and cognitive functions. This is pursued by supporting innovative interdisciplinary research across the multiple dimensions of brain function and behavior, with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life. The BRAIN Center’s discoveries: Revolutionize the way scientists and engineers approach the design of complex human-machine systems using data. Interpret brain function from the molecular to the network levels. Harness neuroplasticity and emergent properties at multiple time scales to enhance the engagement and efficacy of human-machine interfaces. Enable innovative devices that support accessible health care and empower individuals to control their own health, wellness, and fitness. Redefine the human-technology frontier.




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Marco Santello

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

The BRAIN Center research topics focus on the needs of the members and the capabilities of the participating universities.
Topics include:
Invasive neurotechnology.
Medical devices law, regulation, and ethics.
Mobility assessment and clinical intervention.
Neurological clinical research.
Neurorehabilitation technology.
Noninvasive neurotechnology.
BRAIN Center research areas include:
Big Data.
Clinical trials.
Device development.
Device interoperability.
Neural activity measurement.
Neurorehabilitation and assistive devices.
Regulatory science.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations