Center for Applied Innovation in Competitive Technologies

Contribute to industrial development and improve the quality of life of society through the application of science, technology and innovation in the areas of sustainability, occupational health and manufacturing industry.

Research Areas

These are projects that create innovative products through the improvement and optimization of production processes.
Advanced materials design
Development of formulations and components in soles and insoles
Product design and development
Prototype Manufacturing
Design 2 and 3D
Design of ergonomic solutions: product, furniture, workspaces, biomechanical systems
Design of special manufacturing devices
Industrial and process engineering
Design of conformity assessment laboratories
Design of footwear and tannery manufacturing plants
Optimization of material, process and product routes in the production areas
Diagnostics and consulting for the development of suppliers and supply chain
Application of quality tools for continuous improvement
"ARP" Process Risk Analysis (Accident Prevention Program)
Electromechanical engineering
Industrial automation
Design, development and optimization of machinery and laboratory equipment
Diagnostics and projects for saving and efficient use of electric energy
Maintenance of industrial electrical installations
Electrical risk diagnoses in the facilities, based on current regulations
Diagnosis and resolution of problems in mechanical systems
Standardization and Certification
Product Certification
Evaluation and certification of quality processes and systems
Certification for tariff pre-classification
Standardization services
Systems engineering
Software development for design, manufacturing, logistics and electronic business
Information Technology, logistics, distribution and marketing consulting
These are technological development projects whose implementation impacts directly on people's health, whether in urban and rural environments, or within a work environment.
Atlas of occupational risk
Studies of physical operating conditions, industrial safety and hygiene in processes, health risks, environmental toxicology and work ergonomics and design of corrective measures.
Biomechanics and Ergonomics
Anthropometric studies (3D, Vicon Type) in footwear as the basis for the design and development of specialized or functional footwear.
Anthropometric studies (3D Type Vicon) in gloves
Biomechanical evaluation of footwear
Occupational ergonomics
Medical biomechanics
Dynamics of human gait
Postural static or balance tests
Plantar pressures in a static and dynamic way
Accelerometry of pelvic limbs, arms and head
Prototype generation of footwear components
Generation of custom templates or templates or for user groups
Shoe characterization shows as comfortable walking shoes (flexible, non-slip, impact attenuator) under normal conditions
Determination of the magnitudes of reaction forces when walking, through the walkway
Determination of the magnitudes of balancing forces for each foot when walking
Determination of the speed and cadence of the user when walking
Determination of the tread angle (direction of the footprint)
Determination of mechanical braking and takeoff impulses
Determination of the mapping of plantar pressures for each foot (external, internal, rearfoot, forefoot) and numerical value
Determination of the maximum pressure intensity for each foot
Determination of the barycenter as a result of the gait process and the type of normal, flat and smooth tread
The development and implementation of these projects has a direct impact on the environmental well-being of society.
Water, soil and waste
Evaluation, characterization and remediation of contaminated sites (isolation and identification of microorganisms of biotechnological interest)
Waste management
Development of technologies for waste recovery
Cost minimization through cleaner production schemes (energy and material savings)
Design, execution and supervision of efficient use and water treatment systems
Ecological land use plan
Zoning and land use regulations
Environmental risk
Performance of Environmental Risk Studies "ERA"
Sustainability (alternative energy and climate change analysis)
Environmental sampling and monitoring plans (chain of custody)
Realization of municipal risk atlases (Sanitary-ecological, geological, socio-organizational, hydrometeorological and chemical-technological)
Design and execution of environmental monitoring
Environmental management (standards development, systems reengineering, among others)
Environmental audit
Urban areas
Prospective studies and growth prospects for urban areas
Partial Development Plans
Urban observatories
Generation of geographic information systems
Analysis of the physical environment through remote perception
Ecological and territorial planning studies

Facilities & Resources

Annually, we work with more than 1600 companies and institutions. CIATEC makes available to the industries a wide variety of laboratory tests, all carried out with quality and strict adherence to compliance with the standards that characterize the center (NMX-CC-ISO 9001-IMNC-2008 and NMX-EC-17025 -IMNC-2006). CIATEC laboratories are accredited before the Mexican accreditation body (ema). LABORATORY OF CHEMICAL-ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Characterization of materials in raw materials, chemicals and polymers. Analysis of restricted substances (safety in raw materials, leather and finished product). Water analysis: residual, natural and potable Waste Analysis (CRIT) Analysis of leather products (gloves, footwear, among others; this type of analysis includes microbial product tests) PHYSICAL-MECHANICAL TESTING LABORATORY A Leather and footwear Clothing and textiles Personal protection equipment Polymers (rubber, plastics and plastic films) Automotive parts (we have a unique laboratory in the country that tests airbags) Carton and paper X-ray footwear Upholstery METROLOGY LABORATORY Calibration and maintenance services of measurement equipment are offered in the following quantities: Mass Volume Temperature Dimensional Density Pressure Hardness Weather To bring calibration services to industries, there is a mobile laboratory. BIOMECHANICAL LABORATORY To finished footwear: Metatarsal flexion Friction sole Impact (stiffness and energy absorption) TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER OFFICE (OTT) Its mission is to transfer the technologies generated in the Research and Development projects of the productive and social sectors to generate businesses based on innovations of products, services and processes that produce a high economic and social impact. Objectives: Conduct market research and validations of the technologies developed in CIATEC and / or by our clients. Provide legal advice and assistance in matters of intellectual or industrial property, licensing and transfer of technology; as well as on the issue of protection for innovations. Search for funds for innovations developed in CIATEC and / or at the request of customers. Carry out the negotiation of technologies. Develop valuation studies of intangibles. Find strategic partners for innovation projects. Offer advice for business incubation (Development of strategic plans for innovations). Provide support for the generation and launch of technology-based companies (spin off, spin out).

Partner Organizations







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dr. Ricardo Guerra Sánchez

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


52 (477) 710 00 11


Omega no. 201
Col. Industrial Delta
C.P. 37545

Contribute to industrial development and improve the quality of life of society through the application of science, technology and innovation in the areas of sustainability, occupational health and manufacturing industry.







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dr. Ricardo Guerra Sánchez

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


52 (477) 710 00 11


Omega no. 201
Col. Industrial Delta
C.P. 37545

Research Areas

These are projects that create innovative products through the improvement and optimization of production processes.
Advanced materials design
Development of formulations and components in soles and insoles
Product design and development
Prototype Manufacturing
Design 2 and 3D
Design of ergonomic solutions: product, furniture, workspaces, biomechanical systems
Design of special manufacturing devices
Industrial and process engineering
Design of conformity assessment laboratories
Design of footwear and tannery manufacturing plants
Optimization of material, process and product routes in the production areas
Diagnostics and consulting for the development of suppliers and supply chain
Application of quality tools for continuous improvement
"ARP" Process Risk Analysis (Accident Prevention Program)
Electromechanical engineering
Industrial automation
Design, development and optimization of machinery and laboratory equipment
Diagnostics and projects for saving and efficient use of electric energy
Maintenance of industrial electrical installations
Electrical risk diagnoses in the facilities, based on current regulations
Diagnosis and resolution of problems in mechanical systems
Standardization and Certification
Product Certification
Evaluation and certification of quality processes and systems
Certification for tariff pre-classification
Standardization services
Systems engineering
Software development for design, manufacturing, logistics and electronic business
Information Technology, logistics, distribution and marketing consulting
These are technological development projects whose implementation impacts directly on people's health, whether in urban and rural environments, or within a work environment.
Atlas of occupational risk
Studies of physical operating conditions, industrial safety and hygiene in processes, health risks, environmental toxicology and work ergonomics and design of corrective measures.
Biomechanics and Ergonomics
Anthropometric studies (3D, Vicon Type) in footwear as the basis for the design and development of specialized or functional footwear.
Anthropometric studies (3D Type Vicon) in gloves
Biomechanical evaluation of footwear
Occupational ergonomics
Medical biomechanics
Dynamics of human gait
Postural static or balance tests
Plantar pressures in a static and dynamic way
Accelerometry of pelvic limbs, arms and head
Prototype generation of footwear components
Generation of custom templates or templates or for user groups
Shoe characterization shows as comfortable walking shoes (flexible, non-slip, impact attenuator) under normal conditions
Determination of the magnitudes of reaction forces when walking, through the walkway
Determination of the magnitudes of balancing forces for each foot when walking
Determination of the speed and cadence of the user when walking
Determination of the tread angle (direction of the footprint)
Determination of mechanical braking and takeoff impulses
Determination of the mapping of plantar pressures for each foot (external, internal, rearfoot, forefoot) and numerical value
Determination of the maximum pressure intensity for each foot
Determination of the barycenter as a result of the gait process and the type of normal, flat and smooth tread
The development and implementation of these projects has a direct impact on the environmental well-being of society.
Water, soil and waste
Evaluation, characterization and remediation of contaminated sites (isolation and identification of microorganisms of biotechnological interest)
Waste management
Development of technologies for waste recovery
Cost minimization through cleaner production schemes (energy and material savings)
Design, execution and supervision of efficient use and water treatment systems
Ecological land use plan
Zoning and land use regulations
Environmental risk
Performance of Environmental Risk Studies "ERA"
Sustainability (alternative energy and climate change analysis)
Environmental sampling and monitoring plans (chain of custody)
Realization of municipal risk atlases (Sanitary-ecological, geological, socio-organizational, hydrometeorological and chemical-technological)
Design and execution of environmental monitoring
Environmental management (standards development, systems reengineering, among others)
Environmental audit
Urban areas
Prospective studies and growth prospects for urban areas
Partial Development Plans
Urban observatories
Generation of geographic information systems
Analysis of the physical environment through remote perception
Ecological and territorial planning studies

Facilities & Resources

Annually, we work with more than 1600 companies and institutions. CIATEC makes available to the industries a wide variety of laboratory tests, all carried out with quality and strict adherence to compliance with the standards that characterize the center (NMX-CC-ISO 9001-IMNC-2008 and NMX-EC-17025 -IMNC-2006). CIATEC laboratories are accredited before the Mexican accreditation body (ema). LABORATORY OF CHEMICAL-ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Characterization of materials in raw materials, chemicals and polymers. Analysis of restricted substances (safety in raw materials, leather and finished product). Water analysis: residual, natural and potable Waste Analysis (CRIT) Analysis of leather products (gloves, footwear, among others; this type of analysis includes microbial product tests) PHYSICAL-MECHANICAL TESTING LABORATORY A Leather and footwear Clothing and textiles Personal protection equipment Polymers (rubber, plastics and plastic films) Automotive parts (we have a unique laboratory in the country that tests airbags) Carton and paper X-ray footwear Upholstery METROLOGY LABORATORY Calibration and maintenance services of measurement equipment are offered in the following quantities: Mass Volume Temperature Dimensional Density Pressure Hardness Weather To bring calibration services to industries, there is a mobile laboratory. BIOMECHANICAL LABORATORY To finished footwear: Metatarsal flexion Friction sole Impact (stiffness and energy absorption) TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER OFFICE (OTT) Its mission is to transfer the technologies generated in the Research and Development projects of the productive and social sectors to generate businesses based on innovations of products, services and processes that produce a high economic and social impact. Objectives: Conduct market research and validations of the technologies developed in CIATEC and / or by our clients. Provide legal advice and assistance in matters of intellectual or industrial property, licensing and transfer of technology; as well as on the issue of protection for innovations. Search for funds for innovations developed in CIATEC and / or at the request of customers. Carry out the negotiation of technologies. Develop valuation studies of intangibles. Find strategic partners for innovation projects. Offer advice for business incubation (Development of strategic plans for innovations). Provide support for the generation and launch of technology-based companies (spin off, spin out).

Partner Organizations