Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology

[an NSF Graduated Center] Recent advances in engineering and computer science will make it possible to overcome the traditional limitations in the planning and execution of surgical procedures. The Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology (CISST) Engineering Research Center (ERC) was established by the National Science Foundation to encourage the research, education and technology transfer that will be needed to achieve three major goals: Reduce surgical costs substantially Improve clinical outcomes Make healthcare delivery more efficient Overall Mission The CISST ERC mission is to develop novel computing methods, interfacial technologies and computer-integrated surgical systems to significantly improve surgical procedures in the 21st Century. The industrial collaborators provide the systems development infrastructure for rapid prototyping and validation of surgical systems concepts for carrying out surgical interventions that are more accurate and less invasive. Another vital part of our mission is to educate the next generation of researchers, engineers and clinicians who will lead the way in the rapidly expanding field of computer-integrated surgery. The Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology Engineering Research Center (CISST ERC) is striving to make surgical interventions less invasive, less risky (for patients and clinicians), more efficient, less costly, and capable of achieving better patient outcomes. This entails providing clinicians with more useful information, prior to and during the procedure, and more precise instrumentation. The means for accomplishing this is the creation of modular, integrated systems comprised of an imaging modality (e.g., CT scan, MRI, ultrasound or X-ray), computer processing, sensors, robotic devices, and human-machine interfaces. These systems will be able to do a wide variety of surgical interventions in nearly every organ system or part of the human body. They will be less expensive than existing surgical robot systems and more easily reconfigured to progress rapidly from one patient and procedure to another. They will enable many clinicians to perform procedures with competence that only a few clinicians now have; they will also allow clinicians to perform procedures that no one can now do with existing technology. Intellectual Merit. Creation of the surgical systems described above requires innovative research and problem-solving in modeling and analysis, interface technology, and systems science. It also requires advances in the knowledge and understanding of basic science and engineering, enabling technology and engineered systems. Researchers at the CISST ERC are recognized leaders in the field, working in multi-disciplinary teams to conduct leading edge research. Engineering disciplines include computer science, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering. Clinical partners are drawn from general surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, clinical oncology and interventional radiology. A systems focus and test bed environments provide an innovative environment for the development of novel applications of image-guided, robotically assisted diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Broader Impact. The CISST ERC has developed a strong infrastructure geared to systems integration and cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches. This also enables the Center to compete successfully for additional resources from a variety of government and private sector sources. It has also developed an innovative education and outreach program that fosters interest in computer-integrated surgery, and the many engineering challenges it poses, among teachers and students over a wide band of institutions and a racially and gender diverse population. Extensive collaboration with industry partners helps to infuse a practical perspective, so that research projects are not only clinically relevant, but also look towards potential commercialization. This collaboration, and the continuing development of the field, is enhanced by the high caliber of students graduating from the program and taking positions with leading companies in this field. The CISST ERC is developing a portfolio of intellectual property, some of which has already been licensed to a start-up company created to bring a moderately priced, adaptable, image-guided robotic system to market as soon as possible. The CISST ERC provides a collaborative environment for a three-way partnership between academe, NSF and industry. The university/hospital teams are: Johns Hopkins University (lead institution and headquarters) and Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brigham and Women’s Hospital Carnegie Mellon University and Shadyside Hospital

Research Areas

Structure of the Research Program
The “systems evolution” depicted in Figure B-2 has demanded a set of deliberate strategic changes in our entire center, most of which took place in Years 4 and 5. These changes involved the termination of an entire thrust (The original Thrust 3), the redefinition of our clinical focus and testbed milestones in Thrust 1, a strengthened focus on common CIS architectures in both thrusts, the creation of new research activities, and the termination of certain research activities because of completion or lack of relevance or productivity. To recognize the importance of underyling common CIS subsystems, last year we declared a new thrust (Thrust 0), Infrastructure, which is led by Dr. Peter Kazanzides, who was hired specifically to lead this thrust.
Our thrusts are not separate activities. Instead, as illustrated in Figure B-5, Thrust 0 is an R&D program that cuts across both Thrusts 1 and 2. Thrust 0 supports Thrust 1 and 2 in the implementation of specific systems, as well as being actively engaged in the definition of the next generation of CIS systems. Thrust 0 is an important arm in “hardening” our systems for both clinical adoption and commercial marketing.
Our research, although spanning the strategic plan from basic to applied research, is directed toward validation (proof-of-concept) within specific surgical scenarios, sometimes even for particular surgeries. In selecting specific surgical scenarios/testbeds, we apply several criteria:
Clinician involvement. This begins with the formation of a surgeon-researcher-engineer team. Fortunately, the CISST-ERC is associated with world-class medical institutions and our clinical collaborators have been strong and active supporters of our efforts.
Clinical importance of the proposed surgical application. We evaluate whether the procedure or condition to be treated is prevalent in the population, whether the “leverage” offered by the system’s capabilities over existing techniques is substantial, and whether there are potentially significant cost/quality impacts on clinical outcomes?
The project’s synergy with development of novel therapies. For example, there is widespread clinical research focused on development of localized therapy for cancer that requires the ability to integrate optimized dose planning and accurate delivery of patterns of localized treatments, such as radiation seeds, RF or laser ablation, or injected drugs.
Technical suitability. This is important for targeting of novel capabilities that are sufficiently difficult to require significant advances in basic knowledge and technology, but not impossible.
Availability of suitable infrastructure and “critical mass” to support the proposed application. In addition to clinician input, such factors include available imaging environments and databases, related research that can be leveraged, the potential for supplemental funding, and the interest of key researchers.
Industry interest. The center looks for projects that build upon ERC core strengths and are of interest to our industrial affiliates in order to promote collaborative work with them.
Overall research direction is then provided by the surgical scenarios on which we have chosen to concentrate. The research barriers to these scenarios must then be addressed, and projects funded according to priority. Researchers closest to the application have generally identified the technical barriers that must be addressed, and broad discussion during our planning cycle has led to detailed project planning in order to accomplish our overall goals. Funding priorities are ultimately set by the ERC Leadership and decisions to start new core-funded projects, continue funding, or de-fund projects are made every year. The allocation of our resources – including faculty, students, post-docs, and dollars – is set forth in table 2. It shows significant growth in funding, particularly in thrust 1 and the newly created tasks 1.4 and 0.1. We have been very successful in acquiring non-core funds to support projects within our strategy. This is a strong indication of the strength of our investigators and success of our strategic planning process.
Appendix II-A provides a list of all the research projects, by thrust, which fall within our research strategy and for which our faculty investigators have received funding. The list identifies, for each project, the investigators, the investigators’ departmental and institutional affiliations, and the sponsoring agency. Appendix II-B provides a comparable list of projects for which we are seeking additional funding as a means of enhancing our research and preparing for continuation after our core NSF funding expires.
Systems Vision
The mission of the Center for Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology (CISST ERC) is to develop computer-integrated surgical (CIS) systems that will significantly change the way surgical procedures are carried out. Specifically, we will develop a family of systems that will combine innovative algorithms, robotic devices, imaging systems, sensors, and human-machine interfaces to work cooperatively with surgeons in the planning and execution of surgical procedures. Our goal is to produce systems that will greatly reduce costs, improve clinical outcomes, and increase the efficiency of health care delivery. By improving therapeutic precision and consistency, these systems will reduce therapeutic risks and enable the development of new treatment options.
We are addressing key knowledge, technology, and system design challenges that must be overcome in the development of CIS systems. By working closely with industry and clinicians, we will promote transfer of these results into clinical use and help educate a new generation of engineers, clinicians, and researchers needed to support this rapidly expanding field.
Systems Vision – Coupling Information Technology to Surgical Actions to Significantly Change Surgery
The growing demand for complex and minimally invasive surgical interventions is driving the search for ways to use computer-based information technology as a link between the preoperative plan and the tools utilized by the surgeon. Figure A-1 illustrates the architecture of CIS systems. At the core is a computer or network of computers performing modeling and analysis tasks such as image processing, surgical planning, monitoring and control of surgical processes. A variety of interface devices permit the computers to obtain images and other information about the patient, to assist physically in the surgical intervention, and to communicate with the surgeon and operating room personnel. The computers have access to anatomical atlases and statistical databases that can be used to assist in surgical planning, execution, and follow-up.
Data flow associated with these systems:
Images and other information about a patient are combined with statistical atlases of anatomy to create a patient-specific model for use in surgical planning. In the operating room, imaging and other sensing is used to register the preoperative model to current reality and to update the model and plan. Once this is done, the surgeon may supervise a robot that carries out a specific treatment step, such as inserting a needle or machining bone. In other cases, the CIS system will provide information to assist the surgeon’s manual execution of a task, for example through the use of computer graphic overlays on the surgeon’s field of view. In yet other cases, these modes will be combined. Post-operatively, the same imaging, modeling, and analysis capabilities can be used to facilitate patient follow-up and longer-term assessment of the effectiveness of treatment plans.
We refer to this paradigm of patient-specific modeling and planning, coupled with computer-assisted surgical execution and follow-up, as Surgical CAD/CAM, emphasizing the analogy with computer-integrated design and manufacturing systems. We refer to these CIS systems that work interactively with surgeons to extend human capabilities in carrying out surgical tasks as Surgical Assistants. These characterizations are complementary and not mutually exclusive. They draw upon common technologies, and real systems often have both CAD/CAM and Assistant traits. Nevertheless, the terms are useful as a means of structuring our vision of CISST.

Facilities & Resources

Equipment and Space The Center has substantial laboratory space and facilities at all participating institutions. There are extensive laboratory facilities at the Homewood Campus. In the last year, the were substantial enlargements of the space available for Greg Hager’s computer vision laboratory and Russ Taylor’s robotics laboratory. There are also laboratory facilities at the JHU Medical Center, including medical imaging and a facility for animal surgery, and at the Urobotics Laboratory at the Bayview Medical Center. Facilities at the other institutions are also extensive, including the Center for Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery at CMU and the Surgical Planning Laboratory at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The Center also has access to valuable imaging and robotic equipment, including Intuitive Surgical’s da Vinci surgical robot at the Minimally Invasive Surgical Training Center at JHU, Computer Motion’s Zeus surgical robot at Harvard, a “double donut” open MRI at the Surgical Planning Laboratory at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Northern Digital’s Optotrak, Polaris and Aurora tracking technologies.

Partner Organizations

The Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Carnegie Mellon University
Shadyside Hospital




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(410) 516-3837


3400 N. Charles Street
113 Hackerman Hall

[an NSF Graduated Center] Recent advances in engineering and computer science will make it possible to overcome the traditional limitations in the planning and execution of surgical procedures. The Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology (CISST) Engineering Research Center (ERC) was established by the National Science Foundation to encourage the research, education and technology transfer that will be needed to achieve three major goals: Reduce surgical costs substantially Improve clinical outcomes Make healthcare delivery more efficient Overall Mission The CISST ERC mission is to develop novel computing methods, interfacial technologies and computer-integrated surgical systems to significantly improve surgical procedures in the 21st Century. The industrial collaborators provide the systems development infrastructure for rapid prototyping and validation of surgical systems concepts for carrying out surgical interventions that are more accurate and less invasive. Another vital part of our mission is to educate the next generation of researchers, engineers and clinicians who will lead the way in the rapidly expanding field of computer-integrated surgery. The Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology Engineering Research Center (CISST ERC) is striving to make surgical interventions less invasive, less risky (for patients and clinicians), more efficient, less costly, and capable of achieving better patient outcomes. This entails providing clinicians with more useful information, prior to and during the procedure, and more precise instrumentation. The means for accomplishing this is the creation of modular, integrated systems comprised of an imaging modality (e.g., CT scan, MRI, ultrasound or X-ray), computer processing, sensors, robotic devices, and human-machine interfaces. These systems will be able to do a wide variety of surgical interventions in nearly every organ system or part of the human body. They will be less expensive than existing surgical robot systems and more easily reconfigured to progress rapidly from one patient and procedure to another. They will enable many clinicians to perform procedures with competence that only a few clinicians now have; they will also allow clinicians to perform procedures that no one can now do with existing technology. Intellectual Merit. Creation of the surgical systems described above requires innovative research and problem-solving in modeling and analysis, interface technology, and systems science. It also requires advances in the knowledge and understanding of basic science and engineering, enabling technology and engineered systems. Researchers at the CISST ERC are recognized leaders in the field, working in multi-disciplinary teams to conduct leading edge research. Engineering disciplines include computer science, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering. Clinical partners are drawn from general surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, clinical oncology and interventional radiology. A systems focus and test bed environments provide an innovative environment for the development of novel applications of image-guided, robotically assisted diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Broader Impact. The CISST ERC has developed a strong infrastructure geared to systems integration and cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches. This also enables the Center to compete successfully for additional resources from a variety of government and private sector sources. It has also developed an innovative education and outreach program that fosters interest in computer-integrated surgery, and the many engineering challenges it poses, among teachers and students over a wide band of institutions and a racially and gender diverse population. Extensive collaboration with industry partners helps to infuse a practical perspective, so that research projects are not only clinically relevant, but also look towards potential commercialization. This collaboration, and the continuing development of the field, is enhanced by the high caliber of students graduating from the program and taking positions with leading companies in this field. The CISST ERC is developing a portfolio of intellectual property, some of which has already been licensed to a start-up company created to bring a moderately priced, adaptable, image-guided robotic system to market as soon as possible. The CISST ERC provides a collaborative environment for a three-way partnership between academe, NSF and industry. The university/hospital teams are: Johns Hopkins University (lead institution and headquarters) and Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brigham and Women’s Hospital Carnegie Mellon University and Shadyside Hospital




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(410) 516-3837


3400 N. Charles Street
113 Hackerman Hall

Research Areas

Structure of the Research Program
The “systems evolution” depicted in Figure B-2 has demanded a set of deliberate strategic changes in our entire center, most of which took place in Years 4 and 5. These changes involved the termination of an entire thrust (The original Thrust 3), the redefinition of our clinical focus and testbed milestones in Thrust 1, a strengthened focus on common CIS architectures in both thrusts, the creation of new research activities, and the termination of certain research activities because of completion or lack of relevance or productivity. To recognize the importance of underyling common CIS subsystems, last year we declared a new thrust (Thrust 0), Infrastructure, which is led by Dr. Peter Kazanzides, who was hired specifically to lead this thrust.
Our thrusts are not separate activities. Instead, as illustrated in Figure B-5, Thrust 0 is an R&D program that cuts across both Thrusts 1 and 2. Thrust 0 supports Thrust 1 and 2 in the implementation of specific systems, as well as being actively engaged in the definition of the next generation of CIS systems. Thrust 0 is an important arm in “hardening” our systems for both clinical adoption and commercial marketing.
Our research, although spanning the strategic plan from basic to applied research, is directed toward validation (proof-of-concept) within specific surgical scenarios, sometimes even for particular surgeries. In selecting specific surgical scenarios/testbeds, we apply several criteria:
Clinician involvement. This begins with the formation of a surgeon-researcher-engineer team. Fortunately, the CISST-ERC is associated with world-class medical institutions and our clinical collaborators have been strong and active supporters of our efforts.
Clinical importance of the proposed surgical application. We evaluate whether the procedure or condition to be treated is prevalent in the population, whether the “leverage” offered by the system’s capabilities over existing techniques is substantial, and whether there are potentially significant cost/quality impacts on clinical outcomes?
The project’s synergy with development of novel therapies. For example, there is widespread clinical research focused on development of localized therapy for cancer that requires the ability to integrate optimized dose planning and accurate delivery of patterns of localized treatments, such as radiation seeds, RF or laser ablation, or injected drugs.
Technical suitability. This is important for targeting of novel capabilities that are sufficiently difficult to require significant advances in basic knowledge and technology, but not impossible.
Availability of suitable infrastructure and “critical mass” to support the proposed application. In addition to clinician input, such factors include available imaging environments and databases, related research that can be leveraged, the potential for supplemental funding, and the interest of key researchers.
Industry interest. The center looks for projects that build upon ERC core strengths and are of interest to our industrial affiliates in order to promote collaborative work with them.
Overall research direction is then provided by the surgical scenarios on which we have chosen to concentrate. The research barriers to these scenarios must then be addressed, and projects funded according to priority. Researchers closest to the application have generally identified the technical barriers that must be addressed, and broad discussion during our planning cycle has led to detailed project planning in order to accomplish our overall goals. Funding priorities are ultimately set by the ERC Leadership and decisions to start new core-funded projects, continue funding, or de-fund projects are made every year. The allocation of our resources – including faculty, students, post-docs, and dollars – is set forth in table 2. It shows significant growth in funding, particularly in thrust 1 and the newly created tasks 1.4 and 0.1. We have been very successful in acquiring non-core funds to support projects within our strategy. This is a strong indication of the strength of our investigators and success of our strategic planning process.
Appendix II-A provides a list of all the research projects, by thrust, which fall within our research strategy and for which our faculty investigators have received funding. The list identifies, for each project, the investigators, the investigators’ departmental and institutional affiliations, and the sponsoring agency. Appendix II-B provides a comparable list of projects for which we are seeking additional funding as a means of enhancing our research and preparing for continuation after our core NSF funding expires.
Systems Vision
The mission of the Center for Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology (CISST ERC) is to develop computer-integrated surgical (CIS) systems that will significantly change the way surgical procedures are carried out. Specifically, we will develop a family of systems that will combine innovative algorithms, robotic devices, imaging systems, sensors, and human-machine interfaces to work cooperatively with surgeons in the planning and execution of surgical procedures. Our goal is to produce systems that will greatly reduce costs, improve clinical outcomes, and increase the efficiency of health care delivery. By improving therapeutic precision and consistency, these systems will reduce therapeutic risks and enable the development of new treatment options.
We are addressing key knowledge, technology, and system design challenges that must be overcome in the development of CIS systems. By working closely with industry and clinicians, we will promote transfer of these results into clinical use and help educate a new generation of engineers, clinicians, and researchers needed to support this rapidly expanding field.
Systems Vision – Coupling Information Technology to Surgical Actions to Significantly Change Surgery
The growing demand for complex and minimally invasive surgical interventions is driving the search for ways to use computer-based information technology as a link between the preoperative plan and the tools utilized by the surgeon. Figure A-1 illustrates the architecture of CIS systems. At the core is a computer or network of computers performing modeling and analysis tasks such as image processing, surgical planning, monitoring and control of surgical processes. A variety of interface devices permit the computers to obtain images and other information about the patient, to assist physically in the surgical intervention, and to communicate with the surgeon and operating room personnel. The computers have access to anatomical atlases and statistical databases that can be used to assist in surgical planning, execution, and follow-up.
Data flow associated with these systems:
Images and other information about a patient are combined with statistical atlases of anatomy to create a patient-specific model for use in surgical planning. In the operating room, imaging and other sensing is used to register the preoperative model to current reality and to update the model and plan. Once this is done, the surgeon may supervise a robot that carries out a specific treatment step, such as inserting a needle or machining bone. In other cases, the CIS system will provide information to assist the surgeon’s manual execution of a task, for example through the use of computer graphic overlays on the surgeon’s field of view. In yet other cases, these modes will be combined. Post-operatively, the same imaging, modeling, and analysis capabilities can be used to facilitate patient follow-up and longer-term assessment of the effectiveness of treatment plans.
We refer to this paradigm of patient-specific modeling and planning, coupled with computer-assisted surgical execution and follow-up, as Surgical CAD/CAM, emphasizing the analogy with computer-integrated design and manufacturing systems. We refer to these CIS systems that work interactively with surgeons to extend human capabilities in carrying out surgical tasks as Surgical Assistants. These characterizations are complementary and not mutually exclusive. They draw upon common technologies, and real systems often have both CAD/CAM and Assistant traits. Nevertheless, the terms are useful as a means of structuring our vision of CISST.

Facilities & Resources

Equipment and Space The Center has substantial laboratory space and facilities at all participating institutions. There are extensive laboratory facilities at the Homewood Campus. In the last year, the were substantial enlargements of the space available for Greg Hager’s computer vision laboratory and Russ Taylor’s robotics laboratory. There are also laboratory facilities at the JHU Medical Center, including medical imaging and a facility for animal surgery, and at the Urobotics Laboratory at the Bayview Medical Center. Facilities at the other institutions are also extensive, including the Center for Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery at CMU and the Surgical Planning Laboratory at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The Center also has access to valuable imaging and robotic equipment, including Intuitive Surgical’s da Vinci surgical robot at the Minimally Invasive Surgical Training Center at JHU, Computer Motion’s Zeus surgical robot at Harvard, a “double donut” open MRI at the Surgical Planning Laboratory at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Northern Digital’s Optotrak, Polaris and Aurora tracking technologies.

Partner Organizations

The Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Carnegie Mellon University
Shadyside Hospital