Confirm Smart Manufacturing

CONFIRM is a world-leading research institute in Smart Manufacturing CONFIRM believes in creating a community of practice where industry, researchers, and the general public can learn about smart manufacturing and industry 4.0. We have an extensive researcher network that spans 9 research partner institutes. Across our partner institutes, we have an array of cutting-edge equipment to enable industries’ transformation towards becoming world-leaders in Smart Manufacturing. To date, CONFIRM has secured €45M in funding with over 100 industry partners engaged. CONFIRM is based in Limerick, Ireland which is based in the Mid-West region of Ireland. The Mid-West region is home to over 100 overseas companies many of which have manufacturing facilities. In addition, we are situated in proximity to an international airport and various motorways making CONFIRM easily accessible for national and international businesses.

Research Areas

CONFIRM works with 9 partner institutions nationwide to transform the Smart Manufacturing ecosystem, enabling industry to be at the forefront of Smart Manufacturing. There are 4 key spokes to CONFIRM:
Smart products
Smart machines
Smart production
Smart supply chains
Within these 4 spokes, there are key research areas, which include, data analytics, Enterprise Modelling & simulation, Material processing, Networking systems & IOT, Product & process modelling, Robotics & control, Sensors and Software systems.

Facilities & Resources

FACILITIES CONFIRM’s new headquarters, a bespoke 1619 m2 facility based in Park Point, Limerick, will open on February 2020. This facility will enable a community of practice where CONFIRM will host 70 researchers, 12 operational and management staff, resident and visiting investigators from CONFIRM’s 9 national research partners, international collaborators, industry partners, as well as test-bed and prototype facilities. INFRASTRUCTURE Across our partner institutes, we have an array of cutting edge equipment to enable Industries’ transformation towards becoming world-leaders in Smart Manufacturing. JAMIR – Joining of Advanced Materials using Industry 4.0 Maxiem 1530 Water-Jet Machining Centre (WJMC) Branson 2000x Ultrasonic Welder Cobot Universal Robot Arm (UR3/UR5) complete with RG2 Collaborative Gripper Product & Process Development Labs Process Technology Services

Partner Organizations







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Conor McCarthy

Contact Title

Centre Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail




IBC Block2
University of Limerick

CONFIRM is a world-leading research institute in Smart Manufacturing CONFIRM believes in creating a community of practice where industry, researchers, and the general public can learn about smart manufacturing and industry 4.0. We have an extensive researcher network that spans 9 research partner institutes. Across our partner institutes, we have an array of cutting-edge equipment to enable industries’ transformation towards becoming world-leaders in Smart Manufacturing. To date, CONFIRM has secured €45M in funding with over 100 industry partners engaged. CONFIRM is based in Limerick, Ireland which is based in the Mid-West region of Ireland. The Mid-West region is home to over 100 overseas companies many of which have manufacturing facilities. In addition, we are situated in proximity to an international airport and various motorways making CONFIRM easily accessible for national and international businesses.







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Conor McCarthy

Contact Title

Centre Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail




IBC Block2
University of Limerick

Research Areas

CONFIRM works with 9 partner institutions nationwide to transform the Smart Manufacturing ecosystem, enabling industry to be at the forefront of Smart Manufacturing. There are 4 key spokes to CONFIRM:
Smart products
Smart machines
Smart production
Smart supply chains
Within these 4 spokes, there are key research areas, which include, data analytics, Enterprise Modelling & simulation, Material processing, Networking systems & IOT, Product & process modelling, Robotics & control, Sensors and Software systems.

Facilities & Resources

FACILITIES CONFIRM’s new headquarters, a bespoke 1619 m2 facility based in Park Point, Limerick, will open on February 2020. This facility will enable a community of practice where CONFIRM will host 70 researchers, 12 operational and management staff, resident and visiting investigators from CONFIRM’s 9 national research partners, international collaborators, industry partners, as well as test-bed and prototype facilities. INFRASTRUCTURE Across our partner institutes, we have an array of cutting edge equipment to enable Industries’ transformation towards becoming world-leaders in Smart Manufacturing. JAMIR – Joining of Advanced Materials using Industry 4.0 Maxiem 1530 Water-Jet Machining Centre (WJMC) Branson 2000x Ultrasonic Welder Cobot Universal Robot Arm (UR3/UR5) complete with RG2 Collaborative Gripper Product & Process Development Labs Process Technology Services

Partner Organizations