​Laboratory of 2D Materials for Optoelectronics

The 2D Optoelectronics Lab was established in April 2016 under the Top 5-100 Competitiveness Enhancement Programme implemented by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The Lab is engaged in research of optical and electronic properties of 2D materials to create unparalleled optoelectronic devices. The Lab focuses on such 2D systems as graphene, chalcogenide monolayers of transition metals, mercury telluride quantum wells, etc. The main applications of such materials are far-IR and THz emitters and supersensitive detectors. There are both practical and theoretical researchers on the team who can solve the most complex problems. The Lab partners with the global leading 2D system physics research centres: the University of Manchester (UK), MIT (USA), Tohoku University (Japan.) Within MIPT, the Lab is a division of the Centre for Photonics and 2D Materials and have access to one-of-a-kind optical, electronic, measuring instruments, and manufacturing equipment. For four years, the Lab researchers have published over 20 papers in top-rated journals including Physical Review Letters and Nature Communication. In collaboration with Russian and international colleagues, the team has developed the first graphene plasmon-assisted resonant THz radiation detector. The Lab short-term plans cover the development and manufacturing of IR detectors for heat imaging applications, and creating electrically controlled THz emitters.

Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations



Russian Federation



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dmitry Svintsov

Contact Title

Head of Laboratory

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The 2D Optoelectronics Lab was established in April 2016 under the Top 5-100 Competitiveness Enhancement Programme implemented by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The Lab is engaged in research of optical and electronic properties of 2D materials to create unparalleled optoelectronic devices. The Lab focuses on such 2D systems as graphene, chalcogenide monolayers of transition metals, mercury telluride quantum wells, etc. The main applications of such materials are far-IR and THz emitters and supersensitive detectors. There are both practical and theoretical researchers on the team who can solve the most complex problems. The Lab partners with the global leading 2D system physics research centres: the University of Manchester (UK), MIT (USA), Tohoku University (Japan.) Within MIPT, the Lab is a division of the Centre for Photonics and 2D Materials and have access to one-of-a-kind optical, electronic, measuring instruments, and manufacturing equipment. For four years, the Lab researchers have published over 20 papers in top-rated journals including Physical Review Letters and Nature Communication. In collaboration with Russian and international colleagues, the team has developed the first graphene plasmon-assisted resonant THz radiation detector. The Lab short-term plans cover the development and manufacturing of IR detectors for heat imaging applications, and creating electrically controlled THz emitters.



Russian Federation



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dmitry Svintsov

Contact Title

Head of Laboratory

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations