Novel High-Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures

The Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures (HVT) evaluates, designs, models, and develops novel high-voltage and high-temperature materials and structures for energy transfer, aerospace, automotive, nuclear, deep sea, and other extreme applications. HVT provides support to electric utility, military, environmental, health, and other industries interested in the application of novel HVT materials in their design practices. HVT’s mission is to design, create, and study new advanced materials and evaluate existing materials and structures for a range of engineering applications. HVT uses state-of-the-art experimental and computational tools to conduct the multiscale characterization and modeling of such materials to obtain reliable predictive models. HVT is studying various novel high-voltage and high-temperature materials and structures for high-energy transmission and other related applications with superior resistance to in-service conditions, with the ultimate goal of providing outstanding research service to industries using novel materials and structures subjected to extreme HVT loading conditions.

Research Areas

HVT focuses on developing innovative materials and structures engineered for applications where they are subject to extreme conditions such as high voltage and/or high temperature, high stress and/or high strain, or high pressure and/or high compaction.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Maciej Kumosa

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures (HVT) evaluates, designs, models, and develops novel high-voltage and high-temperature materials and structures for energy transfer, aerospace, automotive, nuclear, deep sea, and other extreme applications. HVT provides support to electric utility, military, environmental, health, and other industries interested in the application of novel HVT materials in their design practices. HVT’s mission is to design, create, and study new advanced materials and evaluate existing materials and structures for a range of engineering applications. HVT uses state-of-the-art experimental and computational tools to conduct the multiscale characterization and modeling of such materials to obtain reliable predictive models. HVT is studying various novel high-voltage and high-temperature materials and structures for high-energy transmission and other related applications with superior resistance to in-service conditions, with the ultimate goal of providing outstanding research service to industries using novel materials and structures subjected to extreme HVT loading conditions.




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Maciej Kumosa

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

HVT focuses on developing innovative materials and structures engineered for applications where they are subject to extreme conditions such as high voltage and/or high temperature, high stress and/or high strain, or high pressure and/or high compaction.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations