Resource Recovery and Recycling

The Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling (CR3) focuses on the sustainable stewardship of resources. Its mission is to help industry address a pivotal societal need — the need to create a sustainable future. CR3 advances technologies that recover, recycle, and reuse materials throughout the manufacturing process, from initial product design through manufacture to end-of-life disposal. These advancements help businesses reduce energy costs and increase profitability, while protecting our natural resources. CR3 does this by collaborating with industry to: Explore and develop basic recovery and recycling science, engineering, and education. Develop technologies to identify and separate valuable materials from waste streams. Build strategies and technologies to enable greater use of process effluents within materials process systems. Establish materials recovery and recycling curricula along with university research experience that will create an engineering workforce equipped to address the challenge of achieving cost-effective and profitable materials sustainability

Research Areas

CR3 research is making breakthroughs for a sustainable future — recycling plasma display panel materials, recycling and recovering lithium-ion batteries, dezincing galvanized steel, recycling magnet separation technologies, recovering metal using automated sorting, recovering zinc and ion, and more.
CR3’s research focus areas include:
Alloy recycling.
Automated sortation.
Inorganic polymer performance.
Metal fines recovery.
Permanent magnets.
Resource efficiency.
Secondary raw materials.
Current research projects
Alternative fluxes for lead bullion refining.
Copper separation from steel.
Electro-oxidation of metals and inorganics in metallurgical operations.
Moisture analysis of heterogeneous solid material flows.
Near real-time detection of elements in pure metals and alloys at concentrations below parts per million.
Optimization of concrete mixtures for 3D printing.
Optimized sorting and separation technologies for remanufacturing with product-centric recycled and reclaimed scrap.
Recycling of waterborne paint sludge.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Brajendra Mishra

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling (CR3) focuses on the sustainable stewardship of resources. Its mission is to help industry address a pivotal societal need — the need to create a sustainable future. CR3 advances technologies that recover, recycle, and reuse materials throughout the manufacturing process, from initial product design through manufacture to end-of-life disposal. These advancements help businesses reduce energy costs and increase profitability, while protecting our natural resources. CR3 does this by collaborating with industry to: Explore and develop basic recovery and recycling science, engineering, and education. Develop technologies to identify and separate valuable materials from waste streams. Build strategies and technologies to enable greater use of process effluents within materials process systems. Establish materials recovery and recycling curricula along with university research experience that will create an engineering workforce equipped to address the challenge of achieving cost-effective and profitable materials sustainability




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Brajendra Mishra

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

CR3 research is making breakthroughs for a sustainable future — recycling plasma display panel materials, recycling and recovering lithium-ion batteries, dezincing galvanized steel, recycling magnet separation technologies, recovering metal using automated sorting, recovering zinc and ion, and more.
CR3’s research focus areas include:
Alloy recycling.
Automated sortation.
Inorganic polymer performance.
Metal fines recovery.
Permanent magnets.
Resource efficiency.
Secondary raw materials.
Current research projects
Alternative fluxes for lead bullion refining.
Copper separation from steel.
Electro-oxidation of metals and inorganics in metallurgical operations.
Moisture analysis of heterogeneous solid material flows.
Near real-time detection of elements in pure metals and alloys at concentrations below parts per million.
Optimization of concrete mixtures for 3D printing.
Optimized sorting and separation technologies for remanufacturing with product-centric recycled and reclaimed scrap.
Recycling of waterborne paint sludge.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations