Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems

The Nanosystems ERC for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems (TANMS) is a multi-institutional Engineering Research Center focusing on research, technology translation, and education associated with magnetism on the small scale. TANMS’s vision is to develop a fundamentally new approach coupling electricity to magnetism using engineered nanoscale multiferroic elements to enable increased energy efficiency, reduced physical size, and increased power output in consumer electronics. This new nanoscale multiferroic approach overcomes the scaling limitations present in the century-old mechanism to control magnetism that was originally discovered by Oersted in 1820. TANMS’s goals are to translate its research discoveries on nanoscale multiferroics to industry while seamlessly integrating a cradle-to-career education philosophy involving all of its students and future engineers in unique research and entrepreneurial experiences.

Research Areas

1-D Multiferroics
Thrust 1 focuses on understanding 1-D elements necessary for each of the three testbeds. Here the goal is to optimize the conversion of electrical energy into magnetic energy through the appropriate selection of materials, shapes, and magnetic biasing for a single nanoscale element (1-D).
2-D Multiferroics
Thrust 2 focuses on additional levels of dimensionality to understand multiferroic response as compared to Thrust 1. Thrust 2 research effort includes an emphasis on fundamental topics such as in-plane nanoscale interaction effects and magnetoelastic dynamic response.
3-D Multiferroics
Thrust 3 builds upon the fundamental studies conducted in both Thrusts 1 and 2. Here the goal is to achieve deterministic magnetic domain control and electro-magneto-mechanical coupling with the external environment necessary for testbed implementation.
Multiscale Material Modeling
Thrust 4 focuses on understanding multiferroic materials response using multi-physics based models across different length and time scales with continuum and ab initio approaches. Here the goal is to support testbed development and the three thrust areas described above.
Materials (Materials Fabrication)
Thrust 5 works closely with Thrust 4 and has a focus on developing new multiferroic material concepts including but not limited to novel composite designs and single phase materials. Here the goal is to find superior materials and methods necessary for both testbed development and thrust areas described above.

Facilities & Resources

TANMS's 3 testbeds represent electromagnetic devices that are ubiquitous throughout our society. The primary goals of these testbeds are to demonstrate orders of magnitude improvements in efficiency, size, and power (ESP) and thus revolutionize the future of miniaturized electromagnetic devices. TESTBED 1 Memory - Multiferroic materials provides a new approach to electrically write a bit of information using voltage rather than current. GOAL: Design, fabricate, and demonstrate a voltage-controlled nonvolatile magnetic memory element with at least an order of magnitude improvement in write efficiency E (i.e. order of magnitude reduction in write energy). TESTBED 2 Antennas - Multiferroic materials provides a new approach to transmit/receive electromagnetic waves through a mechanical transduction mechanism. GOAL: Design, fabricate, and demonstrate a transduction of electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy with an antenna platform at least an order of magnitude smaller than presently available. TESTBED 3 Nanoscale motors - Multiferroic materials provides a new approach to control magnetic energy and thus motors in the small scale by relying on voltage rather than current. GOAL: Design, fabricate, and demonstrate a micron size motor that has a power density at least an order of magnitude larger than presently available and comparable to "bulk" electromagnetic motors in the commercial sector.

Partner Organizations

University of California at Los Angeles
"California State University
Cornell University
Northeastern University
University of California at Berkeley
University of Texas at Dallas




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Gregory Carman

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



UCLA 7702 Boelter Hall
420 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles

The Nanosystems ERC for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems (TANMS) is a multi-institutional Engineering Research Center focusing on research, technology translation, and education associated with magnetism on the small scale. TANMS’s vision is to develop a fundamentally new approach coupling electricity to magnetism using engineered nanoscale multiferroic elements to enable increased energy efficiency, reduced physical size, and increased power output in consumer electronics. This new nanoscale multiferroic approach overcomes the scaling limitations present in the century-old mechanism to control magnetism that was originally discovered by Oersted in 1820. TANMS’s goals are to translate its research discoveries on nanoscale multiferroics to industry while seamlessly integrating a cradle-to-career education philosophy involving all of its students and future engineers in unique research and entrepreneurial experiences.




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Gregory Carman

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



UCLA 7702 Boelter Hall
420 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles

Research Areas

1-D Multiferroics
Thrust 1 focuses on understanding 1-D elements necessary for each of the three testbeds. Here the goal is to optimize the conversion of electrical energy into magnetic energy through the appropriate selection of materials, shapes, and magnetic biasing for a single nanoscale element (1-D).
2-D Multiferroics
Thrust 2 focuses on additional levels of dimensionality to understand multiferroic response as compared to Thrust 1. Thrust 2 research effort includes an emphasis on fundamental topics such as in-plane nanoscale interaction effects and magnetoelastic dynamic response.
3-D Multiferroics
Thrust 3 builds upon the fundamental studies conducted in both Thrusts 1 and 2. Here the goal is to achieve deterministic magnetic domain control and electro-magneto-mechanical coupling with the external environment necessary for testbed implementation.
Multiscale Material Modeling
Thrust 4 focuses on understanding multiferroic materials response using multi-physics based models across different length and time scales with continuum and ab initio approaches. Here the goal is to support testbed development and the three thrust areas described above.
Materials (Materials Fabrication)
Thrust 5 works closely with Thrust 4 and has a focus on developing new multiferroic material concepts including but not limited to novel composite designs and single phase materials. Here the goal is to find superior materials and methods necessary for both testbed development and thrust areas described above.

Facilities & Resources

TANMS's 3 testbeds represent electromagnetic devices that are ubiquitous throughout our society. The primary goals of these testbeds are to demonstrate orders of magnitude improvements in efficiency, size, and power (ESP) and thus revolutionize the future of miniaturized electromagnetic devices. TESTBED 1 Memory - Multiferroic materials provides a new approach to electrically write a bit of information using voltage rather than current. GOAL: Design, fabricate, and demonstrate a voltage-controlled nonvolatile magnetic memory element with at least an order of magnitude improvement in write efficiency E (i.e. order of magnitude reduction in write energy). TESTBED 2 Antennas - Multiferroic materials provides a new approach to transmit/receive electromagnetic waves through a mechanical transduction mechanism. GOAL: Design, fabricate, and demonstrate a transduction of electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy with an antenna platform at least an order of magnitude smaller than presently available. TESTBED 3 Nanoscale motors - Multiferroic materials provides a new approach to control magnetic energy and thus motors in the small scale by relying on voltage rather than current. GOAL: Design, fabricate, and demonstrate a micron size motor that has a power density at least an order of magnitude larger than presently available and comparable to "bulk" electromagnetic motors in the commercial sector.

Partner Organizations

University of California at Los Angeles
"California State University
Cornell University
Northeastern University
University of California at Berkeley
University of Texas at Dallas