Engineering Education

REE is now RFE

Research in Engineering Education is now Research in the Formation of Engineers. This revised program description updates the former REE to be more closely aligned with the Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE) initiative. RFE is intended to broaden the range of research topics in the field while remaining inclusive of topics addressed under REE. While REE was focused on how individuals learn and later on engineering education ecosystems, RFE includes these and all other aspects of engineering formation.

Visit RFE program page

Research Initiation in Engineering Formation

As a complement to RFE, Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (RIEF) seeks proposals to conduct research in the same areas as RFE, while also pairing an engineering faculty PI who has little experience in engineering education research with a co-PI who can serve as a mentor. The goal is to increase capacity for engineering education research by providing mentoring and learning opportunities for the engineering faculty PI. The next deadline for RIEF is November 10, 2020.

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IUSE solicitation

The Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) has released a solicitation for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE).

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Additional Information

ERC Webinar 2022

ERC Webinar 2022 Slides

Planning Grant Workshops

Planning Grant Workshop 2021

Planning Grant Workshop 2019

Planning Grant Workshop 2018

REE is now RFE

Research in Engineering Education is now Research in the Formation of Engineers. This revised program description updates the former REE to be more closely aligned with the Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE) initiative. RFE is intended to broaden the range of research topics in the field while remaining inclusive of topics addressed under REE. While REE was focused on how individuals learn and later on engineering education ecosystems, RFE includes these and all other aspects of engineering formation.

Visit RFE program page

Research Initiation in Engineering Formation

As a complement to RFE, Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (RIEF) seeks proposals to conduct research in the same areas as RFE, while also pairing an engineering faculty PI who has little experience in engineering education research with a co-PI who can serve as a mentor. The goal is to increase capacity for engineering education research by providing mentoring and learning opportunities for the engineering faculty PI. The next deadline for RIEF is November 10, 2020.

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IUSE solicitation

The Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) has released a solicitation for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE).

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Additional Information

ERC Webinar 2022

ERC Webinar 2022 Slides

Planning Grant Workshops

Planning Grant Workshop 2021

Planning Grant Workshop 2019

Planning Grant Workshop 2018