ERC for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing
Lead Institution
University of Michigan
Start Year
Center News and Achievements
Additional Information
Develop methods and technological tools needed to enhance enterprise responsiveness to global markets, by introducing cost-effective changeable manufacturing systems with in-line product quality evaluation
Graduation Date
Education Web Page
Research Opportunities for Undergrads
Student Leadership Council
ERC for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
Location |
Lead InstitutionUniversity of Michigan
Start Year |
Website |
Fact Sheet |
Core Partners |
FocusDevelop methods and technological tools needed to enhance enterprise responsiveness to global markets, by introducing cost-effective changeable manufacturing systems with in-line product quality evaluation |
Graduation Date |
Education Web Page |
Research Opportunities for Undergrads |
Student Leadership Council |
Center News and Achievements
ERC for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing
Lead Institution
University of Michigan
Start Year
Center News and Achievements
Additional Information
Develop methods and technological tools needed to enhance enterprise responsiveness to global markets, by introducing cost-effective changeable manufacturing systems with in-line product quality evaluation