High Performance Computing Collaboratory

Microelectronics and IT

Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon
Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon

Microelectronics, Sensing, and IT


Lead Institution

Mississippi State University

Start Year

Fact Sheet

Core Partners

Center News and Achievements


Additional Information


Advancing the state-of-the-art in computational science and engineering using high performance computing; a common approach to research that embraces a multi-disciplinary, team-oriented concept; and a commitment to a full partnership between education, research, and service

Graduation Date

Education Web Page

Research Opportunities for Undergrads

Student Leadership Council

High Performance Computing Collaboratory

Microelectronics and IT

Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon
Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon

Microelectronics, Sensing, and IT


Lead Institution

Mississippi State University

Start Year


Fact Sheet

Core Partners


Advancing the state-of-the-art in computational science and engineering using high performance computing; a common approach to research that embraces a multi-disciplinary, team-oriented concept; and a commitment to a full partnership between education, research, and service

Graduation Date

Education Web Page

Research Opportunities for Undergrads

Student Leadership Council

Center News and Achievements


High Performance Computing Collaboratory

Microelectronics and IT

Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon
Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology Icon

Microelectronics, Sensing, and IT


Lead Institution

Mississippi State University

Start Year

Fact Sheet

Core Partners

Center News and Achievements

Additional Information


Advancing the state-of-the-art in computational science and engineering using high performance computing; a common approach to research that embraces a multi-disciplinary, team-oriented concept; and a commitment to a full partnership between education, research, and service

Graduation Date

Education Web Page

Research Opportunities for Undergrads

Student Leadership Council
