Icon representing staff shows three people with leader in the foreground
Jose Zayas-Castro Is New EEC Division Director

The U.S. National Science Foundation has selected Dr. José Luis Zayas-Castro of the University of South Florida to serve as division director for the Division of Engineering Education and Centers. Zayas-Castro, who begins his NSF term on August 2, is currently executive associate dean, associate dean for international affairs, and professor of industrial and management systems engineering in the USF College of Engineering.

"Dr. Jose Zayas-Castro is an inspiring leader whose career journey and research passion have prepared him well to address the engineering research challenges faced by the Nation," said Linda Blevins, acting NSF assistant director for engineering. "His commitment and deep experience in broadening participation will help NSF reach the ‘missing millions’ by fostering pathways into engineering. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have him join our leadership team at NSF."

During nearly two decades at USF, he has served as a department chair and as associate dean for research in the College of Engineering and in various leadership positions at the USF Center for Entrepreneurship. Previously, he was a professor and co-director of the diversity in engineering program at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He began his faculty career at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez (UPRM), where he led activities in manufacturing, innovation, and academic and research affairs.


Icon representing staff shows three people with leader in the foreground
Jose Zayas-Castro Is New EEC Division Director


The U.S. National Science Foundation has selected Dr. José Luis Zayas-Castro of the University of South Florida to serve as division director for the Division of Engineering Education and Centers. Zayas-Castro, who begins his NSF term on August 2, is currently executive associate dean, associate dean for international affairs, and professor of industrial and management systems engineering in the USF College of Engineering.

"Dr. Jose Zayas-Castro is an inspiring leader whose career journey and research passion have prepared him well to address the engineering research challenges faced by the Nation," said Linda Blevins, acting NSF assistant director for engineering. "His commitment and deep experience in broadening participation will help NSF reach the ‘missing millions’ by fostering pathways into engineering. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have him join our leadership team at NSF."

During nearly two decades at USF, he has served as a department chair and as associate dean for research in the College of Engineering and in various leadership positions at the USF Center for Entrepreneurship. Previously, he was a professor and co-director of the diversity in engineering program at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He began his faculty career at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez (UPRM), where he led activities in manufacturing, innovation, and academic and research affairs.