Center to Stream Healthcare In Place

The Center to Stream Healthcare In Place (C2SHIP) is part of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) program (Award # 1747664 and Award # 1747734). The mission of the C2SHIP Center is to engage academic and industrial partners in joint efforts that develop in-home technologies for managing chronic diseases at the patient’s own home (in-place care), and accelerate innovation through multi-specialty collaborations and including resource sharing, and prepare and educate a workforce with the capacity for promoting wellness through the development of self-care technologies. These goals will be achieved through the following complementary strategies: (1) emphasize fundamental investigations that provide in-depth understanding for the core disciplines needed for personalized technology that promotes in-place care; (2) establish effective interactions with Center members to promote innovation capacity and accelerate technology transfer; and (3) promote collaborations with other existing centers to create multi-center innovative technology for the involved core disciplines

Research Areas

The Center is composed of an advisory board of industry and government partners that funds and directs cutting-edge academic research in four areas:
(1) Design: wearable sensors/Internet of Things/in-home devices/manufacturing
(2) Data Mining: machine learning models to extract clinically meaningful information to promote in-place care
(3) Cyber Security/Feedback: Methods to securely stream data from multiple sensors/devices and/or visualize results back to patients/care providers using multi-modal interfaces to promote in-place care
(4) Broader Impact: Education and Societal Impact of in-home technologies

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

University of Arizona
Baylor College of Medicine
University of Missouri
University of Southern California




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Janet Meiling Roveda, Ph.D

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The Center to Stream Healthcare In Place (C2SHIP) is part of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) program (Award # 1747664 and Award # 1747734). The mission of the C2SHIP Center is to engage academic and industrial partners in joint efforts that develop in-home technologies for managing chronic diseases at the patient’s own home (in-place care), and accelerate innovation through multi-specialty collaborations and including resource sharing, and prepare and educate a workforce with the capacity for promoting wellness through the development of self-care technologies. These goals will be achieved through the following complementary strategies: (1) emphasize fundamental investigations that provide in-depth understanding for the core disciplines needed for personalized technology that promotes in-place care; (2) establish effective interactions with Center members to promote innovation capacity and accelerate technology transfer; and (3) promote collaborations with other existing centers to create multi-center innovative technology for the involved core disciplines




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Janet Meiling Roveda, Ph.D

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

The Center is composed of an advisory board of industry and government partners that funds and directs cutting-edge academic research in four areas:
(1) Design: wearable sensors/Internet of Things/in-home devices/manufacturing
(2) Data Mining: machine learning models to extract clinically meaningful information to promote in-place care
(3) Cyber Security/Feedback: Methods to securely stream data from multiple sensors/devices and/or visualize results back to patients/care providers using multi-modal interfaces to promote in-place care
(4) Broader Impact: Education and Societal Impact of in-home technologies

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

University of Arizona
Baylor College of Medicine
University of Missouri
University of Southern California