Child Injury Prevention Studies

The Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS) mission is to advance the safety of children, youth and young adults by facilitating research on the causes and consequence of injury and how the findings can be translated into commercial products and educational programs for preventing injuries. Much of CChIPS’ current research is focused on preventing road traffic injuries and deaths. The CChIPS research method applies the broad and diverse backgrounds of its investigators to create and implement novel integrated approaches. For example, child crash injury-related research uses biomechanical epidemiology, an approach developed by CChIPS investigators whereby engineering questions are answered with the rigorous methods used for clinical research studies. Its research portfolio expands as needed to address emerging issues. CChIPS’ technical focus leverages the existing capabilities, interests, and expertise of CChIPS faculty members and industrial partners to address market-driven, research-informed traffic safety issues for youth.

Research Areas

CChIPS conducts research in five areas of traffic injury prevention:
Evaluation of safety devices or behavior modification programs
CChIPS uses diverse, rigorous methods in the laboratory, the community and online to evaluate the impact of technological and behavioral interventions on child injury and safety. The goal is to ensure that current and planned safety strategies in the real world are effective.
How humans interact and behave in relation to safety technology
CChIPS applies culturally sensitive, theoretically grounded behavioral models to guide development and evaluation of safety promotion interventions and user-centered products. The goal is to provide the scientific foundation to fuel innovations in safety behavior promotion and effective, real-world use of safety technologies.
Injury biomechanics, mechanisms, and tolerance
CChIPS studies age-based changes in the response of human tissues to mechanical loads, and the delineation of child injury mechanisms. The goal is to provide the scientific foundation to fuel evidence-based, effective safety technological innovation and regulatory test devices and protocols.
Safety promotion and education:
Perform evidence-based translation and evaluation of safety programming. Goal: Inform enhancements in safety promotion and educational strategies underway among industry, government, and advocates to improve the protection of children.
Technological solutions (design, development, and testing)
CChIPS supports innovations and improvements in the biofidelity (representative of the properties of children) of the anthropomorphic test device (crash test dummy), computational models, and other safety devices so that testing produces accurate results. The goal is to inform enhancements in federal safety regulatory priorities, new safety product development, and trauma medical protocols

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Flaura K. Winston

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS) mission is to advance the safety of children, youth and young adults by facilitating research on the causes and consequence of injury and how the findings can be translated into commercial products and educational programs for preventing injuries. Much of CChIPS’ current research is focused on preventing road traffic injuries and deaths. The CChIPS research method applies the broad and diverse backgrounds of its investigators to create and implement novel integrated approaches. For example, child crash injury-related research uses biomechanical epidemiology, an approach developed by CChIPS investigators whereby engineering questions are answered with the rigorous methods used for clinical research studies. Its research portfolio expands as needed to address emerging issues. CChIPS’ technical focus leverages the existing capabilities, interests, and expertise of CChIPS faculty members and industrial partners to address market-driven, research-informed traffic safety issues for youth.




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Flaura K. Winston

Contact Title

Center Director

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

CChIPS conducts research in five areas of traffic injury prevention:
Evaluation of safety devices or behavior modification programs
CChIPS uses diverse, rigorous methods in the laboratory, the community and online to evaluate the impact of technological and behavioral interventions on child injury and safety. The goal is to ensure that current and planned safety strategies in the real world are effective.
How humans interact and behave in relation to safety technology
CChIPS applies culturally sensitive, theoretically grounded behavioral models to guide development and evaluation of safety promotion interventions and user-centered products. The goal is to provide the scientific foundation to fuel innovations in safety behavior promotion and effective, real-world use of safety technologies.
Injury biomechanics, mechanisms, and tolerance
CChIPS studies age-based changes in the response of human tissues to mechanical loads, and the delineation of child injury mechanisms. The goal is to provide the scientific foundation to fuel evidence-based, effective safety technological innovation and regulatory test devices and protocols.
Safety promotion and education:
Perform evidence-based translation and evaluation of safety programming. Goal: Inform enhancements in safety promotion and educational strategies underway among industry, government, and advocates to improve the protection of children.
Technological solutions (design, development, and testing)
CChIPS supports innovations and improvements in the biofidelity (representative of the properties of children) of the anthropomorphic test device (crash test dummy), computational models, and other safety devices so that testing produces accurate results. The goal is to inform enhancements in federal safety regulatory priorities, new safety product development, and trauma medical protocols

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations