Centre de Recherche et D'Expertise Pour l'Eau

Water Treatment Your scientific and technical partner. CEBEDEAU has acquired solid experience in water treatment: since 1947, we have offered research and expertise services to develop new processes and advise companies and public authorities. Our teams of engineers and technicians support you from the “proof of concept” through to the semi-industrial pilot stages and assist you with optimising your water treatment facilities. In our laboratories, in addition to conventional analyses, we carry out many specific treatment tests: biodegradability, coagulation, filterability, etc. A laboratory close to its customers. Our strengths: responsiveness and the ability to sample in all conditions. Finding or inventing the “blue” technology adapted to your needs is our everyday goal. A partner of companies engaged in sustainable water management, our engineers and technicians are at your side. By relying on a wide panel of technologies and in-depth knowledge of biological processes, we propose, with complete independence, objective solutions that are effective over the long term. Close to our customers and targeted on results, CEBEDEAU offers you its services of: Research and applied innovation; Sanitary engineering expertise; Laboratory testing and measuring. Image

Research Areas

Driven by European policy, the R&D department of CEBEDEAU, an approved centre, is independent and customer-oriented. Our research is aimed at responding to environmental, scientific and technological challenges while stimulating the economic development of Wallonia.
With the objectives of incorporating a sustainable dimension and promoting the value of water in its projects, the lines of research are designed to make use of the expertise we have developed, especially through our various customer services.
Biotechnologies are major industries of the 21st century and they provide the opportunity to revolutionize the water cycle. In this context, CEBEDEAU aims to incorporate a microbiological dimension at the industrial processes level by bringing together engineers and microbiologists. In particular, our Nature-inspired research activities include the development of processes or products from the experimental proof of concept stage (TRL 3) to prototype demonstration (TRL 7).
Wastewater Treatment
In recent years, CEBEDEAU has reinforced its expertise by developing and optimizing a vast panel of technologies suited to the biological treatment of urban and industrial water or water reuse. In particular, we carry out post-genomic analyses of microbial consortia in order to understand how these micro-industries adapt to external variables and manage the flow of energy and matter. The development of these microbial resources management models provides customers the opportunity to include new functions at the core of their existing (Brownfield) or future (Greenfield) facilities.
Environmental biotechnologies
With the objective of being able to predict and direct the behaviour of microbial consortia, the R&D department has been developing a wide range of molecular tools (FISH, qPCR, metagenomics) to assist its customers in understanding and managing biological processes as well as in developing new "biological products".
Research topics
Nutrient recovery (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur)
Industrial probiotics
Biofouling management
Water Uses: Process, Reuse and Monitoring
The treatment, distribution and reuse of water require robust monitoring methods of the micro-organisms present. CEBEDEAU centres its research on evaluating emerging monitoring techniques and developing management tools.
Research topics
Monitoring microbiological quality of water
Pool water quality management

Facilities & Resources

ANALYSIS LABORATORY Water Analyses From sampling to interpretation: quality and flexibility are our watch words. Adequate sampling is essential for the representativeness of the results. High-performance equipment is not enough; experience is paramount. The skills of our technicians are kept permanently high by, among others, training, internal quality controls, interlaboratory tests, etc. Once in the laboratory, the samples are handled and analysed according to validated protocols, which for the most part, follow the NBN/ISO/EN standards. Every year, thousands of water samples are characterised in our laboratory, and tens of thousands of parameters analysed and interpreted by our staff. Laboratory approved by the Walloon Region. Our laboratory analysis of water is approved by the Walloon Region for analyses relating to the protection of surface and potable water against pollution, making it a partner of choice for companies’ obligations with respect to administrative authorities, whether as regards polluting loading measurements for calculating the tax on discharges or environmental licenses. Analyses A team of experienced technicians In addition to the classic parameters that characterise water quality (COD, nitrogen, heavy metals, organic micropollutants, etc.), our scope of competence extends to more specific tests such as: Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability (BMP test); Filtration and dehydration properties; Acute toxicity tests: Daphnia Magna, green algae, microtox, etc. Metagenomics, qPCR, FISH; Microscopic imaging; Physico-chemical treatability: ozonation, coagulation, etc Quality Aware of how important it is for our customers to obtain reliable and reproducible results, CEBEDEAU has been engaged for many years in a quality approach aimed at customer satisfaction. ISO 17025 accreditation Initially ISO 9001 certified, we have gradually evolved towards ISO 17025 accreditation. This external recognition allows us to increase our customers’ confidence in us with the assurance that our analyses are carried out by competent personnel, fully proficient at all the stages needed to satisfy our customers’ demands. It also assures our customers that their data are processed completely objectively and confidentially. List of accredited analyses. Laboratory approved by the Walloon Region. CEBEDEAU is also approved by the Walloon Region as a laboratory to provide official analyses regarding the protection of surface water. Category A and C (except AOX, EOX and POX) and restricted B category for the toxicity test (Daphnia magna). Participation in interlaboratory tests. In order to maintain and improve the level of performance of its staff and the methods used for analysing surface water, groundwater and wastewater samples, the CEBEDEAU laboratory takes part, several times a year, in interlaboratory tests organised by private organisations and by the benchmark laboratory in Wallonia.

Partner Organizations







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Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

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General E-mail


32 (0)4 252 12 33


Allée de la Découverte, 11 (B53)
Quartier Polytech 1
Liège (Sart Tilman)

Water Treatment Your scientific and technical partner. CEBEDEAU has acquired solid experience in water treatment: since 1947, we have offered research and expertise services to develop new processes and advise companies and public authorities. Our teams of engineers and technicians support you from the “proof of concept” through to the semi-industrial pilot stages and assist you with optimising your water treatment facilities. In our laboratories, in addition to conventional analyses, we carry out many specific treatment tests: biodegradability, coagulation, filterability, etc. A laboratory close to its customers. Our strengths: responsiveness and the ability to sample in all conditions. Finding or inventing the “blue” technology adapted to your needs is our everyday goal. A partner of companies engaged in sustainable water management, our engineers and technicians are at your side. By relying on a wide panel of technologies and in-depth knowledge of biological processes, we propose, with complete independence, objective solutions that are effective over the long term. Close to our customers and targeted on results, CEBEDEAU offers you its services of: Research and applied innovation; Sanitary engineering expertise; Laboratory testing and measuring. Image







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


32 (0)4 252 12 33


Allée de la Découverte, 11 (B53)
Quartier Polytech 1
Liège (Sart Tilman)

Research Areas

Driven by European policy, the R&D department of CEBEDEAU, an approved centre, is independent and customer-oriented. Our research is aimed at responding to environmental, scientific and technological challenges while stimulating the economic development of Wallonia.
With the objectives of incorporating a sustainable dimension and promoting the value of water in its projects, the lines of research are designed to make use of the expertise we have developed, especially through our various customer services.
Biotechnologies are major industries of the 21st century and they provide the opportunity to revolutionize the water cycle. In this context, CEBEDEAU aims to incorporate a microbiological dimension at the industrial processes level by bringing together engineers and microbiologists. In particular, our Nature-inspired research activities include the development of processes or products from the experimental proof of concept stage (TRL 3) to prototype demonstration (TRL 7).
Wastewater Treatment
In recent years, CEBEDEAU has reinforced its expertise by developing and optimizing a vast panel of technologies suited to the biological treatment of urban and industrial water or water reuse. In particular, we carry out post-genomic analyses of microbial consortia in order to understand how these micro-industries adapt to external variables and manage the flow of energy and matter. The development of these microbial resources management models provides customers the opportunity to include new functions at the core of their existing (Brownfield) or future (Greenfield) facilities.
Environmental biotechnologies
With the objective of being able to predict and direct the behaviour of microbial consortia, the R&D department has been developing a wide range of molecular tools (FISH, qPCR, metagenomics) to assist its customers in understanding and managing biological processes as well as in developing new "biological products".
Research topics
Nutrient recovery (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur)
Industrial probiotics
Biofouling management
Water Uses: Process, Reuse and Monitoring
The treatment, distribution and reuse of water require robust monitoring methods of the micro-organisms present. CEBEDEAU centres its research on evaluating emerging monitoring techniques and developing management tools.
Research topics
Monitoring microbiological quality of water
Pool water quality management

Facilities & Resources

ANALYSIS LABORATORY Water Analyses From sampling to interpretation: quality and flexibility are our watch words. Adequate sampling is essential for the representativeness of the results. High-performance equipment is not enough; experience is paramount. The skills of our technicians are kept permanently high by, among others, training, internal quality controls, interlaboratory tests, etc. Once in the laboratory, the samples are handled and analysed according to validated protocols, which for the most part, follow the NBN/ISO/EN standards. Every year, thousands of water samples are characterised in our laboratory, and tens of thousands of parameters analysed and interpreted by our staff. Laboratory approved by the Walloon Region. Our laboratory analysis of water is approved by the Walloon Region for analyses relating to the protection of surface and potable water against pollution, making it a partner of choice for companies’ obligations with respect to administrative authorities, whether as regards polluting loading measurements for calculating the tax on discharges or environmental licenses. Analyses A team of experienced technicians In addition to the classic parameters that characterise water quality (COD, nitrogen, heavy metals, organic micropollutants, etc.), our scope of competence extends to more specific tests such as: Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability (BMP test); Filtration and dehydration properties; Acute toxicity tests: Daphnia Magna, green algae, microtox, etc. Metagenomics, qPCR, FISH; Microscopic imaging; Physico-chemical treatability: ozonation, coagulation, etc Quality Aware of how important it is for our customers to obtain reliable and reproducible results, CEBEDEAU has been engaged for many years in a quality approach aimed at customer satisfaction. ISO 17025 accreditation Initially ISO 9001 certified, we have gradually evolved towards ISO 17025 accreditation. This external recognition allows us to increase our customers’ confidence in us with the assurance that our analyses are carried out by competent personnel, fully proficient at all the stages needed to satisfy our customers’ demands. It also assures our customers that their data are processed completely objectively and confidentially. List of accredited analyses. Laboratory approved by the Walloon Region. CEBEDEAU is also approved by the Walloon Region as a laboratory to provide official analyses regarding the protection of surface water. Category A and C (except AOX, EOX and POX) and restricted B category for the toxicity test (Daphnia magna). Participation in interlaboratory tests. In order to maintain and improve the level of performance of its staff and the methods used for analysing surface water, groundwater and wastewater samples, the CEBEDEAU laboratory takes part, several times a year, in interlaboratory tests organised by private organisations and by the benchmark laboratory in Wallonia.

Partner Organizations