The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems

[an NSF Graduated Center] Diverse Problems, Similar Solutions The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (Gordon-CenSSIS) is a multi-university NSF ERC founded in 2000. Its mission is to revolutionize the existing technology for detecting and imaging biomedical, environmental, or geophysical objects or conditions that lie underground or underwater, or are embedded in the human body. The Center's unified, multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in wave physics (photonics, ultrasonic, electromagnetic,...), sensor engineering, image processing, and inverse scattering to create new sensing modalities and prototypes that may be transitioned to industry partners for further development. A key element of the CenSSIS education mission is to immerse students in efforts to solve important real-world problems such as noninvasive breast cancer detection or underground pollution assessment. The Center's academic partners are Northeastern University (NU-lead), Boston University (BU), Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), and the University of Puerto-Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM). Strategic affiliates include Massachusetts General Hospital, Lawrence Livermore and Idaho National Laboratories, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Industrial partners include Raytheon, Analogic, Textron, Lockheed Martin, Cardiomag Imaging, Mercury, Transtech, GSSI, and Siemens; and other partners include AFOSR, NCPA (National Center for Physical Acoustics), and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The Center is directed by Michael Silevitch (NU), and David Castanon (BU) is the Deputy Director. The annual budget is approximately $4M from NSF and $3-4M from cost sharing and other sources. There are over 40 faculty members and 200 students affiliated with CenSSIS. Mission TRANSLATING ADVANCED RESEARCH INTO THE TECHNOLOGIES OF TOMORROW The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems is a multi-university National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center (NSF-ERC) founded in 2000. Its mission is to develop new technologies to detect hidden objects and to use those technologies to meet real world subsurface challenges in areas as diverse as noninvasive breast cancer detection and underground pollution assessment. The center's multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in wave physics (photonics, ultrasonics, electromagnetics), multisensor fusion, image processing, and 3D CAT-scan-like reconstruction and visualization. The Gordon Center operates with the speed and agility more typical of a results-driven private company than of an academic institution, consistent with the needs of its industrial and government partners. With its commitment to leveraging technology transfer to spur economic development, the Gordon Center is intended to be a national model for the fusion of academic research and private-sector collaboration. The Gordon Foundation has provided a gift to sustain the NSF-ERC and create a new educational initiative: the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program. The program will train graduates, called Gordon Fellows, who will constitute a cadre of technology drivers adept at envisioning new engineering products and skilled at leading multidisciplinary teams to bring their ideas to market. Center History The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems is a multi-university National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center (NSF-ERC) founded in 2000. Its mission is to develop new technologies to detect hidden objects - and to use those technologies to meet real world subsurface challenges in areas as diverse as noninvasive breast cancer detection and underground pollution assessment. The Center’s multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in wave physics (photonics, ultrasonics, electromagnetics), multi-sensor fusion, image processing, and 3D CATscan-like reconstruction and visualization. The Gordon Center operates with the speed and agility more typical of a results-driven private company than that of an academic institution, satisfying the needs of its industrial and government partners. With its commitment to leveraging technology transfer to spur economic development, the Gordon Center is intended to be a national model for the fusion of academic research and private-sector collaboration. In the fall of 2006, the Center was renamed to acknowledge a $20 million, twelve-year gift given to Northeastern University by the Gordon Foundation. This gift will sustain critical elements of center infrastructure. It also supports a new educational initiative: the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program ( The program trains graduates, called Gordon Fellows, who will constitute a cadre of technology drivers adept at envisioning new engineering products and skilled at leading multidisciplinary teams to bring their ideas to market.

Research Areas

The problem of imaging under a surface arises in a wide variety of contexts, and these problems are among the most difficult and intractable system challenges known. The Subsurface Sensing and Imaging (SSI) challenge is to extract information about a subsurface target from scattered and distorted waves received above the surface.
Imaging techniques, whether ultrasound sensors in tissue or electromagnetic probes in soil, can be described by the properties of the probe wave, the wave propagation characteristics of the medium and the surface, and the nature of the target and probe interaction. The framework describes not only underground imagery, but also underwater imaging, medical imagery inside the body, and 3-D biological microscopy inside a cell or collection of cells. Gordon-CenSSIS research impacts all of these areas.
The fundamental problem of SSI is to differentiate the target of interest from irrelevant clutter and scattered radiation, i.e., to distinguish a landmine from roots, stones, shell-casings, or ground-surface reflections. For example, in pulse-reflection ground-penetrating radar (GPR), the signal from a plastic cylinder could be obscured by the rough-surface reflection above the object. The task is to extract the signal from the complex scattered field of random surface irregularities.
An Integrated Systems Approach
A systems solution is required so that a priori information from the fundamental science of the target phenomenon and its interaction with the subsurface probe can be used to advantage in the processing, imaging, and decision steps that follow. Conversely, the physical probes and sensors can be optimally configured based on processing and recognition criteria. We have created an integrated "end-to-end" approach of the design of next generation SSI systems by teaming multi-disciplinary researchers who have deep knowledge of fundamental science with pragmatic systems engineers. Our three research thrusts (R1, R2, and R3) are engineered to address the barriers at every stage of this "end-to-end" systems approach.
R1: Subsurface Sensing and Modeling explores the physics of promising new non-linear and multi-modal subsurface probes and develops accurate, efficient, wave-based forward modeling algorithms. These models are essential to the understanding of new subsurface probes and form the basis of the R2 inverse methods.
R2: Physics-Based Signal Processing and Image Understanding creates and verifies inverse algorithms to infer subsurface details from measurement of above-surface sensors. This thrust focuses on optimizing the entire detection system, from the sensor data to the information desired, particularly addressing problems where the map from data to decision is non-linear or multi-modal.
R3: Image and Data Information Management develops fast, efficient computational processing and visualization tools as well as means to organize, catalog, and retrieve data sets for algorithm verification.
We test and verify the advances in these research thrusts on fully characterized ground-truth data from our validation testbeds in the biological, medical, underground, and underwater regimes (BioBED, MedBED, SeaBED, and SoilBED). Finally, we apply our methods to real problems of societal significance. We have strong collaborative partnerships with our strategic affiliate institutions (MGH, MSKCC, INL, LLNL, and WHOI) to help us identify significant unsolved biomedical and environmental problems, and we have additional industry and government partners that ensure that our technological innovations are extracted and appropriately applied to the real world.
The Grand Challenge
The Gordon-CenSSIS grand challenge is to use our unifying framework and integrated systems approach to solve important real-world subsurface problems.We aim to achieve critical technical advances that will dramatically improve subsurface imaging for important societal problems. The vehicle for these advances is an Integrated Process for Looking under Surfaces (I PLUS). This engineered system contains the following elements:
A unifying physical and analytical framework to produce optimal solutions to diverse SSI problems;
Validating testbeds that combine unique sensors with innovative modeling and inversion algorithms;
An integration of the sensors, lessons, and tools of subsurface system solutions from a wide range of real-world applications.
Products that we envision emanating from I PLUS include new multi-sensor instruments and capabilities such as a 3-D fusion microscope to observe subcellular reproduction processes, a portable, non-invasive breast scanning device that provides diagnostic readout of incipient cancer development and functions in real time, sea-floor visualization and satellite based coastal ecosystem erosion monitoring, and large-area buried waste mapping.
Subsurface Sensing & Modeling
Subsurface Sensing and Modeling explores the physics of promising new non-linear and multi-modal subsurface probes and develops accurate, efficient, wave-based forward modeling algorithms. These models are essential to the understanding of new subsurface probes and form the basis of the Thrust 2 inverse methods. The research thrust is divided into two areas:
Nonlinear & Dual Wave Probes investigates the fundamental physical mechanisms involved in subsurface imaging and the development of new imaging modalities. A principal theme of research is the use of multiple interacting probes of either the same physical nature (e.g., electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths), or of different nature (e.g., an acoustic wave and an optical wave). These probes may be independent or coupled through some physical interaction.
Nanoscale Imaging is based on broadband optical interferometry. Entangled-photon Sensing and Imaging is another imaging modality using two optical probe waves. Imaging with two interactive waves of different physical nature has also been pursued; a Gordon Center team (Dual-Wave Methods for Biomedical Imaging: Acousto-Optic and Opto-Acoustic Imaging) uses a diffuse optical wave and an ultrasonic wave, interacting in an optically scattering medium, to obtain enhanced diffuse-optical tomography images as well as images of opto-mechanical properties. Development of High-Resolution THz Imaging Systems aims to use terahertz imaging for non-destructive evaluation of the local properties of semiconductor material.
Effective Forward Models investigates models that can be used to advance fundamental understanding and as tools for engineering design, analysis and optimization. Research addresses the barriers that limit rapid, real-time analysis and inversion and serves as the bridge between Thrust 1 and Thrust 2, generating simulated data for a fixed sensor configuration and serving as an integral part of the reconstruction algorithms in:
ground penetrating radar propagation through rough surfaces, modeling of large collections of weak scatterers such as mitochondria in cells, simulation of the effects of inhomogeneities, rough layers, frequency-dependent dispersive media, and sensor/media coupling (Wave-Based Computational Modeling for Detection of Tumors, Buried Objects and Subcellular Structures).
elasticity imaging of inclusions imbedded in soft tissue (Biomechanical Imaging).
Physics-Based Signal Processing & Image Understanding
Physics-Based Signal Processing and Image Understanding creates and verifies inverse algorithms to infer subsurface details from measurement of above-surface sensors. This thrust focuses on optimizing the entire detection system, from the sensor data to the information desired, particularly addressing problems where the map from data to decision is non-linear or multi-modal. The goal is to identify common mathematical structures and develop general approaches that are applicable across diverse application domains. The work is described under four areas, representing distinct problem classes and information extraction strategies. Each of the areas is developing algorithms that are broadly applicable across different applications in these problem classes. The four areas are summarized below:
Multi-View Tomography (MVT) is concerned with problems where individual sensors capture integrated properties of overlapping areas of the observed subsurface region. These problems arise in many Center applications, ranging from ground penetrating radar subsurface imaging to Electric Impedance Tomography.
Localized Probing and Mosaicing (LPM) is concerned with problems where individual sensor information reflects properties of a highly localized sub-region of the subsurface problem of interest. In these problems determination of the global properties of the material requires registration and fusion of the multiple sources of localized information. Current applications which require LPM strategies involve retinal subsurface imaging, underwater imaging with sidescan sonar and strobe video, and confocal microscopy.
Multi-Spectral Discrimination (MSD) is concerned with problems where sensors collect information on the observed problem of interest across multiple cross-registered spectral bands. Properties of the subsurface volume of interest must be inferred from fusion of the spectral information. Applications that require MSD strategies are skin and brain imaging, underwater quantitative imaging from airborne or satellite based hyperspectral sensors, and multispectral optical biopsy for cancer identification.
Image Understanding and Sensor Fusion (IUSF) aims to extract useful information from the images generated by subsurface inverse problems, such as the underlying object structure contained in a subsurface environment. In many cases, combination of diverse sources of information, obtained at different times and with different modalities, is needed to characterize the structure of the subsurface phenomena under observation. Applications that require IUSF include tumor detection and localization in low-contrast imagery, shape estimation for buried object classification, multi-sensor fusion for coral reef monitoring, multi-modal sensor fusion in breast imaging, and multi-mode microscopy.
The underlying motivation for work in the R3 thrust area is the recognition that many of the CenSSIS projects and TestBEDs encounter massive datasets, computational barriers and software development challenges which impede the research progress within the Center.
R3 develops scalable, computational tools and resources to enable realistic models to be used for inversion. This thrust is responsible for the development and implementation of efficient sensor data databases, metadata, and multidimensional data search capabilities. R3 also develops software-engineered SSI toolsets.
Researchers have been working with many other Thrust and I-PLUS projects to provide solutions for motion prediction, registration, clustering, and reconstruction, and develop new parallelization techniques to exploit parallel cluster, programmable hardware, and Grids. The efforts in Thrust 3 have been organized into two major areas that address the following challenges:
Parallel Hardware Implementation for Fast Subsurface Detection
The development of scalable computational tools and resources to enable researchers to develop and run more computationally challenging inversion and reconstruction methods. Grid-Enabled High Performance Computational Modeling Applications has created a systematic methodology to parallelize serial algorithm so that scalable computational resources (GRID-level systems) can be effectively exploited. A Toolkit for Implementing Image- Processing Algorithms in Reconfigurable Hardware uses programmable devices (FPGAs) to accelerate elements of image acquisition and registration.
The development and implementation of efficient image data databases, metadata, and time-varying pattern classification capabilities to explore Center datasets in new ways, coupled with the development of software-engineered SSI toolsets. The Image Database System handles the acquisition, storage, indexing, and dissemination of a large variety of image and sensor datasets and applies database technologies to image related problems (e.g., tumor tracking). Solutionware Toolboxes supports three existing subsurface sensing and imaging toolboxes available for download
System Level Applications is the final integration of Center activity that aims to achieve critical technical advances to dramatically improve subsurface imaging for important societal problems.
Current system level projects have biological-medical and civil-environmental applications:
- Application of 3D Fusion Microscopy to Subsurface Imaging of Mouse Oocytes, Embryos, and Embryonic Stem Cells: Non-destructive evaluation of embryo viability that improves the success rate of in vitro fertilization and reduces the number of multiple-birth pregnancies.
- Application of 3D Fusion Microscopy to Skin Cancer Characterization: Imaging of skin cells to detect skin cancer, with the eventual goal of producing a hand-held skin cancer detection device that can be used in clinical settings.
- Four-Dimensional Image-Guided Radiotherapy: Improvement of the effectiveness of cancer therapy through reduction of the time needed to calculate a treatment plan, modeling of respiratory patterns to better direct radiation to the tumor, and development of a toolkit that visualizes CT scans over time.
- Multi-Sensor Breast Cancer Imaging: Integration of multi-sensor instruments and processing schemes to decrease the incidence of unnecessary biopsies for breast cancer and identify cancer not seen using x-ray mammography.
- Multi-Scale Sensing for Benthic Habitat Monitoring: Remote Sensing: Use of sensors and processing algorithms to develop tools that monitor shallow Caribbean reefs and maintain marine health and biodiversity.
- Imaging the Deep Coral Reef Habitat with the SeaBED AUV: Deployment of the Center's Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle to study previously inaccessible deep-water coral reefs, identifying both potential sources of both commercially desirable fish and coral larvae to redevelop the shallow reefs.
- 4-D Multi-Sensor Underground Assessment: Development of techniques to detect site contamination, flaws in civil infrastructure, and unexploded ordnance such as landmines.

Facilities & Resources

Advanced Scientific Computing Laboratory Research at Northeastern : Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory Carey Rappaport, rappapor @ Northeastern University Center for Computational Science Boston University The Boston University Center for Computational Science (CCS) was founded in 1990 to coordinate and promote computationally based research, to foster computational science education and to provide for the expansion of computational resources and support.CCS provides a forum for the multidisciplinary exchange of ideas among researchers, educators and students. Regularly scheduled seminars as well as workshops and symposia are offered to highlight advances in computational science. CCS has acted to develop and facilitate the formulation of projects in computationally based research and education, working with scientists from 20 different departments and centers. Biomedical Signals Processing Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Prof. Dana Brooks, Northeastern University, The main goal of the Biomedical Signal Processing Lab at Northeastern University is to create and amend strong advanced signal and image processing algorithms, in order to use them for the analysis of biomedical and biological signals. The lab hopes to use the information gathered and the signal processing theory to help in the advancement of biological applications. Another goal of the lab is to help advance signal processing theory and practice. The lab is closely collaborated with researchers from many places, including Brigham and Women�s Hospital of Harvard Medical School and the Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute. Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Prof. Gilead Tadmor, Northeastern University, The Digital Signal Processing Laboratory at Northeastern University is a center of both research and education in the fields of signal and image processing. It is based at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and has many faculty members and graduate students from a wide variety of majors. The lab hopes to encourage research, education, and preparation for students with futures in research, development, and academia. Wavefield Inversion Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Prof. Eric Miller, Department of ECE, The Wavefield Inversion Laboratory seeks to develop and validate inverse image processing methods. These methods allow the addressing of problems in a wide variety of fields such as medical imaging, geophysical imaging, and nondestructive evaluation. Specifically, the lab works on things such as fluorescence molecular imaging, civil infrastructure monitoring, and automatic target recognition. The lab is supported by various industries in the Boston area as well as many agencies of the Federal Government. Signal Processing Laboratory Boston University Lab Manager: James Goebel, Boston University, The signal processing lab at Boston University serves as a hub of graduate research in the areas of multidimensional signal processing and statistical signal processing. The laboratory consists of advanced computational resources and the associated software packages. Technology includes high-capacity monochrome and color printers as well as dual processor workstations. The lab is funded by the National Science Foundation and is in the process of being upgraded. Center for Computation Science Boston University Contact: Claudio Rebbi, Director of The Center for Computation Science, The Center for Computation Science at Boston University strives to allow for the expansion of computational resources and support, to coordinate and encourage computationally based research, and to foster computational science education. CCS allows for collaboration in many disciplines among students, educators, and research. The CCS hosts seminars, symposia, and workshops. The CCS has been a starting point for the development of a variety of projects in computationally based research. Collaboration is an important part of the CCS, and it works closely with many other groups. Particularly, CCS works to develop resources to support computational sciences with the Office of Information Technology. Remote Sensing & Image Processing Laboratory University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Contact: Dr. Luis O. Jim�nez, Ph.D., University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, The Laboratory for Applied Remote Sensing and Image Processing (LARSIP) at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez is one of the most important research groups in the field of signal processing and remote sensing. The laboratory consists of a combination of students, professors, and researchers. LARSIP strives to develop advanced algorithms used to extract information and management from remote sensing sensors. It also seeks to educate and train students in an array of technologies instrumental to the field. With a heavy focus of inter-disciplinary research and education, LARSIP works with areas such as geology and chemistry. The lab was founded with funds from a US National Science Foundation Minority Research Centers Program grant, and today receives additional funds from many organizations including NASA and the NSF. Digital Signal Processing Laboratory University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Parallel Computation Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Gene Cooperman, College of Computer Science, The Parallel Computation Laboratory at Northeastern University is within the College of Computer and Information Science. The laboratory includes 5 Ph.D. students. The lab seeks to use the disk as an extension of RAM by means of parallel computation. Engineered Systems Support Laboratory Northeastern University Coming Soon... Electrical Impedance Tomography Laboratory Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Contact: Jon Newell, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, The main accomplishment of the Electric Impedance Imaging Lab at Rensselaer is their work on the development of Adaptive Current Tomographs, which are a series of non-invasive medical imaging devices. The Adaptive Current Tomographs work by creating patient images that are based upon the body�s varying conductivity. The picture that appears is a reflection of the capability of electrical currents to travel through the patient�s body. The lab was originally funded by the National Science Foundation but now also receives funds from a variety of other sources such as the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIGMS), and the New York State Department of Health Empire Program. Subretinal Visualization Laboratory Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Coming Soon... Image Processing Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Contact: William N. Lange, The Image Processing Lab at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution provides imaging systems for research and education, and is used in commercial projects around the world. The lab specializes in imagine system design, as well as development and attainment of imagery from dangerous and unique environments. The lab boasts an impressive collection of high resolution image collections for marine archeological, natural history, and scientific images. The lab also houses a generous inventory of field-ready imaging systems. --- TestBEDs BioBED: Biological Microscopy BioBED is the test facility for biological applications of subsurface imaging. It is distributed across many of the partners and affiliates, and has a home lab at Northeastern University. The long-range goal is for this home lab to house a unique state-of-the-art "fusion microscope" that will combine new subsurface sensing techniques such as the Quadrature Tomographic Microscope (QTM), Entangled-States microscope, with state-of-the-art commercial instruments on the same specimen stage. This instrument will image specimens using multiple sensors simultaneously, both "staring mode" modalities such as Nomarski and QTM and scanning mode modalities such as confocal and reflectance-confocal, two-photon, and Entangled Two-Photon. Through this, CenSSIS will address the difficulty of imaging biological samples using microscopes housed at different locations. It is imperative that all these microscopes reside within a single integrated instrument so that images obtained using these different modalities can be unambiguously processed (i.e. minimal registration error, no change in biological state) on a single fixed specimen. Software tools for registration, fusion, visualization, and display of the wealth of information obtained will be developed in a joint effort with the R3 thrust. MedBED The primary long-term goal for MedBED is a general-use, state-of-the-art, experimental facility for testing forward models, inversion models, and signal processing schemes in the medical domain as well as for calibrating and base-lining new hardware. Both ultrasonic and optical modes of operation will be supported. Propagation media include water and tissue-mimicking phantoms. A more immediate objective is the support of CenSSIS-based experimental studies, including linear and nonlinear underwater ultrasound imaging, ultrasound tomography, in vitro imaging in tissue phantoms, and acousto-optic and opto-acoustic imaging. SoilBED The SoilBED facility is a critical component of CenSSIS that will provide verification and validation of subsurface sensing and imaging methodologies that will target environmental and civil infrastructure applications. In this project, a controlled facility has been developed for understanding/validation of physics-based models/sensors for geo-environmental and civil infrastructure applications. SoilBED's second year project focuses on the development and validation of cross-well radar models for detection and imaging of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) in the soil subsurface. DNAPL detection and imaging was selected because it is a major problem for the Department of Energy (DoD) and the Department of Defense (DoD). SeaBED The long-term goal for SeaBED is a general-use, state-of-the-art, experimental facility for testing forward models, inversion models, and signal processing schemes in the underwater and near-ocean-surface enviro-nment as well as for calibrating and base-lining new hardware. SeaBED will be based at UPRM, with the support of Prof. DiMarzio's laboratory at NU, and additional collaborations at WHOI. Both acoustic and optical modes of operation will be supported. Propagation media include water and the atmosphere. An overarching objective is the development of CenSSIS-based experimental studies, including hyperspectral imaging, radar and acoustic sensing to identify different coral reefs and their state of health in the Caribbean region. ---

Partner Organizations

Northeastern University
Boston University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Idaho National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Michael Silevitch

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(617) 373-5110


360 Huntington Avenue
302 Stearns Center

[an NSF Graduated Center] Diverse Problems, Similar Solutions The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (Gordon-CenSSIS) is a multi-university NSF ERC founded in 2000. Its mission is to revolutionize the existing technology for detecting and imaging biomedical, environmental, or geophysical objects or conditions that lie underground or underwater, or are embedded in the human body. The Center's unified, multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in wave physics (photonics, ultrasonic, electromagnetic,...), sensor engineering, image processing, and inverse scattering to create new sensing modalities and prototypes that may be transitioned to industry partners for further development. A key element of the CenSSIS education mission is to immerse students in efforts to solve important real-world problems such as noninvasive breast cancer detection or underground pollution assessment. The Center's academic partners are Northeastern University (NU-lead), Boston University (BU), Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), and the University of Puerto-Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM). Strategic affiliates include Massachusetts General Hospital, Lawrence Livermore and Idaho National Laboratories, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Industrial partners include Raytheon, Analogic, Textron, Lockheed Martin, Cardiomag Imaging, Mercury, Transtech, GSSI, and Siemens; and other partners include AFOSR, NCPA (National Center for Physical Acoustics), and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The Center is directed by Michael Silevitch (NU), and David Castanon (BU) is the Deputy Director. The annual budget is approximately $4M from NSF and $3-4M from cost sharing and other sources. There are over 40 faculty members and 200 students affiliated with CenSSIS. Mission TRANSLATING ADVANCED RESEARCH INTO THE TECHNOLOGIES OF TOMORROW The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems is a multi-university National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center (NSF-ERC) founded in 2000. Its mission is to develop new technologies to detect hidden objects and to use those technologies to meet real world subsurface challenges in areas as diverse as noninvasive breast cancer detection and underground pollution assessment. The center's multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in wave physics (photonics, ultrasonics, electromagnetics), multisensor fusion, image processing, and 3D CAT-scan-like reconstruction and visualization. The Gordon Center operates with the speed and agility more typical of a results-driven private company than of an academic institution, consistent with the needs of its industrial and government partners. With its commitment to leveraging technology transfer to spur economic development, the Gordon Center is intended to be a national model for the fusion of academic research and private-sector collaboration. The Gordon Foundation has provided a gift to sustain the NSF-ERC and create a new educational initiative: the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program. The program will train graduates, called Gordon Fellows, who will constitute a cadre of technology drivers adept at envisioning new engineering products and skilled at leading multidisciplinary teams to bring their ideas to market. Center History The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems is a multi-university National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center (NSF-ERC) founded in 2000. Its mission is to develop new technologies to detect hidden objects - and to use those technologies to meet real world subsurface challenges in areas as diverse as noninvasive breast cancer detection and underground pollution assessment. The Center’s multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in wave physics (photonics, ultrasonics, electromagnetics), multi-sensor fusion, image processing, and 3D CATscan-like reconstruction and visualization. The Gordon Center operates with the speed and agility more typical of a results-driven private company than that of an academic institution, satisfying the needs of its industrial and government partners. With its commitment to leveraging technology transfer to spur economic development, the Gordon Center is intended to be a national model for the fusion of academic research and private-sector collaboration. In the fall of 2006, the Center was renamed to acknowledge a $20 million, twelve-year gift given to Northeastern University by the Gordon Foundation. This gift will sustain critical elements of center infrastructure. It also supports a new educational initiative: the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program ( The program trains graduates, called Gordon Fellows, who will constitute a cadre of technology drivers adept at envisioning new engineering products and skilled at leading multidisciplinary teams to bring their ideas to market.




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Michael Silevitch

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(617) 373-5110


360 Huntington Avenue
302 Stearns Center

Research Areas

The problem of imaging under a surface arises in a wide variety of contexts, and these problems are among the most difficult and intractable system challenges known. The Subsurface Sensing and Imaging (SSI) challenge is to extract information about a subsurface target from scattered and distorted waves received above the surface.
Imaging techniques, whether ultrasound sensors in tissue or electromagnetic probes in soil, can be described by the properties of the probe wave, the wave propagation characteristics of the medium and the surface, and the nature of the target and probe interaction. The framework describes not only underground imagery, but also underwater imaging, medical imagery inside the body, and 3-D biological microscopy inside a cell or collection of cells. Gordon-CenSSIS research impacts all of these areas.
The fundamental problem of SSI is to differentiate the target of interest from irrelevant clutter and scattered radiation, i.e., to distinguish a landmine from roots, stones, shell-casings, or ground-surface reflections. For example, in pulse-reflection ground-penetrating radar (GPR), the signal from a plastic cylinder could be obscured by the rough-surface reflection above the object. The task is to extract the signal from the complex scattered field of random surface irregularities.
An Integrated Systems Approach
A systems solution is required so that a priori information from the fundamental science of the target phenomenon and its interaction with the subsurface probe can be used to advantage in the processing, imaging, and decision steps that follow. Conversely, the physical probes and sensors can be optimally configured based on processing and recognition criteria. We have created an integrated "end-to-end" approach of the design of next generation SSI systems by teaming multi-disciplinary researchers who have deep knowledge of fundamental science with pragmatic systems engineers. Our three research thrusts (R1, R2, and R3) are engineered to address the barriers at every stage of this "end-to-end" systems approach.
R1: Subsurface Sensing and Modeling explores the physics of promising new non-linear and multi-modal subsurface probes and develops accurate, efficient, wave-based forward modeling algorithms. These models are essential to the understanding of new subsurface probes and form the basis of the R2 inverse methods.
R2: Physics-Based Signal Processing and Image Understanding creates and verifies inverse algorithms to infer subsurface details from measurement of above-surface sensors. This thrust focuses on optimizing the entire detection system, from the sensor data to the information desired, particularly addressing problems where the map from data to decision is non-linear or multi-modal.
R3: Image and Data Information Management develops fast, efficient computational processing and visualization tools as well as means to organize, catalog, and retrieve data sets for algorithm verification.
We test and verify the advances in these research thrusts on fully characterized ground-truth data from our validation testbeds in the biological, medical, underground, and underwater regimes (BioBED, MedBED, SeaBED, and SoilBED). Finally, we apply our methods to real problems of societal significance. We have strong collaborative partnerships with our strategic affiliate institutions (MGH, MSKCC, INL, LLNL, and WHOI) to help us identify significant unsolved biomedical and environmental problems, and we have additional industry and government partners that ensure that our technological innovations are extracted and appropriately applied to the real world.
The Grand Challenge
The Gordon-CenSSIS grand challenge is to use our unifying framework and integrated systems approach to solve important real-world subsurface problems.We aim to achieve critical technical advances that will dramatically improve subsurface imaging for important societal problems. The vehicle for these advances is an Integrated Process for Looking under Surfaces (I PLUS). This engineered system contains the following elements:
A unifying physical and analytical framework to produce optimal solutions to diverse SSI problems;
Validating testbeds that combine unique sensors with innovative modeling and inversion algorithms;
An integration of the sensors, lessons, and tools of subsurface system solutions from a wide range of real-world applications.
Products that we envision emanating from I PLUS include new multi-sensor instruments and capabilities such as a 3-D fusion microscope to observe subcellular reproduction processes, a portable, non-invasive breast scanning device that provides diagnostic readout of incipient cancer development and functions in real time, sea-floor visualization and satellite based coastal ecosystem erosion monitoring, and large-area buried waste mapping.
Subsurface Sensing & Modeling
Subsurface Sensing and Modeling explores the physics of promising new non-linear and multi-modal subsurface probes and develops accurate, efficient, wave-based forward modeling algorithms. These models are essential to the understanding of new subsurface probes and form the basis of the Thrust 2 inverse methods. The research thrust is divided into two areas:
Nonlinear & Dual Wave Probes investigates the fundamental physical mechanisms involved in subsurface imaging and the development of new imaging modalities. A principal theme of research is the use of multiple interacting probes of either the same physical nature (e.g., electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths), or of different nature (e.g., an acoustic wave and an optical wave). These probes may be independent or coupled through some physical interaction.
Nanoscale Imaging is based on broadband optical interferometry. Entangled-photon Sensing and Imaging is another imaging modality using two optical probe waves. Imaging with two interactive waves of different physical nature has also been pursued; a Gordon Center team (Dual-Wave Methods for Biomedical Imaging: Acousto-Optic and Opto-Acoustic Imaging) uses a diffuse optical wave and an ultrasonic wave, interacting in an optically scattering medium, to obtain enhanced diffuse-optical tomography images as well as images of opto-mechanical properties. Development of High-Resolution THz Imaging Systems aims to use terahertz imaging for non-destructive evaluation of the local properties of semiconductor material.
Effective Forward Models investigates models that can be used to advance fundamental understanding and as tools for engineering design, analysis and optimization. Research addresses the barriers that limit rapid, real-time analysis and inversion and serves as the bridge between Thrust 1 and Thrust 2, generating simulated data for a fixed sensor configuration and serving as an integral part of the reconstruction algorithms in:
ground penetrating radar propagation through rough surfaces, modeling of large collections of weak scatterers such as mitochondria in cells, simulation of the effects of inhomogeneities, rough layers, frequency-dependent dispersive media, and sensor/media coupling (Wave-Based Computational Modeling for Detection of Tumors, Buried Objects and Subcellular Structures).
elasticity imaging of inclusions imbedded in soft tissue (Biomechanical Imaging).
Physics-Based Signal Processing & Image Understanding
Physics-Based Signal Processing and Image Understanding creates and verifies inverse algorithms to infer subsurface details from measurement of above-surface sensors. This thrust focuses on optimizing the entire detection system, from the sensor data to the information desired, particularly addressing problems where the map from data to decision is non-linear or multi-modal. The goal is to identify common mathematical structures and develop general approaches that are applicable across diverse application domains. The work is described under four areas, representing distinct problem classes and information extraction strategies. Each of the areas is developing algorithms that are broadly applicable across different applications in these problem classes. The four areas are summarized below:
Multi-View Tomography (MVT) is concerned with problems where individual sensors capture integrated properties of overlapping areas of the observed subsurface region. These problems arise in many Center applications, ranging from ground penetrating radar subsurface imaging to Electric Impedance Tomography.
Localized Probing and Mosaicing (LPM) is concerned with problems where individual sensor information reflects properties of a highly localized sub-region of the subsurface problem of interest. In these problems determination of the global properties of the material requires registration and fusion of the multiple sources of localized information. Current applications which require LPM strategies involve retinal subsurface imaging, underwater imaging with sidescan sonar and strobe video, and confocal microscopy.
Multi-Spectral Discrimination (MSD) is concerned with problems where sensors collect information on the observed problem of interest across multiple cross-registered spectral bands. Properties of the subsurface volume of interest must be inferred from fusion of the spectral information. Applications that require MSD strategies are skin and brain imaging, underwater quantitative imaging from airborne or satellite based hyperspectral sensors, and multispectral optical biopsy for cancer identification.
Image Understanding and Sensor Fusion (IUSF) aims to extract useful information from the images generated by subsurface inverse problems, such as the underlying object structure contained in a subsurface environment. In many cases, combination of diverse sources of information, obtained at different times and with different modalities, is needed to characterize the structure of the subsurface phenomena under observation. Applications that require IUSF include tumor detection and localization in low-contrast imagery, shape estimation for buried object classification, multi-sensor fusion for coral reef monitoring, multi-modal sensor fusion in breast imaging, and multi-mode microscopy.
The underlying motivation for work in the R3 thrust area is the recognition that many of the CenSSIS projects and TestBEDs encounter massive datasets, computational barriers and software development challenges which impede the research progress within the Center.
R3 develops scalable, computational tools and resources to enable realistic models to be used for inversion. This thrust is responsible for the development and implementation of efficient sensor data databases, metadata, and multidimensional data search capabilities. R3 also develops software-engineered SSI toolsets.
Researchers have been working with many other Thrust and I-PLUS projects to provide solutions for motion prediction, registration, clustering, and reconstruction, and develop new parallelization techniques to exploit parallel cluster, programmable hardware, and Grids. The efforts in Thrust 3 have been organized into two major areas that address the following challenges:
Parallel Hardware Implementation for Fast Subsurface Detection
The development of scalable computational tools and resources to enable researchers to develop and run more computationally challenging inversion and reconstruction methods. Grid-Enabled High Performance Computational Modeling Applications has created a systematic methodology to parallelize serial algorithm so that scalable computational resources (GRID-level systems) can be effectively exploited. A Toolkit for Implementing Image- Processing Algorithms in Reconfigurable Hardware uses programmable devices (FPGAs) to accelerate elements of image acquisition and registration.
The development and implementation of efficient image data databases, metadata, and time-varying pattern classification capabilities to explore Center datasets in new ways, coupled with the development of software-engineered SSI toolsets. The Image Database System handles the acquisition, storage, indexing, and dissemination of a large variety of image and sensor datasets and applies database technologies to image related problems (e.g., tumor tracking). Solutionware Toolboxes supports three existing subsurface sensing and imaging toolboxes available for download
System Level Applications is the final integration of Center activity that aims to achieve critical technical advances to dramatically improve subsurface imaging for important societal problems.
Current system level projects have biological-medical and civil-environmental applications:
- Application of 3D Fusion Microscopy to Subsurface Imaging of Mouse Oocytes, Embryos, and Embryonic Stem Cells: Non-destructive evaluation of embryo viability that improves the success rate of in vitro fertilization and reduces the number of multiple-birth pregnancies.
- Application of 3D Fusion Microscopy to Skin Cancer Characterization: Imaging of skin cells to detect skin cancer, with the eventual goal of producing a hand-held skin cancer detection device that can be used in clinical settings.
- Four-Dimensional Image-Guided Radiotherapy: Improvement of the effectiveness of cancer therapy through reduction of the time needed to calculate a treatment plan, modeling of respiratory patterns to better direct radiation to the tumor, and development of a toolkit that visualizes CT scans over time.
- Multi-Sensor Breast Cancer Imaging: Integration of multi-sensor instruments and processing schemes to decrease the incidence of unnecessary biopsies for breast cancer and identify cancer not seen using x-ray mammography.
- Multi-Scale Sensing for Benthic Habitat Monitoring: Remote Sensing: Use of sensors and processing algorithms to develop tools that monitor shallow Caribbean reefs and maintain marine health and biodiversity.
- Imaging the Deep Coral Reef Habitat with the SeaBED AUV: Deployment of the Center's Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle to study previously inaccessible deep-water coral reefs, identifying both potential sources of both commercially desirable fish and coral larvae to redevelop the shallow reefs.
- 4-D Multi-Sensor Underground Assessment: Development of techniques to detect site contamination, flaws in civil infrastructure, and unexploded ordnance such as landmines.

Facilities & Resources

Advanced Scientific Computing Laboratory Research at Northeastern : Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory Carey Rappaport, rappapor @ Northeastern University Center for Computational Science Boston University The Boston University Center for Computational Science (CCS) was founded in 1990 to coordinate and promote computationally based research, to foster computational science education and to provide for the expansion of computational resources and support.CCS provides a forum for the multidisciplinary exchange of ideas among researchers, educators and students. Regularly scheduled seminars as well as workshops and symposia are offered to highlight advances in computational science. CCS has acted to develop and facilitate the formulation of projects in computationally based research and education, working with scientists from 20 different departments and centers. Biomedical Signals Processing Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Prof. Dana Brooks, Northeastern University, The main goal of the Biomedical Signal Processing Lab at Northeastern University is to create and amend strong advanced signal and image processing algorithms, in order to use them for the analysis of biomedical and biological signals. The lab hopes to use the information gathered and the signal processing theory to help in the advancement of biological applications. Another goal of the lab is to help advance signal processing theory and practice. The lab is closely collaborated with researchers from many places, including Brigham and Women�s Hospital of Harvard Medical School and the Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute. Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Prof. Gilead Tadmor, Northeastern University, The Digital Signal Processing Laboratory at Northeastern University is a center of both research and education in the fields of signal and image processing. It is based at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and has many faculty members and graduate students from a wide variety of majors. The lab hopes to encourage research, education, and preparation for students with futures in research, development, and academia. Wavefield Inversion Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Prof. Eric Miller, Department of ECE, The Wavefield Inversion Laboratory seeks to develop and validate inverse image processing methods. These methods allow the addressing of problems in a wide variety of fields such as medical imaging, geophysical imaging, and nondestructive evaluation. Specifically, the lab works on things such as fluorescence molecular imaging, civil infrastructure monitoring, and automatic target recognition. The lab is supported by various industries in the Boston area as well as many agencies of the Federal Government. Signal Processing Laboratory Boston University Lab Manager: James Goebel, Boston University, The signal processing lab at Boston University serves as a hub of graduate research in the areas of multidimensional signal processing and statistical signal processing. The laboratory consists of advanced computational resources and the associated software packages. Technology includes high-capacity monochrome and color printers as well as dual processor workstations. The lab is funded by the National Science Foundation and is in the process of being upgraded. Center for Computation Science Boston University Contact: Claudio Rebbi, Director of The Center for Computation Science, The Center for Computation Science at Boston University strives to allow for the expansion of computational resources and support, to coordinate and encourage computationally based research, and to foster computational science education. CCS allows for collaboration in many disciplines among students, educators, and research. The CCS hosts seminars, symposia, and workshops. The CCS has been a starting point for the development of a variety of projects in computationally based research. Collaboration is an important part of the CCS, and it works closely with many other groups. Particularly, CCS works to develop resources to support computational sciences with the Office of Information Technology. Remote Sensing & Image Processing Laboratory University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Contact: Dr. Luis O. Jim�nez, Ph.D., University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, The Laboratory for Applied Remote Sensing and Image Processing (LARSIP) at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez is one of the most important research groups in the field of signal processing and remote sensing. The laboratory consists of a combination of students, professors, and researchers. LARSIP strives to develop advanced algorithms used to extract information and management from remote sensing sensors. It also seeks to educate and train students in an array of technologies instrumental to the field. With a heavy focus of inter-disciplinary research and education, LARSIP works with areas such as geology and chemistry. The lab was founded with funds from a US National Science Foundation Minority Research Centers Program grant, and today receives additional funds from many organizations including NASA and the NSF. Digital Signal Processing Laboratory University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Parallel Computation Laboratory Northeastern University Contact: Gene Cooperman, College of Computer Science, The Parallel Computation Laboratory at Northeastern University is within the College of Computer and Information Science. The laboratory includes 5 Ph.D. students. The lab seeks to use the disk as an extension of RAM by means of parallel computation. Engineered Systems Support Laboratory Northeastern University Coming Soon... Electrical Impedance Tomography Laboratory Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Contact: Jon Newell, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, The main accomplishment of the Electric Impedance Imaging Lab at Rensselaer is their work on the development of Adaptive Current Tomographs, which are a series of non-invasive medical imaging devices. The Adaptive Current Tomographs work by creating patient images that are based upon the body�s varying conductivity. The picture that appears is a reflection of the capability of electrical currents to travel through the patient�s body. The lab was originally funded by the National Science Foundation but now also receives funds from a variety of other sources such as the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIGMS), and the New York State Department of Health Empire Program. Subretinal Visualization Laboratory Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Coming Soon... Image Processing Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Contact: William N. Lange, The Image Processing Lab at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution provides imaging systems for research and education, and is used in commercial projects around the world. The lab specializes in imagine system design, as well as development and attainment of imagery from dangerous and unique environments. The lab boasts an impressive collection of high resolution image collections for marine archeological, natural history, and scientific images. The lab also houses a generous inventory of field-ready imaging systems. --- TestBEDs BioBED: Biological Microscopy BioBED is the test facility for biological applications of subsurface imaging. It is distributed across many of the partners and affiliates, and has a home lab at Northeastern University. The long-range goal is for this home lab to house a unique state-of-the-art "fusion microscope" that will combine new subsurface sensing techniques such as the Quadrature Tomographic Microscope (QTM), Entangled-States microscope, with state-of-the-art commercial instruments on the same specimen stage. This instrument will image specimens using multiple sensors simultaneously, both "staring mode" modalities such as Nomarski and QTM and scanning mode modalities such as confocal and reflectance-confocal, two-photon, and Entangled Two-Photon. Through this, CenSSIS will address the difficulty of imaging biological samples using microscopes housed at different locations. It is imperative that all these microscopes reside within a single integrated instrument so that images obtained using these different modalities can be unambiguously processed (i.e. minimal registration error, no change in biological state) on a single fixed specimen. Software tools for registration, fusion, visualization, and display of the wealth of information obtained will be developed in a joint effort with the R3 thrust. MedBED The primary long-term goal for MedBED is a general-use, state-of-the-art, experimental facility for testing forward models, inversion models, and signal processing schemes in the medical domain as well as for calibrating and base-lining new hardware. Both ultrasonic and optical modes of operation will be supported. Propagation media include water and tissue-mimicking phantoms. A more immediate objective is the support of CenSSIS-based experimental studies, including linear and nonlinear underwater ultrasound imaging, ultrasound tomography, in vitro imaging in tissue phantoms, and acousto-optic and opto-acoustic imaging. SoilBED The SoilBED facility is a critical component of CenSSIS that will provide verification and validation of subsurface sensing and imaging methodologies that will target environmental and civil infrastructure applications. In this project, a controlled facility has been developed for understanding/validation of physics-based models/sensors for geo-environmental and civil infrastructure applications. SoilBED's second year project focuses on the development and validation of cross-well radar models for detection and imaging of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) in the soil subsurface. DNAPL detection and imaging was selected because it is a major problem for the Department of Energy (DoD) and the Department of Defense (DoD). SeaBED The long-term goal for SeaBED is a general-use, state-of-the-art, experimental facility for testing forward models, inversion models, and signal processing schemes in the underwater and near-ocean-surface enviro-nment as well as for calibrating and base-lining new hardware. SeaBED will be based at UPRM, with the support of Prof. DiMarzio's laboratory at NU, and additional collaborations at WHOI. Both acoustic and optical modes of operation will be supported. Propagation media include water and the atmosphere. An overarching objective is the development of CenSSIS-based experimental studies, including hyperspectral imaging, radar and acoustic sensing to identify different coral reefs and their state of health in the Caribbean region. ---

Partner Organizations

Northeastern University
Boston University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Idaho National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)