Henry Royce Institute

As an international flagship for the discovery and development of new materials systems, the Royce will: SUPPORT AND GROW WORLD-RECOGNISED EXCELLENCE IN UK MATERIALS RESEARCH ACCELERATE COMMERCIAL EXPLOITATION OF MATERIALS RESEARCH DELIVER SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC AND SOCIETAL IMPACT FOR THE UK Operating with its Hub at The University of Manchester, the Henry Royce Institute is a partnership of nine leading institutions – the universities of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Liverpool, Leeds, Oxford, Sheffield, the National Nuclear Laboratory, and UKAEA. The Royce coordinates over 900 academics and over £300 million of facilities, providing a joined-up framework that can deliver beyond the current capabilities of individual partners or research teams. WE ARE OPEN, ACCESSIBLE AND COLLABORATIVE. The Royce is the front door to the UK materials research and innovation community open to academia, industry and the public. Our research tackles some of the most pressing challenges facing today’s society, from providing energy for future cities to decarbonisation and new recyclable materials. Our materials facilities and research expertise are available to academia and industry alike. Whether you are a researcher, a large company, or an SME, we can help to meet your materials needs. We believe that collaboration between our researchers and industry will create real solutions to global grand challenges, and provide significant societal and economic benefit to the UK.

Research Areas

The Royce has the expertise and facilities to contribute to a wide range of research and development. Our initial science program targets nine core themes, each led by a champion and coordinated through a stakeholder network of industrialists and academics. This enables the research focus to evolve and reflect changing national priorities.
The Royce is aligned to the UK government Industrial Strategy and our research has the potential to transform the digital, engineering, energy and health sectors. Many of our research areas are complementary, and Royce Partner institutions work collaboratively, sharing facilities and expertise.
Research to deliver and better understand atomic thickness materials, including graphene, for a range of applications including membranes for filtration and coatings, energy storage and functional composites.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
The creation of new alloys with higher performance, better manufacturability, greater flexibility, lower cost, and lower environmental impact. These will be used in materials systems across transport, healthcare, energy, and manufacturing.
Lead Partner: The University of Sheffield
Quantum scale engineering of new technologies, supported by many disciplines, that can translate into applications including photonics, imaging, semiconductors, sensors, energy storage and biomedical materials.
Lead Partners: The University of Leeds / Imperial College London
Accelerating a new generation of ‘smart’ biomaterials that improve health and wellbeing. This includes two grand challenges of; restoring biological function with minimal invasiveness, and new, low risk, cost efficient therapies.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
The discovery and analysis of new chemical materials by combining high performance computing and materials science. Our research will impact a wide range of sectors, from nanofabrication to nuclear engineering.
Lead Partner: The University of Liverpool
Research focused on batteries, supercapacitors and thermoelectrics to solve the material challenges involved in the all-solid-state battery. This can transform the safety of lithium-ion batteries and energy density.
Lead Partner: The University of Oxford
Research into performance and degradation to enable the design new materials, systems and coatings for a range of applications including energy, marine, aerospace and automotive.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
This research area focuses on innovation in energy generation, storage and use, to transform the devices we use. Applications include solar coatings, reduced power consumption, and battery energy density, longevity and cost.
Lead Partner: The University of Cambridge
Research into two key areas: nuclear fuels and waste streams in the nuclear fuel cycle; and structural materials for fission and fusion energy. This will drive productivity, lower cost and improve safety in future nuclear programmes.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
Materials modelling is an underpinning capability and research area, jointly led by Partners across the Royce. This interdisciplinary activity brings together materials scientists, data scientists and mathematicians, working to understand and simulate materials behaviour. The Royce works with established modelling centres including the Thomas Young Centre and the Manchester Materials Modelling Centre.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

University of Manchester
University of Sheffield
University of Oxford
University of Liverpool
University of Leeds
University of Cambridge
National Nuclear Laboratory
Imperial College London



United Kingdom



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


0161 306 7585


Alan Turing Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

As an international flagship for the discovery and development of new materials systems, the Royce will: SUPPORT AND GROW WORLD-RECOGNISED EXCELLENCE IN UK MATERIALS RESEARCH ACCELERATE COMMERCIAL EXPLOITATION OF MATERIALS RESEARCH DELIVER SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC AND SOCIETAL IMPACT FOR THE UK Operating with its Hub at The University of Manchester, the Henry Royce Institute is a partnership of nine leading institutions – the universities of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Liverpool, Leeds, Oxford, Sheffield, the National Nuclear Laboratory, and UKAEA. The Royce coordinates over 900 academics and over £300 million of facilities, providing a joined-up framework that can deliver beyond the current capabilities of individual partners or research teams. WE ARE OPEN, ACCESSIBLE AND COLLABORATIVE. The Royce is the front door to the UK materials research and innovation community open to academia, industry and the public. Our research tackles some of the most pressing challenges facing today’s society, from providing energy for future cities to decarbonisation and new recyclable materials. Our materials facilities and research expertise are available to academia and industry alike. Whether you are a researcher, a large company, or an SME, we can help to meet your materials needs. We believe that collaboration between our researchers and industry will create real solutions to global grand challenges, and provide significant societal and economic benefit to the UK.



United Kingdom



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


0161 306 7585


Alan Turing Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

Research Areas

The Royce has the expertise and facilities to contribute to a wide range of research and development. Our initial science program targets nine core themes, each led by a champion and coordinated through a stakeholder network of industrialists and academics. This enables the research focus to evolve and reflect changing national priorities.
The Royce is aligned to the UK government Industrial Strategy and our research has the potential to transform the digital, engineering, energy and health sectors. Many of our research areas are complementary, and Royce Partner institutions work collaboratively, sharing facilities and expertise.
Research to deliver and better understand atomic thickness materials, including graphene, for a range of applications including membranes for filtration and coatings, energy storage and functional composites.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
The creation of new alloys with higher performance, better manufacturability, greater flexibility, lower cost, and lower environmental impact. These will be used in materials systems across transport, healthcare, energy, and manufacturing.
Lead Partner: The University of Sheffield
Quantum scale engineering of new technologies, supported by many disciplines, that can translate into applications including photonics, imaging, semiconductors, sensors, energy storage and biomedical materials.
Lead Partners: The University of Leeds / Imperial College London
Accelerating a new generation of ‘smart’ biomaterials that improve health and wellbeing. This includes two grand challenges of; restoring biological function with minimal invasiveness, and new, low risk, cost efficient therapies.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
The discovery and analysis of new chemical materials by combining high performance computing and materials science. Our research will impact a wide range of sectors, from nanofabrication to nuclear engineering.
Lead Partner: The University of Liverpool
Research focused on batteries, supercapacitors and thermoelectrics to solve the material challenges involved in the all-solid-state battery. This can transform the safety of lithium-ion batteries and energy density.
Lead Partner: The University of Oxford
Research into performance and degradation to enable the design new materials, systems and coatings for a range of applications including energy, marine, aerospace and automotive.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
This research area focuses on innovation in energy generation, storage and use, to transform the devices we use. Applications include solar coatings, reduced power consumption, and battery energy density, longevity and cost.
Lead Partner: The University of Cambridge
Research into two key areas: nuclear fuels and waste streams in the nuclear fuel cycle; and structural materials for fission and fusion energy. This will drive productivity, lower cost and improve safety in future nuclear programmes.
Lead Partner: The University of Manchester
Materials modelling is an underpinning capability and research area, jointly led by Partners across the Royce. This interdisciplinary activity brings together materials scientists, data scientists and mathematicians, working to understand and simulate materials behaviour. The Royce works with established modelling centres including the Thomas Young Centre and the Manchester Materials Modelling Centre.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

University of Manchester
University of Sheffield
University of Oxford
University of Liverpool
University of Leeds
University of Cambridge
National Nuclear Laboratory
Imperial College London