UK Collaboratorium for Research in Infrastructure & Cities

UKCRIC is an integrated research capability with a mission to underpin the renewal, sustainment and improvement of infrastructure and cities in the UK and elsewhere. UKCRIC engages stakeholders to better understand and address complex infrastructure challenges through collaborative research, and we are always looking for opportunities to help improve situations. UKCRIC Phase I has been about building the physical research capability. We have initially funded 13 cross-disciplinary lab and urban observatory test facilities. We are beginning to collect, collate and curate large volumes of diverse data about current and proposed infrastructure. This data will enable policies, regulation, systems and capital investments and strategic, tactical and operational decisions to be made on the basis of evidence, analysis and innovation. UKCRIC does not have a single geographical home. Each academic partner leads a theme and contributes to others, creating a strong collaborative network with multiple centres and connections between them. This spreads the benefits geographically and into teaching programmes throughout higher education in the UK and beyond. UKCRIC is coordinated by the Coordination Node (CN). The CN provides governance and coordination on behalf of UKCRIC as a whole to ensure that the collective impact of its investments and research is achieved and communicated across and between sectors and communities. UKCRIC is working to benefit society by encouraging disparate areas of infrastructure to work collaboratively with each other. It is working to improve infrastructure for the benefit of all citizens, and is doing this by adhering all research projects to a set of missions. These missions are designed to facilitate the delivery of interconnected, integrated and multi-disciplinary research programmes and projects. All of UKCRIC’s research projects are working to contribute to one or more of these missions. We are actively seeking new research collaborations that align with our missions. Please get in touch with us at

Research Areas

UKCRIC is working to benefit society by encouraging disparate areas of infrastructure to work collaboratively with each other.
It is working to improve infrastructure for the benefit of all citizens, and is doing this by adhering all research projects to a set of missions. These missions are designed to facilitate the delivery of interconnected, integrated and multi-disciplinary research programmes and projects.
The four missions are:
1. Infrastructure and urban systems for one planet living
Empowering society to thrive within the capacity of the planet through responsible consumption, resource efficiency and sustainable growth.
2. Ownership, governance and business models for infrastructure and urban systems
Coping with greater system interdependencies, changing patterns of use and new, disruptive technologies whilst at the same time delivering social justice and affordability.
3. Transformational infrastructure and urban systems for a changing world
Enabling infrastructure and urban systems to adapt to the challenges of climate change, changing patterns of use, societal expectations and emergent technologies.
4. Infrastructure and urban systems as drivers of equity, inclusion and social justice
Forging healthy, happy and productive lives for all through urban design, planning, policy and infrastructure.

Facilities & Resources

UKCRIC has 11 test facilities and 6 Urban Observatories across the UK at a number of partner organisations, many of which are available for use by academics and students as well as industry and government. Test Facility / Based at / Contact National Distributed Water Infrastructure Facility University of Sheffield Dr Alexey Bochenkov, Fire and Impact Laboratory for Resilient Infrastructure Materials University of Manchester Professor Yong Wang, National Infrastructure Laboratory University of Southampton Dr Duncan Crump, Centre for Infrastructure Materials University of Leeds Professor Leon Black, Person-Environment-Activity Research Laboratory UCL Professor Nick Tyler, National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment Cranfield University Professor Paul Jeffrey, Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Laboratory University of Bristol Professor Anastasios Sextos, National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing University of Cambridge Dr Pieter Desnerck, National Buried Infrastructure Facility University of Birmingham Professor David Chapman, Advanced Infrastructure Materials Laboratory Imperial College London Professor Chris Cheeseman, National Green Infrastructure Facility Newcastle University Dr Ross Stirling, Urban Observatory / Based at / Contact Newcastle Urban Observatory Newcastle University Bristol Infrastructure Collaboratory University of Bristol Dr Theo Tryfonas, Urban Flows Observatory University of Sheffield Cranfield Urban Observatory Cranfield University Angela Colclough, Manchester Urban Observatory University of Manchester Matthew Harrison, Birmingham Urban Observatory University of Birmingham Lee Chapman,

Partner Organizations




United Kingdom



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

David Richards

Contact Title

Director, Research Strategy

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(023) 8059 2848


UCL, Chadwick Building
Gower Street

UKCRIC is an integrated research capability with a mission to underpin the renewal, sustainment and improvement of infrastructure and cities in the UK and elsewhere. UKCRIC engages stakeholders to better understand and address complex infrastructure challenges through collaborative research, and we are always looking for opportunities to help improve situations. UKCRIC Phase I has been about building the physical research capability. We have initially funded 13 cross-disciplinary lab and urban observatory test facilities. We are beginning to collect, collate and curate large volumes of diverse data about current and proposed infrastructure. This data will enable policies, regulation, systems and capital investments and strategic, tactical and operational decisions to be made on the basis of evidence, analysis and innovation. UKCRIC does not have a single geographical home. Each academic partner leads a theme and contributes to others, creating a strong collaborative network with multiple centres and connections between them. This spreads the benefits geographically and into teaching programmes throughout higher education in the UK and beyond. UKCRIC is coordinated by the Coordination Node (CN). The CN provides governance and coordination on behalf of UKCRIC as a whole to ensure that the collective impact of its investments and research is achieved and communicated across and between sectors and communities. UKCRIC is working to benefit society by encouraging disparate areas of infrastructure to work collaboratively with each other. It is working to improve infrastructure for the benefit of all citizens, and is doing this by adhering all research projects to a set of missions. These missions are designed to facilitate the delivery of interconnected, integrated and multi-disciplinary research programmes and projects. All of UKCRIC’s research projects are working to contribute to one or more of these missions. We are actively seeking new research collaborations that align with our missions. Please get in touch with us at




United Kingdom



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

David Richards

Contact Title

Director, Research Strategy

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(023) 8059 2848


UCL, Chadwick Building
Gower Street

Research Areas

UKCRIC is working to benefit society by encouraging disparate areas of infrastructure to work collaboratively with each other.
It is working to improve infrastructure for the benefit of all citizens, and is doing this by adhering all research projects to a set of missions. These missions are designed to facilitate the delivery of interconnected, integrated and multi-disciplinary research programmes and projects.
The four missions are:
1. Infrastructure and urban systems for one planet living
Empowering society to thrive within the capacity of the planet through responsible consumption, resource efficiency and sustainable growth.
2. Ownership, governance and business models for infrastructure and urban systems
Coping with greater system interdependencies, changing patterns of use and new, disruptive technologies whilst at the same time delivering social justice and affordability.
3. Transformational infrastructure and urban systems for a changing world
Enabling infrastructure and urban systems to adapt to the challenges of climate change, changing patterns of use, societal expectations and emergent technologies.
4. Infrastructure and urban systems as drivers of equity, inclusion and social justice
Forging healthy, happy and productive lives for all through urban design, planning, policy and infrastructure.

Facilities & Resources

UKCRIC has 11 test facilities and 6 Urban Observatories across the UK at a number of partner organisations, many of which are available for use by academics and students as well as industry and government. Test Facility / Based at / Contact National Distributed Water Infrastructure Facility University of Sheffield Dr Alexey Bochenkov, Fire and Impact Laboratory for Resilient Infrastructure Materials University of Manchester Professor Yong Wang, National Infrastructure Laboratory University of Southampton Dr Duncan Crump, Centre for Infrastructure Materials University of Leeds Professor Leon Black, Person-Environment-Activity Research Laboratory UCL Professor Nick Tyler, National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment Cranfield University Professor Paul Jeffrey, Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Laboratory University of Bristol Professor Anastasios Sextos, National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing University of Cambridge Dr Pieter Desnerck, National Buried Infrastructure Facility University of Birmingham Professor David Chapman, Advanced Infrastructure Materials Laboratory Imperial College London Professor Chris Cheeseman, National Green Infrastructure Facility Newcastle University Dr Ross Stirling, Urban Observatory / Based at / Contact Newcastle Urban Observatory Newcastle University Bristol Infrastructure Collaboratory University of Bristol Dr Theo Tryfonas, Urban Flows Observatory University of Sheffield Cranfield Urban Observatory Cranfield University Angela Colclough, Manchester Urban Observatory University of Manchester Matthew Harrison, Birmingham Urban Observatory University of Birmingham Lee Chapman,

Partner Organizations