Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing and Systems

[an NSF Graduated Center] The mission of the Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing and Systems (WIMS2) at the University of Michigan is to advance the design, fabrication, and breadth of the applications for sensor-driven microsensors and systems through research, education, and interactions with industry. Core technologies include new sensing concepts and sensor designs, micro and nanoscale fabrication and packaging methods, micromachined RF filters and resonators, energy scavengers, low-power circuitry, and wireless interfaces. Application areas include wearable, implantable, and microanalytical devices, chemical and environmental sensors, and infrastructure monitoring systems. The applications' focus and interdisciplinary nature distinguishes WIMS2 from other university research efforts. The relevance of this research is shown by the 15+ start-up companies and more than 87 patents the Center has generated. Our Start In 2000, the University of Michigan formed the Engineering Research Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) to continue its world-class research on MEMS and microsystems during the coming decade. The National Science Foundation funded the Center with $40M over ten years, with additional support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Department of Defense, and industry, and in partnership with Michigan State University, Michigan Technological University, the University of Utah, the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Prairie View A&M, and North Carolina A&T. In 2010 the Center became a graduated and self-sustaining ERC and continues to operate under the same bylaws. Over the past 18 years, the Center produced over 250 doctoral graduates, nearly 2000 journal articles and conference papers, and 87 patents. Currently, the Center has 43+ faculty and 80+ researchers, and has launched 15+ start-up companies. The combined impact of these activities is now approaching one billion dollars.

Research Areas

Research Thrusts comprise the basic organizational structure of the WIMS2 Engineering Research Center (ERC). Lead by a senior faculty member, a thrust provides a technology or application focus for integrating individual research areas into a cohesive interdisciplinary research program.
The WIMS2 Center has
4 technology-based Thrusts (Advanced Materials, Processes, and Packaging; High Frequency MEMS; Micropower Integrated Circuits; and Wireless Interfaces);
and 3 application-based Thrusts (Biomedical Sensors and Subsystems; Built Environment Sensing; and Environmental Sensors and Subsystems).
Biomedical Sensors and Subsystems
- Neural probes
- Implantable Biomedical Devices
- Neural Interface and Microsystems
- Lab-on-a-Chip
- Microfluidic Assay Chips
- Point-of-Care Diagnostics
The Biomedical Sensors and Subsystems Thrust is developing electronic interfaces to living systems for the gathering of diagnostic information and to provide treatment for various diseases and functional disorders. The thrust studies implanted devices for chronic monitoring of physiological, biochemical and vital signals as well as ex-situ devices for diagnostics of diseases, screening of drug efficacy and immune responses.
Built Environment Sensing
- Bridges
- Buildings
- Ships
- Airplanes
Dramatic reductions in cost combined with enhanced functionalities are driving increasing adoption of sensors in the built environment. This Thrust undertakes basic and applied research aimed to develop novel sensors, sensor network architectures, and in-network computing methods to monitor large-scale infrastructure systems. Applications targeted by the Thrust range from monitoring the health of bridges to the monitoring and control of building energy systems.
Environmental Sensors and Subsystems
- GC-on-a-Chip
- µSensors/µActuators
- Nanomaterials
- Complex Mixtures
- Explosives/Pollutants
- Field Prototypes
The Environmental Sensors and Subsystems (ESS) Thrust is developing MEMS sensors, actuators, and micro-instrumentation for analyzing complex mixtures of chemicals in air and biological media, as well as a range of physical parameters. These devices and multi-device ensembles serve as the information-gathering modules of wireless microsystems whose small size, accuracy, and low-power dissipation will enable their widespread dissemination in applications ranging from homeland security, environmental- quality monitoring, industrial process control, and global climate studies, to biomarker monitoring, and medical surveillance.
Advanced Materials, Processes, and Packaging
- Device Concepts
- Non-Traditional Materials
- Vacuum Packaging
- Wafer-Level Packaging
- Wafer Bonding
Successful development of MEMS and microsystems requires a number of technologies for their fabrication, assembly, and low-cost packaging. The Thrust includes research in the following general areas: wafer-scale bonding and vacuum packaging; assembly, interconnect, and related thin-film technologies; etching and deposition methods for new materials and exploratory applications; and mechanical protection and thermal issues.
High Frequency MEMS
- Terahertz MEMS
- Optical MEMS
The High Frequency MEMS Thrust undertakes research in three subject areas: RF MEMS, Optical MEMS, and THz MEMS, all from basic science as well as applied research perspectives. The Thrust is exploring advanced RF devices and microsystems, high-Q optical and acoustic resonators, terahertz modulators, imagers and sources, miniaturized antennas, MEMS meta-materials, plasmonics, and near-field optics. The microsystems developed under this thrust have applications in reconfigurable radios, medical and subsurface imaging, satellite mapping, and remote sensing, to name a few.
Micropower Integrated Circuits
- Low-Power Circuits
- New Architectures
- System Software
- Power Management
- Energy Harvesting
The Micropower Integrated Circuits Thrust aims at greatly reducing the power budgets of integrated circuits by using a range of techniques that are suitable for incorporation into generic microsystems. Both digital and analog circuits are targeted, with primary emphasis on the digital processing domain. The Thrust includes energy harvesting work and focuses on system-level power reduction across all components of emerging wireless microsystems.
Wireless Interfaces
- Digital Dominant Wireless
- Complete Wireless Systems
- Efficient Antennas
- New Architectures
- Low-Power Transceivers
The Wireless Interfaces Thrust undertakes basic and applied research in wire- less interfaces for environmental and biomedical sensor devices. The Thrust is exploring CMOS RF, miniature antennas, and sensor networking; developing wireless interfaces to neural probes, cochlear implants, and other biomedical devices such as arterial stent monitors; exploring techniques for moderate range, moderate rate, wireless communication to environmental sensors.

Facilities & Resources

The Robert H. Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (LNF) is one of the most advanced facilities in the nation for research on nanoscale photonics, quantum electronics, nanotechnology, silicon and compound-semiconductor devices, micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), wafer-level packaging, heterogeneous integration, and microsystems. The LNF offers the following capabilities: - Over 11,000sf of class 1000/100/10 cleanroom supported by over 60,000sf of infrastructure - Over 2,500sf for chemical processing, including electroplating, wet etching, lapping, chemical- mechanical polishing (CMP), and BioSafety Level 2 (BSL2) space - Facilities for dicing, die attach, wire bonding, and advanced packaging - Extensive facilities for wafer probing and the testing of packaged devices - Laboratories for optical, electrical, mechanical, and magnetic measurements on materials, structures, and devices, including those at the nanoscale - Nanoimprint technology The LNF is a shared, open-access facility and serves over 470 annual users, including personnel from about 55 companies and over 30 different universities. The LNF is staffed by twenty highly-experienced engineers and scientists who maintain the facility, keep its tools characterized, calibrated, and running as they should, and support the user community. External users are typically trained to run their own wafers but samples can also be processed by LNF staff engineers. Facilities for device design, modeling, and multi-mode simulation are also available. MORE INFORMATION AT

Partner Organizations

University of Michigan




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Yogesh B Gianchandani

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(734) 763-2126


1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor

[an NSF Graduated Center] The mission of the Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing and Systems (WIMS2) at the University of Michigan is to advance the design, fabrication, and breadth of the applications for sensor-driven microsensors and systems through research, education, and interactions with industry. Core technologies include new sensing concepts and sensor designs, micro and nanoscale fabrication and packaging methods, micromachined RF filters and resonators, energy scavengers, low-power circuitry, and wireless interfaces. Application areas include wearable, implantable, and microanalytical devices, chemical and environmental sensors, and infrastructure monitoring systems. The applications' focus and interdisciplinary nature distinguishes WIMS2 from other university research efforts. The relevance of this research is shown by the 15+ start-up companies and more than 87 patents the Center has generated. Our Start In 2000, the University of Michigan formed the Engineering Research Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) to continue its world-class research on MEMS and microsystems during the coming decade. The National Science Foundation funded the Center with $40M over ten years, with additional support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Department of Defense, and industry, and in partnership with Michigan State University, Michigan Technological University, the University of Utah, the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Prairie View A&M, and North Carolina A&T. In 2010 the Center became a graduated and self-sustaining ERC and continues to operate under the same bylaws. Over the past 18 years, the Center produced over 250 doctoral graduates, nearly 2000 journal articles and conference papers, and 87 patents. Currently, the Center has 43+ faculty and 80+ researchers, and has launched 15+ start-up companies. The combined impact of these activities is now approaching one billion dollars.




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Yogesh B Gianchandani

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(734) 763-2126


1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor

Research Areas

Research Thrusts comprise the basic organizational structure of the WIMS2 Engineering Research Center (ERC). Lead by a senior faculty member, a thrust provides a technology or application focus for integrating individual research areas into a cohesive interdisciplinary research program.
The WIMS2 Center has
4 technology-based Thrusts (Advanced Materials, Processes, and Packaging; High Frequency MEMS; Micropower Integrated Circuits; and Wireless Interfaces);
and 3 application-based Thrusts (Biomedical Sensors and Subsystems; Built Environment Sensing; and Environmental Sensors and Subsystems).
Biomedical Sensors and Subsystems
- Neural probes
- Implantable Biomedical Devices
- Neural Interface and Microsystems
- Lab-on-a-Chip
- Microfluidic Assay Chips
- Point-of-Care Diagnostics
The Biomedical Sensors and Subsystems Thrust is developing electronic interfaces to living systems for the gathering of diagnostic information and to provide treatment for various diseases and functional disorders. The thrust studies implanted devices for chronic monitoring of physiological, biochemical and vital signals as well as ex-situ devices for diagnostics of diseases, screening of drug efficacy and immune responses.
Built Environment Sensing
- Bridges
- Buildings
- Ships
- Airplanes
Dramatic reductions in cost combined with enhanced functionalities are driving increasing adoption of sensors in the built environment. This Thrust undertakes basic and applied research aimed to develop novel sensors, sensor network architectures, and in-network computing methods to monitor large-scale infrastructure systems. Applications targeted by the Thrust range from monitoring the health of bridges to the monitoring and control of building energy systems.
Environmental Sensors and Subsystems
- GC-on-a-Chip
- µSensors/µActuators
- Nanomaterials
- Complex Mixtures
- Explosives/Pollutants
- Field Prototypes
The Environmental Sensors and Subsystems (ESS) Thrust is developing MEMS sensors, actuators, and micro-instrumentation for analyzing complex mixtures of chemicals in air and biological media, as well as a range of physical parameters. These devices and multi-device ensembles serve as the information-gathering modules of wireless microsystems whose small size, accuracy, and low-power dissipation will enable their widespread dissemination in applications ranging from homeland security, environmental- quality monitoring, industrial process control, and global climate studies, to biomarker monitoring, and medical surveillance.
Advanced Materials, Processes, and Packaging
- Device Concepts
- Non-Traditional Materials
- Vacuum Packaging
- Wafer-Level Packaging
- Wafer Bonding
Successful development of MEMS and microsystems requires a number of technologies for their fabrication, assembly, and low-cost packaging. The Thrust includes research in the following general areas: wafer-scale bonding and vacuum packaging; assembly, interconnect, and related thin-film technologies; etching and deposition methods for new materials and exploratory applications; and mechanical protection and thermal issues.
High Frequency MEMS
- Terahertz MEMS
- Optical MEMS
The High Frequency MEMS Thrust undertakes research in three subject areas: RF MEMS, Optical MEMS, and THz MEMS, all from basic science as well as applied research perspectives. The Thrust is exploring advanced RF devices and microsystems, high-Q optical and acoustic resonators, terahertz modulators, imagers and sources, miniaturized antennas, MEMS meta-materials, plasmonics, and near-field optics. The microsystems developed under this thrust have applications in reconfigurable radios, medical and subsurface imaging, satellite mapping, and remote sensing, to name a few.
Micropower Integrated Circuits
- Low-Power Circuits
- New Architectures
- System Software
- Power Management
- Energy Harvesting
The Micropower Integrated Circuits Thrust aims at greatly reducing the power budgets of integrated circuits by using a range of techniques that are suitable for incorporation into generic microsystems. Both digital and analog circuits are targeted, with primary emphasis on the digital processing domain. The Thrust includes energy harvesting work and focuses on system-level power reduction across all components of emerging wireless microsystems.
Wireless Interfaces
- Digital Dominant Wireless
- Complete Wireless Systems
- Efficient Antennas
- New Architectures
- Low-Power Transceivers
The Wireless Interfaces Thrust undertakes basic and applied research in wire- less interfaces for environmental and biomedical sensor devices. The Thrust is exploring CMOS RF, miniature antennas, and sensor networking; developing wireless interfaces to neural probes, cochlear implants, and other biomedical devices such as arterial stent monitors; exploring techniques for moderate range, moderate rate, wireless communication to environmental sensors.

Facilities & Resources

The Robert H. Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (LNF) is one of the most advanced facilities in the nation for research on nanoscale photonics, quantum electronics, nanotechnology, silicon and compound-semiconductor devices, micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), wafer-level packaging, heterogeneous integration, and microsystems. The LNF offers the following capabilities: - Over 11,000sf of class 1000/100/10 cleanroom supported by over 60,000sf of infrastructure - Over 2,500sf for chemical processing, including electroplating, wet etching, lapping, chemical- mechanical polishing (CMP), and BioSafety Level 2 (BSL2) space - Facilities for dicing, die attach, wire bonding, and advanced packaging - Extensive facilities for wafer probing and the testing of packaged devices - Laboratories for optical, electrical, mechanical, and magnetic measurements on materials, structures, and devices, including those at the nanoscale - Nanoimprint technology The LNF is a shared, open-access facility and serves over 470 annual users, including personnel from about 55 companies and over 30 different universities. The LNF is staffed by twenty highly-experienced engineers and scientists who maintain the facility, keep its tools characterized, calibrated, and running as they should, and support the user community. External users are typically trained to run their own wafers but samples can also be processed by LNF staff engineers. Facilities for device design, modeling, and multi-mode simulation are also available. MORE INFORMATION AT

Partner Organizations

University of Michigan