Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada, BC

Generate knowledge and technology that contributes to the solution of universal, national and regional problems, conducting basic and applied research and training human resources at the graduate level in biological, physical, information, sea and Earth sciences, within a framework of responsibility, ethics and leadership for the benefit of society.

Research Areas

Experimental and applied biology
Cellular and molecular bases of fungal development
Aquaculture biotechnology and coastal environmental biotechnology
Population dynamics of flora and fauna
Plant ecophysiology
Genetics of conservation
Marine bioprocess engineering and genetic engineering of marine organisms
Secondary metabolites and bioactive substances
Microbiology Marine molecular
Mathematical and computational models of biological aspects of fungal growth
Prevention, diagnosis and control of plant diseases
Earth Sciences
Application of remote sensors and geographic information systems
Stratigraphy and basin analysis
Structure of the earth's upper crust and mantle
Exploration of natural resources
Physics of porous media and their applications
Geohydrology and environmental studies
Marine geology and geophysics
Isotopic geochemistry and geochronology
Gravimetry and magnetometry
Geophysical data inversion
Electrical and electromagnetic methods
Seismicity and danger seismic
Seismology applied to engineering
Seismology of strong movements
Volcanic seismology
Tectonics and structural geology
Tectonophysics and seismotectonics
Volcanology and paleomagnetism Applied Physics
Computer-assisted learning
Scientific computing
Evolutionary, ubiquitous and collaborative computing
High frequency electronics
Optical Fibers
Process and software engineering
Instrumentation and control
Short pulse lasers
optics Physical
optics Integrated
optics Nonlinear
optics Image and vision processing
Food and nutrition
Biodiversity, molecular microbiology and genetics of marine organisms
Biology and cultivation of microalgae
Geophysical fluid
dynamics Dynamics of coastal lagoons and regional seas
Ecology of benthos
Ecology and physiology of the plankton
Ocean atmosphere interaction
Metabolites and regional and large-scale
meteorology Meteorology and regional and large-
scale climatology
Modeling and theoretical analysis in ecology
Oceanography by remote sensing
Oceanography and regional and global circulation
Waves, tsunamis and coastal and sedimentation processes
Mixing processes
Reproduction and development
Health and pathology of marine organisms

Facilities & Resources

Linking and Services Earth Sciences: Studies of seismic risk, evaluation of aquifers, dating of geological samples, application of geographic information systems, seismic information system. Physical Sciences: Design of telecommunications systems, software development and engineering, metrology, characterization of high frequency electronic devices, design of industrial robots and computer vision systems, applications of industrial lasers. Marine sciences: Meteorological, tidal, wave and tsunami forecasting, preparation of weather bulletins, hydrodynamic studies for the design of marine and fisheries constructions, design and installation of recirculation systems for aquaculture farms. Biotechnology: nutritional studies in animals and development of special foods, bio-restoration of wetlands, bioremediation of areas impacted by hydrocarbons and sewage, bioleaching of waste from the mining industry, environmental biosecurity, waste management and toxicity studies of substances, analysis and prevention of biofouling, design of biosensors, biofilms and functional biofilters. Molecular diagnosis: certification of mollusc and crustacean seed, molecular analysis of the genetic variability of organisms, molecular and phylogenetic identification of microorganisms, development of molecular markers, advice on the management of molecular diagnostic data banks . Collections: Germplasm bank of aquatic species of Baja California, entomological collection of Baja California, microalgae strain. Other services: Sole seed production unit, Regional Center for Biological Microscopy, training programs, advice and consulting to companies, specialized library.

Partner Organizations







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Generate knowledge and technology that contributes to the solution of universal, national and regional problems, conducting basic and applied research and training human resources at the graduate level in biological, physical, information, sea and Earth sciences, within a framework of responsibility, ethics and leadership for the benefit of society.







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

Experimental and applied biology
Cellular and molecular bases of fungal development
Aquaculture biotechnology and coastal environmental biotechnology
Population dynamics of flora and fauna
Plant ecophysiology
Genetics of conservation
Marine bioprocess engineering and genetic engineering of marine organisms
Secondary metabolites and bioactive substances
Microbiology Marine molecular
Mathematical and computational models of biological aspects of fungal growth
Prevention, diagnosis and control of plant diseases
Earth Sciences
Application of remote sensors and geographic information systems
Stratigraphy and basin analysis
Structure of the earth's upper crust and mantle
Exploration of natural resources
Physics of porous media and their applications
Geohydrology and environmental studies
Marine geology and geophysics
Isotopic geochemistry and geochronology
Gravimetry and magnetometry
Geophysical data inversion
Electrical and electromagnetic methods
Seismicity and danger seismic
Seismology applied to engineering
Seismology of strong movements
Volcanic seismology
Tectonics and structural geology
Tectonophysics and seismotectonics
Volcanology and paleomagnetism Applied Physics
Computer-assisted learning
Scientific computing
Evolutionary, ubiquitous and collaborative computing
High frequency electronics
Optical Fibers
Process and software engineering
Instrumentation and control
Short pulse lasers
optics Physical
optics Integrated
optics Nonlinear
optics Image and vision processing
Food and nutrition
Biodiversity, molecular microbiology and genetics of marine organisms
Biology and cultivation of microalgae
Geophysical fluid
dynamics Dynamics of coastal lagoons and regional seas
Ecology of benthos
Ecology and physiology of the plankton
Ocean atmosphere interaction
Metabolites and regional and large-scale
meteorology Meteorology and regional and large-
scale climatology
Modeling and theoretical analysis in ecology
Oceanography by remote sensing
Oceanography and regional and global circulation
Waves, tsunamis and coastal and sedimentation processes
Mixing processes
Reproduction and development
Health and pathology of marine organisms

Facilities & Resources

Linking and Services Earth Sciences: Studies of seismic risk, evaluation of aquifers, dating of geological samples, application of geographic information systems, seismic information system. Physical Sciences: Design of telecommunications systems, software development and engineering, metrology, characterization of high frequency electronic devices, design of industrial robots and computer vision systems, applications of industrial lasers. Marine sciences: Meteorological, tidal, wave and tsunami forecasting, preparation of weather bulletins, hydrodynamic studies for the design of marine and fisheries constructions, design and installation of recirculation systems for aquaculture farms. Biotechnology: nutritional studies in animals and development of special foods, bio-restoration of wetlands, bioremediation of areas impacted by hydrocarbons and sewage, bioleaching of waste from the mining industry, environmental biosecurity, waste management and toxicity studies of substances, analysis and prevention of biofouling, design of biosensors, biofilms and functional biofilters. Molecular diagnosis: certification of mollusc and crustacean seed, molecular analysis of the genetic variability of organisms, molecular and phylogenetic identification of microorganisms, development of molecular markers, advice on the management of molecular diagnostic data banks . Collections: Germplasm bank of aquatic species of Baja California, entomological collection of Baja California, microalgae strain. Other services: Sole seed production unit, Regional Center for Biological Microscopy, training programs, advice and consulting to companies, specialized library.

Partner Organizations