Mathematics Research Center, AC

The Mathematics Research Center, AC is a public research center integrated into the CONACYT Public Center System, dedicated to the generation, transmission and application of specialized knowledge in the areas of Mathematics, Probability and Statistics and Computer Science. It is oriented towards scientific research, the training of high-level human resources, the improvement of the mathematical competence of society, as well as the support in the solution of problems that correspond to its areas of interest, with which, CIMAT seeks contribute to the scientific and technological development of Mexico. Generate scientific knowledge through research in the specialty areas of the Center. Train human resources of excellence in the specialty areas of the Center, at the bachelor and graduate level. Strengthen the link with the public, private and social sectors through the development of applied research projects, the offer of technological and consulting services, the delivery of training programs and the dissemination and dissemination of mathematics. Currently, CIMAT is one of the most important research centers in the country. Its constant search to achieve the balance between basic and applied mathematics, combined with the work of linking and transferring technology with the productive and social sectors, gives CIMAT a very unique character. CIMAT has the highest level academic staff, dedicated to border research activities, human resources training at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and links with the social and productive sectors. Academically, the Center is organized into three areas: Basic Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, and Computer Science. The research groups of the center maintain a strong interaction with similar institutions in Mexico and abroad, so a constant flow of distinguished visitors enriches their academic life. The undergraduate (in agreement with the University of Guanajuato) and postgraduate programs, considered of high quality, currently have more than 200 students from almost all over the country and even abroad. The masters and doctorates offered at the Center are registered in the National Register of Graduates of Excellence of CONACyT. CIMAT has modern facilities that include offices, auditorium, seminar rooms, specialized library, modern computer equipment, electronic media and a lodging center called CIMATEL, for the organization of conferences, courses and academic meetings both national and international .

Research Areas

Basic math
Functional analysis
Algebraic geometry
Differential geometry
Dynamic systems
Topology and combinatorial geometry
Applied mathematics
Probability and statistics
Industrial statistics
Statistical inference
Stochastic processes
computer's science
Mathematical computation
Software Engineering

Facilities & Resources

Linking and Services One of the distinctive features of CIMAT is its vocation for linking and technological development. This vocation has been concretized in technological development projects, in advisory services and in high-level training, also in the creation of programs in specific areas (Software Engineering, Industrial Statistics), in strategic alliances with the productive sector and in the creation of An organization that responds appropriately to the needs of our customers and users. CIMAT Offers: Software engineering and software development quality Statistical methods to improve the quality of products and services Statistical processes control Design of experiments Optimum product designs with emphasis on reliability Six Sigma Methodology Process, inventory and product optimization Production scheduling and sales forecasts Market studies Mathematical and statistical modeling Finite Element Method Process simulation High level training: Master in Quality Engineering Specialty in quality engineering Specialization in statistical methods, with terminal orientation in Industrial Engineering Biostatistics or social sciences Six Sigma Methodology Diploma Green Belts, Black Belts and Champions training program Refresher courses on statistical methods Diploma in Software Development Technologies Training program in personal software process SM and Team Software Process SM

Partner Organizations







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

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Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The Mathematics Research Center, AC is a public research center integrated into the CONACYT Public Center System, dedicated to the generation, transmission and application of specialized knowledge in the areas of Mathematics, Probability and Statistics and Computer Science. It is oriented towards scientific research, the training of high-level human resources, the improvement of the mathematical competence of society, as well as the support in the solution of problems that correspond to its areas of interest, with which, CIMAT seeks contribute to the scientific and technological development of Mexico. Generate scientific knowledge through research in the specialty areas of the Center. Train human resources of excellence in the specialty areas of the Center, at the bachelor and graduate level. Strengthen the link with the public, private and social sectors through the development of applied research projects, the offer of technological and consulting services, the delivery of training programs and the dissemination and dissemination of mathematics. Currently, CIMAT is one of the most important research centers in the country. Its constant search to achieve the balance between basic and applied mathematics, combined with the work of linking and transferring technology with the productive and social sectors, gives CIMAT a very unique character. CIMAT has the highest level academic staff, dedicated to border research activities, human resources training at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and links with the social and productive sectors. Academically, the Center is organized into three areas: Basic Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, and Computer Science. The research groups of the center maintain a strong interaction with similar institutions in Mexico and abroad, so a constant flow of distinguished visitors enriches their academic life. The undergraduate (in agreement with the University of Guanajuato) and postgraduate programs, considered of high quality, currently have more than 200 students from almost all over the country and even abroad. The masters and doctorates offered at the Center are registered in the National Register of Graduates of Excellence of CONACyT. CIMAT has modern facilities that include offices, auditorium, seminar rooms, specialized library, modern computer equipment, electronic media and a lodging center called CIMATEL, for the organization of conferences, courses and academic meetings both national and international .







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

Basic math
Functional analysis
Algebraic geometry
Differential geometry
Dynamic systems
Topology and combinatorial geometry
Applied mathematics
Probability and statistics
Industrial statistics
Statistical inference
Stochastic processes
computer's science
Mathematical computation
Software Engineering

Facilities & Resources

Linking and Services One of the distinctive features of CIMAT is its vocation for linking and technological development. This vocation has been concretized in technological development projects, in advisory services and in high-level training, also in the creation of programs in specific areas (Software Engineering, Industrial Statistics), in strategic alliances with the productive sector and in the creation of An organization that responds appropriately to the needs of our customers and users. CIMAT Offers: Software engineering and software development quality Statistical methods to improve the quality of products and services Statistical processes control Design of experiments Optimum product designs with emphasis on reliability Six Sigma Methodology Process, inventory and product optimization Production scheduling and sales forecasts Market studies Mathematical and statistical modeling Finite Element Method Process simulation High level training: Master in Quality Engineering Specialty in quality engineering Specialization in statistical methods, with terminal orientation in Industrial Engineering Biostatistics or social sciences Six Sigma Methodology Diploma Green Belts, Black Belts and Champions training program Refresher courses on statistical methods Diploma in Software Development Technologies Training program in personal software process SM and Team Software Process SM

Partner Organizations