Research Center in Optics, AC

The Center for Research in Optics, AC (CIO) is a Research Center that belongs to the Coordination of Physics and Applied Mathematics and Data Sciences of the Public Research Centers System (CPI) of CONACYT. For 39 years, the CIO has developed basic and applied research that contributes to the generation of knowledge and innovation in the field of optics and photonics, strengthening the country's technological leadership and supporting the solution of national problems. In addition, by offering programs and postgraduate programs of excellence, the development of a regional and national scientific and technological culture is encouraged. Researchers 57 Employees 181 Conacyt chairs 12 Technicians 61 Current graduate students 124 Cumulative number of graduates 534 Accumulated Patents 10 Laboratories (León + Aguascalienets Headquarters) 42 Current research projects 51 Technology Development Projects 18

Research Areas

Optical fibers and lasers
Optical engineering
Nanophotonics and biophotonics
Nonlinear optics
Non-destructive optical tests
Robotic vision and artificial intelligence
Quantum optics
Renewable energy
Material processing
From these, it has an impact mainly in the sectors of communications, metrology, energy, health, food and manufacturing.
All of the CIO's research areas are articulated to solve specific and multidisciplinary projects through three Departments:
Attention to national problems
Basic and Border Science
Consolidation and development of new technologies

Facilities & Resources

Technological services In support of technology activities, there is an optical manufacturing workshop, a mechanic workshop, and a thin film deposition laboratory, which incorporate numerical control machines for the manufacture of optical components, such as lenses, mirrors , prisms, windows, surfaces with internal laser engraving, mounts, etc. The Metrology laboratories accredited to the EMA are the Dimensional Metrology Laboratory, Optics Laboratory and the Spectrumcolorimetry Laboratory. The services offered by these laboratories: standard scales (glass), sieves, radio standards, diameter of smooth standard rings, roundness of rings, spectrophotometer and spectrum colorimeter calibration, measurement and calibration of color and brightness patterns, lux meter calibration, among others . There is also a Photometry and Radiometry laboratory, which offers the services of characterization of UV-Vis light sources, retroreflectivity measurements, luminance measurements, evaluation of lighting systems, among others. Projects with the industry are related to a wide variety of topics: defect detection, skin sizing, aerodynamic and thermal characterization of household appliances, color quality in textile parts, manufacturing of non-commercial optical components, non-destructive optical tests, etc. More information Appropriation of science and technology Dissemination activities of science directed to society are carried out through simple and entertaining activities, through programs of approach and dissemination of science, such as: workshops, talks, guided tours, science clubs, online videos and astronomy.

Partner Organizations







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

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General E-mail



The Center for Research in Optics, AC (CIO) is a Research Center that belongs to the Coordination of Physics and Applied Mathematics and Data Sciences of the Public Research Centers System (CPI) of CONACYT. For 39 years, the CIO has developed basic and applied research that contributes to the generation of knowledge and innovation in the field of optics and photonics, strengthening the country's technological leadership and supporting the solution of national problems. In addition, by offering programs and postgraduate programs of excellence, the development of a regional and national scientific and technological culture is encouraged. Researchers 57 Employees 181 Conacyt chairs 12 Technicians 61 Current graduate students 124 Cumulative number of graduates 534 Accumulated Patents 10 Laboratories (León + Aguascalienets Headquarters) 42 Current research projects 51 Technology Development Projects 18







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

Optical fibers and lasers
Optical engineering
Nanophotonics and biophotonics
Nonlinear optics
Non-destructive optical tests
Robotic vision and artificial intelligence
Quantum optics
Renewable energy
Material processing
From these, it has an impact mainly in the sectors of communications, metrology, energy, health, food and manufacturing.
All of the CIO's research areas are articulated to solve specific and multidisciplinary projects through three Departments:
Attention to national problems
Basic and Border Science
Consolidation and development of new technologies

Facilities & Resources

Technological services In support of technology activities, there is an optical manufacturing workshop, a mechanic workshop, and a thin film deposition laboratory, which incorporate numerical control machines for the manufacture of optical components, such as lenses, mirrors , prisms, windows, surfaces with internal laser engraving, mounts, etc. The Metrology laboratories accredited to the EMA are the Dimensional Metrology Laboratory, Optics Laboratory and the Spectrumcolorimetry Laboratory. The services offered by these laboratories: standard scales (glass), sieves, radio standards, diameter of smooth standard rings, roundness of rings, spectrophotometer and spectrum colorimeter calibration, measurement and calibration of color and brightness patterns, lux meter calibration, among others . There is also a Photometry and Radiometry laboratory, which offers the services of characterization of UV-Vis light sources, retroreflectivity measurements, luminance measurements, evaluation of lighting systems, among others. Projects with the industry are related to a wide variety of topics: defect detection, skin sizing, aerodynamic and thermal characterization of household appliances, color quality in textile parts, manufacturing of non-commercial optical components, non-destructive optical tests, etc. More information Appropriation of science and technology Dissemination activities of science directed to society are carried out through simple and entertaining activities, through programs of approach and dissemination of science, such as: workshops, talks, guided tours, science clubs, online videos and astronomy.

Partner Organizations