Scientific Research Center of Yucatán, AC

The CICY is a Public Research Center that conducts scientific and technological research, forms human resources in the areas of plant biology, natural resources and materials science, for the sustainable development of the country, with the participation of highly qualified personnel , the use of border technologies, collaboration with national and foreign institutions, and the link with the different sectors of society.

Research Areas

Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Unit
Abiotic stress and mineral nutrition
Plant-pathogen interaction
Morphogenesis and genetic regulation
Secondary metabolism
Biotechnology Unit
Abiotic stress
Plant-pathogen interaction
Molecular markers
Bioproduction systems of recombinant proteins
Improvement of in vitro clonal propagation technologies
Genetic improvement through the selection and cloning of elite material
Materials Unit
Materials for specialized applications (separating membranes, biomaterials)
Polymer matrix composite materials
Polymer processing
Natural Resources Unit
Ethnobotany and Ethnohistory of the domestication and diversification of plants in Mesoamerica
Diversity and molecular evolution of plant genetic resources under human management and selection
Biosecurity of domesticated plants in Mesoamerica
Climate change
Environmental physiology of neotropical plants
Research, management and conservation of priority species of the peninsular flora
Socio-ecological communities
Floristics and Biogeography
Systematics and Phylogeny of Neotropical Plants
Reproductive biology and evolution of neotropical plants
Water Science Unit
Water quality
Institutional Bioenergy Program
Energy crops
Biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol, hydrogen)
Fuel cells
Alternate uses of henequen
Effects of salicylic acid on plants

Facilities & Resources

Linking and Services To make the link between the sectors of society and the Center, CICY has the area of ​​linkage and services: Metrology Laboratory Accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity in the magnitudes of mass, volume and temperature, it provides metrological calibration services, advice and training to the business and industrial sector of the region, under the standards and specific requirements of the quality standards applicable in the matter . GeMBio Laboratory The Group of Molecular Studies Applied to Biology (GeMBio) is the first laboratory in the south-southeast region of Mexico approved by SAGARPA and accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity regarding agricultural health. It specializes in the detection of viruses and viroids; develops new protocols for the detection of phytopathogens by molecular methods; It carries out studies of genetic fingerprints for the identification of plant varieties, and its accreditation is in process to offer integral services to producers in the region. Xíitbal neek´ Regional Botanical Garden Promotes the use and conservation of plant resources in the region through the development of collections of living plants of ecological, biological, economic and agroindustrial interest, scientific research, support for education, public formation of environmental values, Course delivery and advice. It was established in 1982. It is a Living Plant Museum (1999) and is registered as a Management Unit for Wildlife Conservation (2002). Its name in Maya means "place where seeds sprout" and in 2.7Ha. It has more than 10,000 individuals of 600 species, organized in 24 collections. It carries out two vital programs for the flora of the region: 1) Environmental Education, guided visits to the Garden and various courses, serving around 1,500 students of all levels, Scanning Electron Microscope Laboratory The amplifying power of the MEB-CICY is very useful in various areas: sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, geology, materials, metallurgy, paleontology, archeology, etc.), health sector, legal sector (legal and forensic medicine, expert opinions, calligraphic studies, etc.) and industry (agricultural, food, textile, processing, etc.). It serves both the Research Units of the Center, as well as the productive and academic sector. Herbarium U Najil Tikin Xiw It conserves and maintains the most complete collection of herbalized plants in the Biogeographic Province of the Yucatan Peninsula, which includes a collection of more than 63,000 assembled samples and five annexed collections (± 3,000 copies), and is increased day by day. It serves as the basis for biosystematic, biogeographic and ecological studies, and contributes to the training of students of all levels. Its name in Maya means "the house of dry grass".

Partner Organizations







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



The CICY is a Public Research Center that conducts scientific and technological research, forms human resources in the areas of plant biology, natural resources and materials science, for the sustainable development of the country, with the participation of highly qualified personnel , the use of border technologies, collaboration with national and foreign institutions, and the link with the different sectors of society.







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Unit
Abiotic stress and mineral nutrition
Plant-pathogen interaction
Morphogenesis and genetic regulation
Secondary metabolism
Biotechnology Unit
Abiotic stress
Plant-pathogen interaction
Molecular markers
Bioproduction systems of recombinant proteins
Improvement of in vitro clonal propagation technologies
Genetic improvement through the selection and cloning of elite material
Materials Unit
Materials for specialized applications (separating membranes, biomaterials)
Polymer matrix composite materials
Polymer processing
Natural Resources Unit
Ethnobotany and Ethnohistory of the domestication and diversification of plants in Mesoamerica
Diversity and molecular evolution of plant genetic resources under human management and selection
Biosecurity of domesticated plants in Mesoamerica
Climate change
Environmental physiology of neotropical plants
Research, management and conservation of priority species of the peninsular flora
Socio-ecological communities
Floristics and Biogeography
Systematics and Phylogeny of Neotropical Plants
Reproductive biology and evolution of neotropical plants
Water Science Unit
Water quality
Institutional Bioenergy Program
Energy crops
Biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol, hydrogen)
Fuel cells
Alternate uses of henequen
Effects of salicylic acid on plants

Facilities & Resources

Linking and Services To make the link between the sectors of society and the Center, CICY has the area of ​​linkage and services: Metrology Laboratory Accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity in the magnitudes of mass, volume and temperature, it provides metrological calibration services, advice and training to the business and industrial sector of the region, under the standards and specific requirements of the quality standards applicable in the matter . GeMBio Laboratory The Group of Molecular Studies Applied to Biology (GeMBio) is the first laboratory in the south-southeast region of Mexico approved by SAGARPA and accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity regarding agricultural health. It specializes in the detection of viruses and viroids; develops new protocols for the detection of phytopathogens by molecular methods; It carries out studies of genetic fingerprints for the identification of plant varieties, and its accreditation is in process to offer integral services to producers in the region. Xíitbal neek´ Regional Botanical Garden Promotes the use and conservation of plant resources in the region through the development of collections of living plants of ecological, biological, economic and agroindustrial interest, scientific research, support for education, public formation of environmental values, Course delivery and advice. It was established in 1982. It is a Living Plant Museum (1999) and is registered as a Management Unit for Wildlife Conservation (2002). Its name in Maya means "place where seeds sprout" and in 2.7Ha. It has more than 10,000 individuals of 600 species, organized in 24 collections. It carries out two vital programs for the flora of the region: 1) Environmental Education, guided visits to the Garden and various courses, serving around 1,500 students of all levels, Scanning Electron Microscope Laboratory The amplifying power of the MEB-CICY is very useful in various areas: sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, geology, materials, metallurgy, paleontology, archeology, etc.), health sector, legal sector (legal and forensic medicine, expert opinions, calligraphic studies, etc.) and industry (agricultural, food, textile, processing, etc.). It serves both the Research Units of the Center, as well as the productive and academic sector. Herbarium U Najil Tikin Xiw It conserves and maintains the most complete collection of herbalized plants in the Biogeographic Province of the Yucatan Peninsula, which includes a collection of more than 63,000 assembled samples and five annexed collections (± 3,000 copies), and is increased day by day. It serves as the basis for biosystematic, biogeographic and ecological studies, and contributes to the training of students of all levels. Its name in Maya means "the house of dry grass".

Partner Organizations