Danish National Metrology Institute

DFM is the Danish National Metrology Institute and contributes to the integrity, efficiency and impartiality of the world metrology system. DFM is also responsible for coordinating the Danish metrology infrastructure. Our primary objective is to support industry by providing metrology services, reference materials and consultancy. DFM is internationally renowned for its metrological research and is working closely with many other National Metrology Institutes. DFM’s mission is to develop and disseminate measurement knowledge at an international level with focus on Danish interests DFM’ s scientific research results in new knowledge, measurement techniques and standards, which support the needs of Danish industry and authorities for accurate measurements. The services offered are high-level calibrations and reference materials traceable to national primary or reference standards, training courses related to metrology and consultancy services. DFM has a special role in developing measurement capabilities needed by small and medium sized high-tech companies in order for them to evolve and prosper. DFM works to ensure global confidence in Danish metrology services, which are critical for competing in the global marketplace.

Research Areas

Metrology and metrological competences are fundamental to the technological infra-structure of a knowledge-based society. DFM therefore conducts independent research in fundamental metrology in order to develop and maintain the national standards in the fields of mass, length, nanotechnology, electricity, acoustics, electro-chemistry, and optical radiometry.
In partnership with industry and universities, DFM participates in research projects, such as innovation consortia, EU projects, and projects financed by various national foundations.
In close cooperation with Danish universities, DFM contributes to the education of postgraduate students.
Below, we summarize our fields of research. For more details, just click on the headline for each field, or refer to the menu on the left..
The research focuses on spectroscopy, wavelength standards for optical communication systems, ultra-violet radiometry, and light source characterization.
DFM’s research within electrochemistry targets the development of measurement systems for electrolytic conductivity in eg. ultra-pure water and biofuels, and secondary pH measurements. Furthermore, DFM carries out research in fundamental topics of importance to electrochemical measurements.
Our research focuses on design and modeling of measurements, and on optimal analysis of measurement data. A general, non-linear least squares method developed by DFM is used routinely in calibrations and for research or consultancy tasks.
The research within nanometrology focuses on obtaining an increasingly lower measurement uncertainty of critial dimensional parameters. One of our fields of research covers the characterization of nano particles, including methods that determine the elasticity of the particles, their photo-catalytic activity, the refraction index, their size, and finally, the biological longevity of airborne particles.
DFM focuces our research with in acoustics on primary methods for estimating the sensitivity af laboratory reference microphones in different sound fields. Other fields of research target the acoustic impedance of artificial ears, an important parameters when calibrating audiometric equipment, and the use of acousto-optical methods for the reconstruction of sound fields.

Facilities & Resources

DFM has a range of state-of-the-art equipment Below we list some of the equipment DFM has available for lease. In some cases, however, only when operated by DFM staff. Please do not hesitate to contact us at administration@dfm.dk if you are interested in knowing more about lease of equipment. EQUIPMENT LIST Atomic force microscope (AFM) (Park System NX-20) Measurement range 100 × 100 × 15 µm3. Calibrated with a measurement accuracy down to 0.02 % for periods of 1 µm and 1 nm for step heights of 20 nm Liquid cell and temperature control from 4°C to 180°C. Material properties measured by AFM indentation. Force from 0 to 1 mN with resolution down to 1 nN. Depth of indentation up to 1 µm with a resolution of 0.1 nm. Young’s modulus for the surface can be estimated in the range from 1 MPa to 10 GPa Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM) determines a DC potential difference between tip and sample which can be related to the work function of surface electrons: Dynamic range ±10 eV, noise level 0.02 eV Conductive atomic force microscopy measuring a current between AFM tip and a conductive sample which can be related to the local electronic properties such as the local density. AFM tips, more than 30 different types with radii of curvature from 2 nm to 0.75 µm and spring constant from 0.03 N/m to 2000 N/m. Available tip materials of e.g. silicon, tungsten carbide and diamond, polystyrene, gold, quartz and conductive tips with platinum from e.g. NanoSensors, TeamNanotech, etc. AFM (Bruker Multimode 8) Measurement volume up to 150 µm × 150 µm × 5 µm with a measurement uncertainty of 2 % to 10 % Liquid cell and temperature control 20°C to 60°C. Material properties measured by AFM indentation. Force from 0 to 1 mN with resolution down to 1 nN. Depth of indentation up to 1 µm with a resolution of 0.1 nm. Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM) determines a DC potential difference between tip and sample which can be related to the work function of surface electrons: Dynamic range ±10 eV, noise level 0.02 eV Conductive atomic force microscopy measuring a current between AFM tip and a conductive sample which can be related to the local electronic properties such as the local density. AFM tips, more than 30 different types with radii of curvature from 2 nm to 0.75 µm and spring constant from 0.03 N/m to 2000 N/m. Available tip materials of e.g. silicon, tungsten carbide and diamond, polystyrene, gold, quartz and conductive tips with platinum from e.g. NanoSensors, TeamNanotech, etc. Confocal and interference microscope (Sensofar PLu Neox) Non contact 3D profiling, confocal and interference microscope with six objectives, a lateral measurement range from 85 × 64 µm2 to 1.27 × 0.97 mm2, and a vertical measurement range from 5 nm to 10 mm. The instrument is calibrated with lateral measurement accuracy down to 0.15 % for a period of 10 µm and a vertical measurement accuracy down to 3 nm Surface topology. Fast and precise measurement of surfaces and interfaces protected by a transparent layer. Optical diffraction microscope (Designed and developed by DFM) Measurement of surface topologies with an accuracy down to 1 nm Real time surface profiling Diffraction setup (Designed and developed by DFM) Two rotational stages and goniometres with a relative accuracy better than 3 × 10-4. Measurement of grating periods with an accuracy better than 0.5 nm for gratings with a period larger than 1 µm Roughness measurement equipment: Calibration of optical instruments for surface roughness measurements. Mueller Polariometer (Designed and developed by DFM) Measurement of surface topology, thin films and refractive indices for materials. Refractive index for thin films with an absolute accuracy down to 1 × 10-3 The thickness of thin films with a relative accuracy down to 5 × 10-4 The line width of periodic structures with an absolute accuracy down to 0.5 nm The height of periodic structures with an absolute accuracy down to 1.0 nm Particle Counter Spectrometer (Particle Measuring Systems LAS-X II) 0.1 µm to 7 µm in 100 channels. Measurement of particle number concentrations for airborne particles with an average diameter between 300 nm and 5000 nm. Typical measurement uncertainties on the particle number concentration is between 5% and 8% Roughness profilometer (Taylor Hobson) Mesurement uncertainty about 2% for Ra = 6 µm Interferometer (Zygo) Displacement measurement. Calibrated with an accuracy down to 0.3 nm or 4 × 10-7 Stage (nPoint) Scanning range 500 µm × 500 µm (PI) and stage with a scanning range of 400 µm × 400 µm × 100 µm Dimensional Standards Traceable to international recoqnised standards Step height of nominal 1 µm with an uncertainty of 1.2 nm Two-dimensional grating with a period of 1 µm and an uncertainty of 0.017 nm Software Software package for nano- and microscale image processing and analysis (SPIP – Scanning Probe Image Processor, Image Metrology A/S) Image processing and analysis (XEP, Park Systems) Image processing and analysis (NanoScope Analysis, Bruker) Design software for optics (Zemax, Radiant Zemax) Design and measurement of thin films (FilmWizard, Scientific Computing International) Advanced FEM modelling software (JCMwave) DFM-GUM and DFM-LSQ measurement uncertainty (DFM) General image processing and analysis, Matlab (MathWorks) Other equipment Geometrical references: Many different gratings with step heights from 0.02 µm to 50 µm and gratings with periods from 0.07 µm to 125 µm as well as roughness, critical dimensions such as line width and angle (NanoSensors, Plano, TeamNanotech etc.) Ultraviolet ozone cleaning of surfaces (Bioforce nanoscience), UV-VIS-NIR Lightsource, wavelength range 200 nm to 1000 nm (Ocean Optics) Particle areosol generator for particle sizes ranging from 0.1 µm til 5 µm (CH Technologies, Inc) and pressurized air system (Norgren) Plasma cleaning of surfaces (Plasma system Zepto, Diener electronic GmbH) Wafer spinner (SPIN 150), Ultra sonic cleaner (Branson 1200), nitrogen and CO2 cleaning Biosafety cabinet (Holten Bio Safe), optical light microscopes

Partner Organizations







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Michael Kjær

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail



General E-mail


45 7730 5800


Kogle Allé 5

DFM is the Danish National Metrology Institute and contributes to the integrity, efficiency and impartiality of the world metrology system. DFM is also responsible for coordinating the Danish metrology infrastructure. Our primary objective is to support industry by providing metrology services, reference materials and consultancy. DFM is internationally renowned for its metrological research and is working closely with many other National Metrology Institutes. DFM’s mission is to develop and disseminate measurement knowledge at an international level with focus on Danish interests DFM’ s scientific research results in new knowledge, measurement techniques and standards, which support the needs of Danish industry and authorities for accurate measurements. The services offered are high-level calibrations and reference materials traceable to national primary or reference standards, training courses related to metrology and consultancy services. DFM has a special role in developing measurement capabilities needed by small and medium sized high-tech companies in order for them to evolve and prosper. DFM works to ensure global confidence in Danish metrology services, which are critical for competing in the global marketplace.







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Michael Kjær

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail



General E-mail


45 7730 5800


Kogle Allé 5

Research Areas

Metrology and metrological competences are fundamental to the technological infra-structure of a knowledge-based society. DFM therefore conducts independent research in fundamental metrology in order to develop and maintain the national standards in the fields of mass, length, nanotechnology, electricity, acoustics, electro-chemistry, and optical radiometry.
In partnership with industry and universities, DFM participates in research projects, such as innovation consortia, EU projects, and projects financed by various national foundations.
In close cooperation with Danish universities, DFM contributes to the education of postgraduate students.
Below, we summarize our fields of research. For more details, just click on the headline for each field, or refer to the menu on the left..
The research focuses on spectroscopy, wavelength standards for optical communication systems, ultra-violet radiometry, and light source characterization.
DFM’s research within electrochemistry targets the development of measurement systems for electrolytic conductivity in eg. ultra-pure water and biofuels, and secondary pH measurements. Furthermore, DFM carries out research in fundamental topics of importance to electrochemical measurements.
Our research focuses on design and modeling of measurements, and on optimal analysis of measurement data. A general, non-linear least squares method developed by DFM is used routinely in calibrations and for research or consultancy tasks.
The research within nanometrology focuses on obtaining an increasingly lower measurement uncertainty of critial dimensional parameters. One of our fields of research covers the characterization of nano particles, including methods that determine the elasticity of the particles, their photo-catalytic activity, the refraction index, their size, and finally, the biological longevity of airborne particles.
DFM focuces our research with in acoustics on primary methods for estimating the sensitivity af laboratory reference microphones in different sound fields. Other fields of research target the acoustic impedance of artificial ears, an important parameters when calibrating audiometric equipment, and the use of acousto-optical methods for the reconstruction of sound fields.

Facilities & Resources

DFM has a range of state-of-the-art equipment Below we list some of the equipment DFM has available for lease. In some cases, however, only when operated by DFM staff. Please do not hesitate to contact us at administration@dfm.dk if you are interested in knowing more about lease of equipment. EQUIPMENT LIST Atomic force microscope (AFM) (Park System NX-20) Measurement range 100 × 100 × 15 µm3. Calibrated with a measurement accuracy down to 0.02 % for periods of 1 µm and 1 nm for step heights of 20 nm Liquid cell and temperature control from 4°C to 180°C. Material properties measured by AFM indentation. Force from 0 to 1 mN with resolution down to 1 nN. Depth of indentation up to 1 µm with a resolution of 0.1 nm. Young’s modulus for the surface can be estimated in the range from 1 MPa to 10 GPa Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM) determines a DC potential difference between tip and sample which can be related to the work function of surface electrons: Dynamic range ±10 eV, noise level 0.02 eV Conductive atomic force microscopy measuring a current between AFM tip and a conductive sample which can be related to the local electronic properties such as the local density. AFM tips, more than 30 different types with radii of curvature from 2 nm to 0.75 µm and spring constant from 0.03 N/m to 2000 N/m. Available tip materials of e.g. silicon, tungsten carbide and diamond, polystyrene, gold, quartz and conductive tips with platinum from e.g. NanoSensors, TeamNanotech, etc. AFM (Bruker Multimode 8) Measurement volume up to 150 µm × 150 µm × 5 µm with a measurement uncertainty of 2 % to 10 % Liquid cell and temperature control 20°C to 60°C. Material properties measured by AFM indentation. Force from 0 to 1 mN with resolution down to 1 nN. Depth of indentation up to 1 µm with a resolution of 0.1 nm. Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM) determines a DC potential difference between tip and sample which can be related to the work function of surface electrons: Dynamic range ±10 eV, noise level 0.02 eV Conductive atomic force microscopy measuring a current between AFM tip and a conductive sample which can be related to the local electronic properties such as the local density. AFM tips, more than 30 different types with radii of curvature from 2 nm to 0.75 µm and spring constant from 0.03 N/m to 2000 N/m. Available tip materials of e.g. silicon, tungsten carbide and diamond, polystyrene, gold, quartz and conductive tips with platinum from e.g. NanoSensors, TeamNanotech, etc. Confocal and interference microscope (Sensofar PLu Neox) Non contact 3D profiling, confocal and interference microscope with six objectives, a lateral measurement range from 85 × 64 µm2 to 1.27 × 0.97 mm2, and a vertical measurement range from 5 nm to 10 mm. The instrument is calibrated with lateral measurement accuracy down to 0.15 % for a period of 10 µm and a vertical measurement accuracy down to 3 nm Surface topology. Fast and precise measurement of surfaces and interfaces protected by a transparent layer. Optical diffraction microscope (Designed and developed by DFM) Measurement of surface topologies with an accuracy down to 1 nm Real time surface profiling Diffraction setup (Designed and developed by DFM) Two rotational stages and goniometres with a relative accuracy better than 3 × 10-4. Measurement of grating periods with an accuracy better than 0.5 nm for gratings with a period larger than 1 µm Roughness measurement equipment: Calibration of optical instruments for surface roughness measurements. Mueller Polariometer (Designed and developed by DFM) Measurement of surface topology, thin films and refractive indices for materials. Refractive index for thin films with an absolute accuracy down to 1 × 10-3 The thickness of thin films with a relative accuracy down to 5 × 10-4 The line width of periodic structures with an absolute accuracy down to 0.5 nm The height of periodic structures with an absolute accuracy down to 1.0 nm Particle Counter Spectrometer (Particle Measuring Systems LAS-X II) 0.1 µm to 7 µm in 100 channels. Measurement of particle number concentrations for airborne particles with an average diameter between 300 nm and 5000 nm. Typical measurement uncertainties on the particle number concentration is between 5% and 8% Roughness profilometer (Taylor Hobson) Mesurement uncertainty about 2% for Ra = 6 µm Interferometer (Zygo) Displacement measurement. Calibrated with an accuracy down to 0.3 nm or 4 × 10-7 Stage (nPoint) Scanning range 500 µm × 500 µm (PI) and stage with a scanning range of 400 µm × 400 µm × 100 µm Dimensional Standards Traceable to international recoqnised standards Step height of nominal 1 µm with an uncertainty of 1.2 nm Two-dimensional grating with a period of 1 µm and an uncertainty of 0.017 nm Software Software package for nano- and microscale image processing and analysis (SPIP – Scanning Probe Image Processor, Image Metrology A/S) Image processing and analysis (XEP, Park Systems) Image processing and analysis (NanoScope Analysis, Bruker) Design software for optics (Zemax, Radiant Zemax) Design and measurement of thin films (FilmWizard, Scientific Computing International) Advanced FEM modelling software (JCMwave) DFM-GUM and DFM-LSQ measurement uncertainty (DFM) General image processing and analysis, Matlab (MathWorks) Other equipment Geometrical references: Many different gratings with step heights from 0.02 µm to 50 µm and gratings with periods from 0.07 µm to 125 µm as well as roughness, critical dimensions such as line width and angle (NanoSensors, Plano, TeamNanotech etc.) Ultraviolet ozone cleaning of surfaces (Bioforce nanoscience), UV-VIS-NIR Lightsource, wavelength range 200 nm to 1000 nm (Ocean Optics) Particle areosol generator for particle sizes ranging from 0.1 µm til 5 µm (CH Technologies, Inc) and pressurized air system (Norgren) Plasma cleaning of surfaces (Plasma system Zepto, Diener electronic GmbH) Wafer spinner (SPIN 150), Ultra sonic cleaner (Branson 1200), nitrogen and CO2 cleaning Biosafety cabinet (Holten Bio Safe), optical light microscopes

Partner Organizations