Centre of Excellence for Integrated Mineral and Energy Resource Analysis

DST-NRF CIMERA is a Centre of Excellence hosted by the University of Johannesburg and co-hosted by the University of the Witwatersrand, in partnership with thirteen South African and one international university. It serves as a central hub for research and human resource development in mineral and energy resource analysis in Africa. South Africa hosts one of the most valuable mineral real estates in the world. The focus of DST-NRF CIMERA is to perform high quality, world-leading, basic and applied research on the vast mineral and fossil fuel resources of, not only South Africa, but Africa as a whole, and to develop human capital. The knowledge so obtained ensures optimum and sustainable extraction and utilization of the natural resources. This is aligned with one of the South African Government’s national strategies, recognizing that mineral and fossil energy resources represent cornerstones of the country’s economy. DST-NRF CIMERA places much emphasis on funding postgraduate student bursaries and running costs for student research projects in economic geology in order to ensure the supply of properly qualified human resources for the future of the mineral and energy resource industries on the continent and abroad. DST-NRF Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Integrated Mineral and Energy Resource Analysis (CIMERA) is hosted by the Department of Geology at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), and co-hosted by the School of Geosciences at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). DST-NRF CIMERA was launched on the 24th April 2014 by the National Research Foundation (NRF) section of the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST). The CoE is funded by the (previous) Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the National Research Foundation (NRF), with contributions from the University of Johannesburg and the University of the Witwatersrand. CoE’s are mandated by the DST to supplement funding through collaborative industry and internationally funded projects.

Research Areas

The study of the origin, distribution and character of Earth mineral and fossil energy resource systems with the aim of ensuring their sustainable utilization not only in South Africa but Africa as a whole.
DST-NRF CIMERA’s Eight Focus Areas
1. Early Earth Mineral Systems and Metallogenesis
Crustal and mineral deposit evolution in the Archean and Proterozoic eras. The impact on mineralization systems of the Great Oxidation Event
2. Metallogeny and Paleogeographic Implications of Layered Igneous Complexes (LICs) and Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)
The main focus is on the Bushveld Complex combined with studies on the Molopo Farms, Uitkomstand Kunene Complexes, and LIPs such as the Umkondo LIP, supplemented with geochronological studies and paleomagnetic reconstructions of ancient supercontinents.
3. Diamonds, Kimberlites, and Deep Crustal Processes
Focus on southern African occurrences of this economically important rock class.
4. Metallogeny of the greater Witwatersrand-Pongola Basin
Focus on gold and uranium mineralization coupled with geophysics and geometallurgy to assist with “Advance Orebody Knowledge for Future Deep Mechanized Mining” as part of Operation Phakisa.
5. Manganese and Iron Ore Deposits:
Major focus on characterization of the giant Kalahari Manganese Deposit and the high-grade Sishen-type iron ore deposits of the Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape Province, with a secondary focus on manganese and iron ore deposits in other parts of Africa; coupled with geochronology to understand the timing of metallogenesis and geometallurgical studies to ensure proper future utilization of the deposits, including low-grade ore resources.
6. Base, Critical Metals, Gold and Other Deposits
Although the list of critical metals may vary from year to year and from country to country, it is recognised that some are in short supply. There are many elements of growing interest, such as indium and germanium, that have had little use historically. The major focus is on assessing those critical metals that are available in Africa.
7. Energy Resources of Karoo-aged Basins
Major focus on coal deposits and potential for natural gas production including shale gas with some work on Cretaceous basins of southern Africa
8. Environmental and Groundwater Geology
Focus on reclamation of old mine dumps and minimizing the effects of mining on the environment.
The CoE-SM established the African Materials Science and Engineering Network (AMSEN), funded by Carnegie through the RISE at SIG, Princeton. This network includes the Universities of the Witwatersrand, Botswana, Ghana, Namibia and Nairobi, and the Federal University of Akure, Nigeria (FUTA). AMSEN was set-up to facilitate the development of African researchers, as well as facilitating the procurement of essential equipment. Through AMSEN, students and supervisors have received broad exposure to knowledge sharing. Where equipment has not been available, they have been able to utilise the equipment within the Network.
Researchers within the CoE-SM collaborated to form the Materials for Energy Research Group (MERG). It is a research grouping of materials scientists at the University of the Witwatersrand, who focus on the study and the application of novel materials for energy production and energy storage. MERG comprises researchers from Chemistry, Engineering and Physics. A novel structure was thought to leverage the facilities and the diverse talents across different faculties involved in renewable energy research, which should focus on materials aspects, and allow for the development of novel technologies from the modelling stage to the final industrial product. MERG has collaborations with Brazil, Italy and Germany.
Since its inception over 10 years ago, the CoE-SM has achieved many successes. Official funding from the DST and NRF ends in 2019, and to continue the knowledge building within the scientific community, the CoE-SM is considering diversifying its research and collaborating with both local and international partners to achieve this. The Centre of Excellence is an excellent model for research, knowledge building and collaboration, and the aim is to continue and expand this model.

Facilities & Resources

FEI Tecnai 120kV TEM TEM, STEM, EDX, H DF FEI Nova 600 Nanolab FIBSEM HRSEM, EDX, BSE, micromachining, 3D structure studies, site preparation Cameca SX5-FE EPMA Electron Probe Microanalyser FEI Quanta 400 ESEM HRSEM, BSE, EDX, CL, ESEM LEO 1550 FEG-SEM EDS, EBSD 2X Reichert Ultracut E Ultramicrotomes Sectioning of samples for TEM Gatan PIPS ion mill Final thinning of samples for TEM Two Veeco Atomic Force Microscope instruments AFM, SPM, many different modes of operation Olympus BX63 OFM Microscope Locally manufactured specialised equipment for cold cathode emission With continuous and pulsed HV supply. The system is used t well as photon enhanced emissions of materials Lenton TSH 12/38/250 tube furnace Sample heating under different atmosphere Senographe 500t mammography unit Used for low energy X-ray detector development PTW Unidose E For checking and calibrating radiation responses of detector Diode E Precise beam profiling in electron and photon fields X-100T CdTe X-ray and Gamma Ray Defector/System Investigation of low energy X-ray and gamma-ray beams Well Diamond Wire Saw Precision slicing of samples Ion implantion facilities at iThemba LABS (Gauteng) Surface modification, thin layer doping, radiation damage, et Radio frequency annealing furnace High temperature rapid annealing in gas ambiet Electropolisher Smoothing surfaces Magnetron sputtering Unit Preparatin of thin films CIV Hall effect System Electrical charachterization of Materials Surface Brillouin Lab Optical system for measuring elastic properties Raman instrument I: Vis, triple grating instrament Raman spectroscopy in visible spectrum Raman instrument II: UV-Vis NIR Lab RAM Raman spectroscopy in UV, Visibile and NIR Cory 500 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer Absorption and reflectance measurments from 200um to 30 Vacuum and air induction furnaces Melting & Casting Water atomiser Powder manufacture, base and precious metals 80 tonne uniaxial compaction press Consolidation of powders Fabrication - forging, hot/cold rolling, etc. Sample shaping Air muffle furnaces, vacuum tube and sintering furnaces Heat treatment different temperatures up to 1800°C) Fatigue, tensile, 3 point bend rigs, hardness testers (Brinell and Vickers) Mechanical testing Metallography Lab with optical microscopes Sample prep (grinding, polishing, etching) Image analysis software Potensiostats Autoclaves (can be set up for HIC testing, only Lab in SA) Stress Corrosion Corrosion testing High Resolution NanoNova SEM with EDS (incl. mapping) and EBSD Imaging, chemical analysis, crystal structure NETZSCH Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Facility (DTA TGA DSC) Thermal analysis, thermogravimetry, calorimetry of metals SIEMENS XRD Crystal structure, rest-austenite Vacutec EB-PVD Thin films and coatings Thermo-CalcTM Laptop Databases:
Fe, Al, Mg databases
Building Pt based alloy database Prediction of phase diagrams, phase equilibria, liquidus temperatures Thermo-Calc with Fe, Al, Ti databases Prediction of phase diagrams, phase equilibria, liquidus temperaratures Crystal Diffractration software SINT MTS3000 Incremental Hole-Drilling Strain Gauge Instrumentation Measurement of residual stress profiles Producut Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Equipment Advanced machining operations Kistler Multi-Component Stationary Dynamometer Dynamic three-dimensional force and moment measurements Gleeble 3500 Thermo-mechanical simulations Hot Platinum Induction furnace Melting of samples under vacuum or argon Resonant Frequency & Damping Analyser Resonant frequency, internal friction or damping. Calculates Young's & shear modulus, Poisson ratio Tensile test machine 5 t tensile test facility Centerline Cold Spray equipment Coating of various surfaces with metalic powders for a large range of applications Zeiss high vacuum SEM SE, BSE, EDX Potentiostats Autolab Corrosion rates; corrosion charaterisation Potentio-dynamic testing: DC as well as AC Corrosion interface analyses; Coating corrosion resistance characterisation Solartron , Software on order Corrosion rates; corrosion charaterisation; Corrosion interface analyses; Coating corrosion resistance characterisation Ultrasonic cleaning Sample cleaning Autoclave High temperature and high pressure exposure tests, Influence of flow rate, SCC constant deformation, C-ring, U- bend specimens, Weight loss tests Corrosion rate determination at high temperatures and pressures for stagnant and turbulent conditions Salt spray cabinet Atmospheric evaluation of coatings Hardware Multi-core (Xenon): 96 Cores Fast GHz 48 port switch System Software Linux (Intel compilers) Specialised Software Quantum Espresso, Abinit, GPAW, Siesta, LAMMPS Meep, MPB Columbus, Cfour Visualization Vesta, Xcrysden TGA Used for evaluating temperature effects on a material e.g. weight loss under air or nitrogen. TPR Used for analysing the reduction behaviour of metal oxides. Equipment also permits measurement of gas desorption. X- band Electron Magnetic Resonance spectrometer (continuous wave and FT-EMR) Characterization of materials and fundemental physics studies Pulsed broad-line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometer Characterization of materials and fundamental physics studies Micro-tribometer Friction and sliding wear tests Reciprocating wear machine Reciprocating wear tests Surface Roughness machine Surface roughness measurements 3 & 4 point bend jig TRS measurement 3 balls on 1 TRS measurement Arc Melter Alloy melting Attrition mill Milling ceramic powders Mixer, 10 000rpm Shear mixing of suspensions Cutting machine Sample preparation Density balance Quick but approximate density measurement Drying oven New Drying ceramic powders Drying oven Old Debinding and resin curing work DTA Pending furnace, muffle, 1800°C Ceramic materials sintering furnace, Tube 1600°C Ceramic materials sintering furnace, tube 1700°C Ceramic materials sintering and controled atmosphere reactions furnance muffle 1600°C Ceramic materials sintering Furnace, muffle, 1200°C Ceramic materials sintering Glove Box Handling air sensitive powders and reagents Hot Press Ceramic materials sintering Lathe Machining studies Leak detectors Vacuum equipment testing for leaks Mass balance Mass balance Microscope - Lathe Room to look Microscope Microscope - Rom 136 Microscope Microscope - Room 409 Mounting Press Microscopy sample preparation Patricle Size Analyzer Planetary Ball Mill Milling fine powders Rheometer Viscosity of suspensions Rotary Evaporator Drying suspensions after milling Sample Polishing Machine For microscopy Sand Blaster Cleaning surfaces Sniffer Vacuum equipment testing for leaks SPS Furnace Ceramic materials sintering Turbula mixer Dry mixing of powders Ultrasonic bath Sample cleaning Zeta Sizer Nanoscale powder PSD

Partner Organizations

University of Johannesburg
University of the Witwatersrand
Rhodes University
Stellenbosch University
University of Fort Hare
University of Pretoria
University of Venda
University of Cape Town
University of the Western Cape
University of the Free State
Helmholtz Freiberg Institute for Resource Technology
University of Limpopo




South Africa


Africa/Near East/S.Asia

Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Professor Nicola Wagner

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail



General E-mail


27 11 559 4728


Univ of Johannesburg
PO Box 524
Auckland Park

DST-NRF CIMERA is a Centre of Excellence hosted by the University of Johannesburg and co-hosted by the University of the Witwatersrand, in partnership with thirteen South African and one international university. It serves as a central hub for research and human resource development in mineral and energy resource analysis in Africa. South Africa hosts one of the most valuable mineral real estates in the world. The focus of DST-NRF CIMERA is to perform high quality, world-leading, basic and applied research on the vast mineral and fossil fuel resources of, not only South Africa, but Africa as a whole, and to develop human capital. The knowledge so obtained ensures optimum and sustainable extraction and utilization of the natural resources. This is aligned with one of the South African Government’s national strategies, recognizing that mineral and fossil energy resources represent cornerstones of the country’s economy. DST-NRF CIMERA places much emphasis on funding postgraduate student bursaries and running costs for student research projects in economic geology in order to ensure the supply of properly qualified human resources for the future of the mineral and energy resource industries on the continent and abroad. DST-NRF Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Integrated Mineral and Energy Resource Analysis (CIMERA) is hosted by the Department of Geology at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), and co-hosted by the School of Geosciences at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). DST-NRF CIMERA was launched on the 24th April 2014 by the National Research Foundation (NRF) section of the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST). The CoE is funded by the (previous) Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the National Research Foundation (NRF), with contributions from the University of Johannesburg and the University of the Witwatersrand. CoE’s are mandated by the DST to supplement funding through collaborative industry and internationally funded projects.




South Africa


Africa/Near East/S.Asia

Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Professor Nicola Wagner

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail



General E-mail


27 11 559 4728


Univ of Johannesburg
PO Box 524
Auckland Park

Research Areas

The study of the origin, distribution and character of Earth mineral and fossil energy resource systems with the aim of ensuring their sustainable utilization not only in South Africa but Africa as a whole.
DST-NRF CIMERA’s Eight Focus Areas
1. Early Earth Mineral Systems and Metallogenesis
Crustal and mineral deposit evolution in the Archean and Proterozoic eras. The impact on mineralization systems of the Great Oxidation Event
2. Metallogeny and Paleogeographic Implications of Layered Igneous Complexes (LICs) and Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)
The main focus is on the Bushveld Complex combined with studies on the Molopo Farms, Uitkomstand Kunene Complexes, and LIPs such as the Umkondo LIP, supplemented with geochronological studies and paleomagnetic reconstructions of ancient supercontinents.
3. Diamonds, Kimberlites, and Deep Crustal Processes
Focus on southern African occurrences of this economically important rock class.
4. Metallogeny of the greater Witwatersrand-Pongola Basin
Focus on gold and uranium mineralization coupled with geophysics and geometallurgy to assist with “Advance Orebody Knowledge for Future Deep Mechanized Mining” as part of Operation Phakisa.
5. Manganese and Iron Ore Deposits:
Major focus on characterization of the giant Kalahari Manganese Deposit and the high-grade Sishen-type iron ore deposits of the Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape Province, with a secondary focus on manganese and iron ore deposits in other parts of Africa; coupled with geochronology to understand the timing of metallogenesis and geometallurgical studies to ensure proper future utilization of the deposits, including low-grade ore resources.
6. Base, Critical Metals, Gold and Other Deposits
Although the list of critical metals may vary from year to year and from country to country, it is recognised that some are in short supply. There are many elements of growing interest, such as indium and germanium, that have had little use historically. The major focus is on assessing those critical metals that are available in Africa.
7. Energy Resources of Karoo-aged Basins
Major focus on coal deposits and potential for natural gas production including shale gas with some work on Cretaceous basins of southern Africa
8. Environmental and Groundwater Geology
Focus on reclamation of old mine dumps and minimizing the effects of mining on the environment.
The CoE-SM established the African Materials Science and Engineering Network (AMSEN), funded by Carnegie through the RISE at SIG, Princeton. This network includes the Universities of the Witwatersrand, Botswana, Ghana, Namibia and Nairobi, and the Federal University of Akure, Nigeria (FUTA). AMSEN was set-up to facilitate the development of African researchers, as well as facilitating the procurement of essential equipment. Through AMSEN, students and supervisors have received broad exposure to knowledge sharing. Where equipment has not been available, they have been able to utilise the equipment within the Network.
Researchers within the CoE-SM collaborated to form the Materials for Energy Research Group (MERG). It is a research grouping of materials scientists at the University of the Witwatersrand, who focus on the study and the application of novel materials for energy production and energy storage. MERG comprises researchers from Chemistry, Engineering and Physics. A novel structure was thought to leverage the facilities and the diverse talents across different faculties involved in renewable energy research, which should focus on materials aspects, and allow for the development of novel technologies from the modelling stage to the final industrial product. MERG has collaborations with Brazil, Italy and Germany.
Since its inception over 10 years ago, the CoE-SM has achieved many successes. Official funding from the DST and NRF ends in 2019, and to continue the knowledge building within the scientific community, the CoE-SM is considering diversifying its research and collaborating with both local and international partners to achieve this. The Centre of Excellence is an excellent model for research, knowledge building and collaboration, and the aim is to continue and expand this model.

Facilities & Resources

FEI Tecnai 120kV TEM TEM, STEM, EDX, H DF FEI Nova 600 Nanolab FIBSEM HRSEM, EDX, BSE, micromachining, 3D structure studies, site preparation Cameca SX5-FE EPMA Electron Probe Microanalyser FEI Quanta 400 ESEM HRSEM, BSE, EDX, CL, ESEM LEO 1550 FEG-SEM EDS, EBSD 2X Reichert Ultracut E Ultramicrotomes Sectioning of samples for TEM Gatan PIPS ion mill Final thinning of samples for TEM Two Veeco Atomic Force Microscope instruments AFM, SPM, many different modes of operation Olympus BX63 OFM Microscope Locally manufactured specialised equipment for cold cathode emission With continuous and pulsed HV supply. The system is used t well as photon enhanced emissions of materials Lenton TSH 12/38/250 tube furnace Sample heating under different atmosphere Senographe 500t mammography unit Used for low energy X-ray detector development PTW Unidose E For checking and calibrating radiation responses of detector Diode E Precise beam profiling in electron and photon fields X-100T CdTe X-ray and Gamma Ray Defector/System Investigation of low energy X-ray and gamma-ray beams Well Diamond Wire Saw Precision slicing of samples Ion implantion facilities at iThemba LABS (Gauteng) Surface modification, thin layer doping, radiation damage, et Radio frequency annealing furnace High temperature rapid annealing in gas ambiet Electropolisher Smoothing surfaces Magnetron sputtering Unit Preparatin of thin films CIV Hall effect System Electrical charachterization of Materials Surface Brillouin Lab Optical system for measuring elastic properties Raman instrument I: Vis, triple grating instrament Raman spectroscopy in visible spectrum Raman instrument II: UV-Vis NIR Lab RAM Raman spectroscopy in UV, Visibile and NIR Cory 500 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer Absorption and reflectance measurments from 200um to 30 Vacuum and air induction furnaces Melting & Casting Water atomiser Powder manufacture, base and precious metals 80 tonne uniaxial compaction press Consolidation of powders Fabrication - forging, hot/cold rolling, etc. Sample shaping Air muffle furnaces, vacuum tube and sintering furnaces Heat treatment different temperatures up to 1800°C) Fatigue, tensile, 3 point bend rigs, hardness testers (Brinell and Vickers) Mechanical testing Metallography Lab with optical microscopes Sample prep (grinding, polishing, etching) Image analysis software Potensiostats Autoclaves (can be set up for HIC testing, only Lab in SA) Stress Corrosion Corrosion testing High Resolution NanoNova SEM with EDS (incl. mapping) and EBSD Imaging, chemical analysis, crystal structure NETZSCH Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Facility (DTA TGA DSC) Thermal analysis, thermogravimetry, calorimetry of metals SIEMENS XRD Crystal structure, rest-austenite Vacutec EB-PVD Thin films and coatings Thermo-CalcTM Laptop Databases:
Fe, Al, Mg databases
Building Pt based alloy database Prediction of phase diagrams, phase equilibria, liquidus temperatures Thermo-Calc with Fe, Al, Ti databases Prediction of phase diagrams, phase equilibria, liquidus temperaratures Crystal Diffractration software SINT MTS3000 Incremental Hole-Drilling Strain Gauge Instrumentation Measurement of residual stress profiles Producut Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Equipment Advanced machining operations Kistler Multi-Component Stationary Dynamometer Dynamic three-dimensional force and moment measurements Gleeble 3500 Thermo-mechanical simulations Hot Platinum Induction furnace Melting of samples under vacuum or argon Resonant Frequency & Damping Analyser Resonant frequency, internal friction or damping. Calculates Young's & shear modulus, Poisson ratio Tensile test machine 5 t tensile test facility Centerline Cold Spray equipment Coating of various surfaces with metalic powders for a large range of applications Zeiss high vacuum SEM SE, BSE, EDX Potentiostats Autolab Corrosion rates; corrosion charaterisation Potentio-dynamic testing: DC as well as AC Corrosion interface analyses; Coating corrosion resistance characterisation Solartron , Software on order Corrosion rates; corrosion charaterisation; Corrosion interface analyses; Coating corrosion resistance characterisation Ultrasonic cleaning Sample cleaning Autoclave High temperature and high pressure exposure tests, Influence of flow rate, SCC constant deformation, C-ring, U- bend specimens, Weight loss tests Corrosion rate determination at high temperatures and pressures for stagnant and turbulent conditions Salt spray cabinet Atmospheric evaluation of coatings Hardware Multi-core (Xenon): 96 Cores Fast GHz 48 port switch System Software Linux (Intel compilers) Specialised Software Quantum Espresso, Abinit, GPAW, Siesta, LAMMPS Meep, MPB Columbus, Cfour Visualization Vesta, Xcrysden TGA Used for evaluating temperature effects on a material e.g. weight loss under air or nitrogen. TPR Used for analysing the reduction behaviour of metal oxides. Equipment also permits measurement of gas desorption. X- band Electron Magnetic Resonance spectrometer (continuous wave and FT-EMR) Characterization of materials and fundemental physics studies Pulsed broad-line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometer Characterization of materials and fundamental physics studies Micro-tribometer Friction and sliding wear tests Reciprocating wear machine Reciprocating wear tests Surface Roughness machine Surface roughness measurements 3 & 4 point bend jig TRS measurement 3 balls on 1 TRS measurement Arc Melter Alloy melting Attrition mill Milling ceramic powders Mixer, 10 000rpm Shear mixing of suspensions Cutting machine Sample preparation Density balance Quick but approximate density measurement Drying oven New Drying ceramic powders Drying oven Old Debinding and resin curing work DTA Pending furnace, muffle, 1800°C Ceramic materials sintering furnace, Tube 1600°C Ceramic materials sintering furnace, tube 1700°C Ceramic materials sintering and controled atmosphere reactions furnance muffle 1600°C Ceramic materials sintering Furnace, muffle, 1200°C Ceramic materials sintering Glove Box Handling air sensitive powders and reagents Hot Press Ceramic materials sintering Lathe Machining studies Leak detectors Vacuum equipment testing for leaks Mass balance Mass balance Microscope - Lathe Room to look Microscope Microscope - Rom 136 Microscope Microscope - Room 409 Mounting Press Microscopy sample preparation Patricle Size Analyzer Planetary Ball Mill Milling fine powders Rheometer Viscosity of suspensions Rotary Evaporator Drying suspensions after milling Sample Polishing Machine For microscopy Sand Blaster Cleaning surfaces Sniffer Vacuum equipment testing for leaks SPS Furnace Ceramic materials sintering Turbula mixer Dry mixing of powders Ultrasonic bath Sample cleaning Zeta Sizer Nanoscale powder PSD

Partner Organizations

University of Johannesburg
University of the Witwatersrand
Rhodes University
Stellenbosch University
University of Fort Hare
University of Pretoria
University of Venda
University of Cape Town
University of the Western Cape
University of the Free State
Helmholtz Freiberg Institute for Resource Technology
University of Limpopo