Research Campus

Research Campus (forschungscampus) is a public-private partnerships for innovation. Working on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Project Management Jülich organizes one to one-and-a-half-day strategy workshops once or twice a year to encourage regular exchanges of experiences and information between the research campuses. The topics at the workshops are selected with a view to promoting the strategic development of the research campuses along the lines intended by the funding initiative. The focus is on involving all the research campuses in drafting strategy processes, criteria for success and best practice examples. The BMBF’s project management organization also holds regular specialist conferences on funding initiatives.

Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding nine research campuses, working in different disciplines and located all over Germany.
The partners on the research campuses conduct trans- and interdisciplinary research under one roof, ranging from basic research to work on the brink of competitive development. The research campuses all pursue the goal of developing comprehensive and sustainable solutions to complex research questions whilst at the same time also considering topics such as societal acceptance or training young scientists.
Over 200 stakeholders are already working on the research campuses. Around a quarter of them are from the field of science and around three quarters from industry, more than half of these from small and medium-sized enterprises.






Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?


Industry engagement required?


Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dr. Katharina Gartzen

Contact Title

Project Management Jülich

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


+49 2461 61-9570



Research Campus (forschungscampus) is a public-private partnerships for innovation. Working on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Project Management Jülich organizes one to one-and-a-half-day strategy workshops once or twice a year to encourage regular exchanges of experiences and information between the research campuses. The topics at the workshops are selected with a view to promoting the strategic development of the research campuses along the lines intended by the funding initiative. The focus is on involving all the research campuses in drafting strategy processes, criteria for success and best practice examples. The BMBF’s project management organization also holds regular specialist conferences on funding initiatives.






Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?


Industry engagement required?


Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dr. Katharina Gartzen

Contact Title

Project Management Jülich

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


+49 2461 61-9570



Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding nine research campuses, working in different disciplines and located all over Germany.
The partners on the research campuses conduct trans- and interdisciplinary research under one roof, ranging from basic research to work on the brink of competitive development. The research campuses all pursue the goal of developing comprehensive and sustainable solutions to complex research questions whilst at the same time also considering topics such as societal acceptance or training young scientists.
Over 200 stakeholders are already working on the research campuses. Around a quarter of them are from the field of science and around three quarters from industry, more than half of these from small and medium-sized enterprises.