Startup Company: 20n

Synthetic Biology ERC (Class of 2006) – Biotechnology companies use 20n's proprietary platform to get the DNA blueprint to make molecules biologically. Their platform, the 20n Bioreachables Service, gives customers the precise DNA design they need to insert into the fermentation microbe of their choice to biologically make products through fermentation. For example, 20n used the data service to invent the first cells that make acetaminophen (Tylenol) by fermenting sugar. The company's designs currently work with E. coli.  20n's data mining and algorithmic prediction stack enables the largest enzymatic dataset in existence for designing precise non-natural pathways. These algorithm-invented pathways rework the metabolism of the host microbe and let it make the desired product using fermentation from sugar.


Synthetic Biology ERC (Class of 2006) – Biotechnology companies use 20n's proprietary platform to get the DNA blueprint to make molecules biologically. Their platform, the 20n Bioreachables Service, gives customers the precise DNA design they need to insert into the fermentation microbe of their choice to biologically make products through fermentation. For example, 20n used the data service to invent the first cells that make acetaminophen (Tylenol) by fermenting sugar. The company's designs currently work with E. coli.  20n's data mining and algorithmic prediction stack enables the largest enzymatic dataset in existence for designing precise non-natural pathways. These algorithm-invented pathways rework the metabolism of the host microbe and let it make the desired product using fermentation from sugar.