Achievements Library

Title Center Achievement type Sector Achievement date
Biofilm Eradication and Selective Microbial Control Using Phages Conjugated with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles (SNPs) NEWT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Researchers Demonstrate Super-Thin Semiconductor Deposition for Temperature Sensing POETS Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
An Affordable New Approach to Diagnosis and Analysis of Cells and Molecules PATHS-UP Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
PowerSynth Improvements Help Design Power Modules to Meet Space and Cost Constraints POETS Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Researchers Develop UV-C Side-Emitting Optical Fibers for Planktonic and Biofilm Bacteria Control NEWT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Framework to Move Bi-Directional Brain-Computer Interfaces Out of the Laboratory CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
Electrode and Flexible Fiber Advances Allow New Ways of Interfacing with the Brain CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
New Analytic Approach Advances Multi-microgrid Energy Management for Performance and Profit CURENT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Tool Locates Power Grid Problems, Speeding Solutions and Reducing Downtime CURENT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
ERC Team Builds Novel Database Improving Data Analysis of Silicon Nanostructures NASCENT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
Electrical Stimulation Helps to Restore Hand and Arm Function After Spinal Injury CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
ERC Team Develops Heart-on-a-Chip with Integrated Sensors CELL-MET Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
ERC Team Uses Novel 3D Bioprinting Method to Create Functional Cardiac Tissue CELL-MET Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
CMaT Constructs Tissue Chips to Assess CAR-T Cell Quality in Fighting Cancer CMaT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
CMaT Researchers Introduce Novel Supply Chain and Process Modeling Algorithms, Methods, and Tools for Cell Therapy Manufacturing and Distribution CMaT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
Major Breakthrough in Fast, Thick-tissue Microscopy Advances Cardiac Tissue Imaging CELL-MET Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
ERC Files Patent for New Bio-inspired Approaches to Deep Foundation Systems CBBG Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Arrangement of Metal Surface Atoms Shown to Shape Catalytic Performance CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Spectroscopy Technique Offers Insight into High-Performance Catalysts CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Manipulating Support Materials Can Enhance Performance of Shale Gas Catalysts CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Center Develops Flexible ERC Team Tests Methods for Mitigating Soil Degradation and Erosion Using Bacteria CBBG Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Processes Improve Efficiency and Reduce Harmful Waste in Producing Shale Gas CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
ERC Soil Treatment Tests Show Promise for Reducing Settlement during Earthquakes CBBG Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New System Advances Genome Engineering for Medical Applications Research Advances
New Printing Process Could Enable Flexible Devices and Bendable Displays NASCENT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing