Achievements Library

Title Center Achievement type Sector Achievement date
QESST Researchers Model the Value of Storage in Reaching 100% Renewable Electricity QESST Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Selective Electrosorption for Silica Removal and Scaling Prevention NEWT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Thin Temperature-Sensing Sheets That Can Be Integrated into Power POETS Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Building Data Collections for Better Decisions on the Farm IoT4Ag Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Cities of Light Narrative Hackathon Imagines Inclusive Solar Energy Futures QESST Research Advances, Innovation Ecosystem, Diversity & Culture of Inclusion Energy and Sustainability
Functional Materials for Selective Ion Transport NEWT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
ERC Pioneers Deep Wet Etching Process for Use in Semiconductor Production NASCENT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
Personalized Healthcare, One Cell at a Time TANMS Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Electrified Membranes (EM) for Transformation of Nitrate in Wastewaters NEWT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
NEWT Researchers Eradicate Biofilm and Control Microbial Bacteria Using Phages Conjugated with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles NEWT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Sensors for Monitoring and Assessing Farming Conditions IoT4Ag Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Advances in a Highly Mobile and Cost-Effective Diagnostic Tool for Heart Health PATHS-UP Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
NEWT's Trap-n-Zap Electrocatalytic Technologies Achieve Transformative Removal of Nitrate and Perfluorinated Compounds NEWT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Treatment for Spinal Injury Restores Hand and Arm Movements CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
Assessing CAR-T Cell Quality with Engineered Tissue Chips CMaT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
Novel Brain Co-processor Uses "Deep Learning" CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
CMaT's Modeling and Analysis Tools Address Supply Chain and Process Concerns for Cell Therapy Manufacturing and Distribution CMaT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
Researchers Collaborate on Testbeds to Advance Quantum Internet CQN Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Spinal Plasticity Testbed Advances from Animal Studies to Human Trials CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
Novel Process Enhances Thermal Conversion of Shale Gas to Diesel CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Research Tools Enable Work to Stabilize the Power Grid CURENT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
First-in-Human Trials of Closed-Loop Deep-Brain Stimulation CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
Single-Step Conversion Could Lead to Economic Utilization of "Stranded" Gas Components CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Electrodes Enable Advanced Demonstrations of Engineered Neural Plasticity CNT Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
Studies Explore Potential for Carbon Neutral Natural Gas Systems CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability