Achievements Library

Title Center Achievement type Sector Achievement date
Arrangement of Metal Surface Atoms Shown to Shape Catalytic Performance CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Spectroscopy Technique Offers Insight into High-Performance Catalysts CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Manipulating Support Materials Can Enhance Performance of Shale Gas Catalysts CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Processes Improve Efficiency and Reduce Harmful Waste in Producing Shale Gas CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Undergraduates and Teachers Participate in Multi-Week Research and Mentoring CISTAR Education & Outreach, Diversity & Culture of Inclusion Energy and Sustainability
Precollege Outreach Results in Activity Kits for Students and Teachers CISTAR Education & Outreach Energy and Sustainability
Major Breakthrough in Fast, Thick-tissue Microscopy Advances Cardiac Tissue Imaging CELL-MET Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
EUV ERC Native American REU Student Becomes Academic Research Leader EUV ERC Education & Outreach, Diversity & Culture of Inclusion Microelectronics and IT
History-making Participation in First ABET-accredited HBCU Bioengineering Program RMB Education & Outreach, Diversity & Culture of Inclusion Biotechnology and Healthcare
ERC Students Showcase Visible Light Communications Research at White House LESA Education & Outreach Microelectronics and IT
A First for HBCUs: Accreditation for North Carolina A&T’s BS in Bioengineering Program RMB Education & Outreach, Diversity & Culture of Inclusion Biotechnology and Healthcare
ERC Adopts Broad Summer Activity Format Showcasing Industry, Faculty, and Student Research MIRTHE Education & Outreach Microelectronics and IT
ERC Startup Company GridBridge Conducts Pilot Demonstration of an Energy Router FREEDM Innovation Ecosystem Energy and Sustainability
New Printing Process Could Enable Flexible Devices and Bendable Displays NASCENT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
Researchers Fabricate Hybrid Organic/Semiconductor Solar Cell QESST Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
A Revolutionary Type of Data Storage Device TANMS Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
New System Advances Genome Engineering for Medical Applications Research Advances
New NSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships formed
2.5 Marketing and Fundraising
ERC for Transformation of American Rubber through Domestic Innovation for Supply Security
NSF ERC for Carbon Utilization Redesign through Biomanufacturing-Empowered Decarbonization
NSF ERC for Human AugmentatioN via Dexterity
Center for Environmentally Applied Refrigerant Technology Hub
Four New ERCs Announced
LaTanya Sanders-Peak