Theater Troupe Helps Create Unique Workshop on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Achievement date: 

A university theater troupe helped create a customized diversity, equity, and inclusion workshop based on the lived experiences of trainees at the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT), an NSF-funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) based at the University of Washington (UW).


CNT partnered with UW Theatre for Change to create the new workshop. CNT also produced a web module that can be disseminated to other ERCs as an example of this workshop. The module has provided opportunities for continued diversity and inclusion training during a pandemic, when gathering in large groups for in-person workshops can be challenging.


Working with the CNT, the theater troupe conducted focus groups at partner institutions and created a customized short play to highlight the challenges faced by diverse trainees in engineering. They then performed this interactive play at the CNT annual site visit. CNT members volunteered to step into the roles of various characters as the Center attempted to “crowd source” solutions to the most pressing diversity and equity challenges.

The workshop was produced with the help of a supplemental award from NSF.