Innovation Ecosystem Resources

ILO/SPI Working Group Calls
Fee-for-Services and Commercialization Strategy Overview - Video (Presentation) - Schaffer Grimm - April 2024
Fee-for-Service:  A Commercialization and Sustainability Approach - Slides/PDF - Schaffer Grimm - April 2024
ILO Role, History, and Evolution - Transcript of talk - Court Lewis - Jan 2024
TIP and NSF Industry Summit - Video (Presentations) - Jennifer Pearl, Brandi Schottel, Allen Walker - May 2023
TIP and NSF Industry Summit - Audio (Presentations) - Jennifer Pearl, Brandi Schottel, Allen Walker - May 2023
TIP and NSF Industry Summit - Slides (Presentations) - Jennifer Pearl, Brandi Schottel, Allen Walker - May 2023
TIP and NSF Industry Summit - Video (Q&A) - Jennifer Pearl, Brandi Schottel, Allen Walker - May 2023
Sustainability Planning - Video - Peter Keeling, Scott Ransom, Nadia El-Masry - March 2023
Sustainability Planning - Audio - Peter Keeling, Scott Ransom, Nadia El-Masry - March 2023
Sustainability Planning - Slides/PDF - Peter Keeling, Scott Ransom, Nadia El-Masry - March 2023
Annual Reports, Industry Day and Site Visits - Video - Scott Ransom - March 2022
Annual Reports, Industry Day and Site Visits - Audio - Scott Ransom - March 2022
Annual Reports, Industry Day and Site Visits - Slides/PDF - Scott Ransom - March 2022
ILO Value Proposition in an ERC - Video - Peter Keeling - Feb 2022
ILO Value Proposition in an ERC - Audio - Peter Keeling - Feb 2022
ILO Value Proposition in an ERC - Slides/PDF - Peter Keeling - Feb 2022


Title Affiliation Presenter Year
TANMS Entrepreneurship TANMS Schaffer Grimm 2021
[COVID] Impact on Entrepreneurship TANMS Schaffer Grimm 2020
Ideas2Impact Bootcamp - Creating a Value Proposition for your Research CMaT Cynthia Sundel 2020
How can we increase the economic impact of the research dollars invested every year? Cell-MET Ayse Muniz 2020
Business Planning CELL-MET Tom Dudley 2020
Reading Financial Statements CELL-MET Tom Dudley 2020
Organization, Product Management, and Career Planning CELL-MET Tom Dudley 2020
Entrepreneurship & Innovation CBiRC Peter Keeling 2012
Entrepreneur Training Session MIRTHE Bernadeta Wysocka 2012
Conflict of Interest in an Entrepreneurial Environment Carnegie Mellon University, Assistant VP Anne Mathias 2012
Intro to the Organization Innovation Accelerator innovation accelerator Traci Hancock 2012


IAB Management
Title Affiliation Presenter Year
IAB Management (video) PATHS-UP Chris Finberg 2024
IAB Management (slides/pdf) PATHS-UP Chris Finberg 2024
Thoughts on Building Industry Relationships: Leveraging the IAB & Universities: For Commercial Impact & PI/Student Development Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Yale University John Dexheimer 2020
"Covid 19: The Great Equalizer" - ERC Member Recruiting & Engagement PATHS-UP and NEWT Chris Finberg and Ernest Davis 2020
Recruiting and Retaining New Members at NSF ERCs ASSIST R. Casey Boutwell 2017
Recruiting and Retaining CBiRC Peter Keeling 2017
The Role of the IAB CBBG Nasser Hamdan 2017
Recruiting and Retaining CBiRC Peter Keeling 2016
Creating Connections for our Industry Partners QESST/ASU John Mitchell 2016
IAB Retention & Recruitment TANMS Tom Normand 2016
Industry Engagement CNT Scott Ransom 2016
Industrial Membership Program and Innovation Model QESST John Mitchell 2016
Recruiting and Retaining Industry Members CSNE, CBiRC Rad Roberts and Peter Keeling 2013
Value of Conferences and Trade Shows CURENT Brad Trento 2013
Recruiting and Retaining CBiRC Peter Keeling 2013
Membership Agreements and NDAs SynBERC Peter Ackermann 2013
Role of the IAB SynBERC Leonard Katz 2013
ERC Best Practices Manual - Industrial Collaboration and Innovation Chapter Update Elysium Holdings Erik Sander 2013
Securing the Correct Company Contact in Recruiting SynBERC Leonard Katz 2012
Articulating the Value Proposition Elysium Holdings Erik Sander 2012
Member Account Management CCEFP   2012
CSOPS Agency Interactions (primarily FDA) CSOPS Eric Erenrich 2012
Agency Partnerships ReNUWlt Josh Dickinson 2012


ILO/SPI Summit
Title Affiliation Presenter Year

2023 ILO Summit - Slides

 PATHS-UP Chris Finberg 2024

2023 ILO Summit Agenda

PATHS-UP Chris Finberg


2022 ILO Summit

CNT Scott Ransom


2021 ILO Summit Day 2 Video Recording

 CNT Scott Ransom


2021 ILO Summit Day 1 Panel Video

 SensThys, Sand Hill Angels Marla Sanchez, George Jones


2021 ILO Summit Day 1 Video Recording

 NSF Deborah Jackson (video begins at 00:12:20)


2021 ILO Summit Agenda

CNT (virtual)

Scott Ransom


2020 ILO Summit Agenda


Tom Dudley


2016 ILO Summit Agenda CNT Scott Ransom 2016
2013 ILO Summit Report EUV Bob Bower 2013
2012 ILO Summit Report QoLT Jim Osborn and Kristen Sabol 2012


Site Visit & Annual Report
Title Affiliation Presenter Year
Conducting Site Visits & Writing Annual Reports after COVID TANMS-ASSIST Schaffer Grimm and Adam Curry 2020


Title Affiliation Presenter Year
SPI and NSF Update NSF Deborah Jackson 2021
ILO Forum CNT Scott Ransom 2021
Impact of COVID on Conduct of Research and ILO Role within ERC CISTAR and QESST Peter Keeling and John Mitchell 2020
Role of the ILO     2013


Innovation Ecosystems Modules
Title CONTENT Presenter Year
IP and Tech Transfer for ILOs Video Cynthia Sundell July2024
ILO/SPI Role Within an ERC Slides/PDF Scott Ransom, Steven Weiner June2024
Annual Report and Site Visits 101 Slides/PDF Deborah Jackson, Scott Ransom Jan2024
IP and Tech Transfer for ILOs Transcript Cynthia Sundell Jan2024
IP and Tech Transfer for ILOs Slides/PDF Cynthia Sundell Jan2024
IAB Management Slides/PDF Chris Finberg Jan2024
ILO Onboarding Module: The ILO/SPI Role Video Scott Ransom Dec2023
Module 1:  ILO/SPI Role at an ERC Slides/PDF Peter Keeling, Tim Tripp Dec2023
Marketing and Communications at an ERC Video Scott Ransom June2022
Marketing and Communications at an ERC Audio Scott Ransom June2022
Marketing and Communications at an ERC Slides/PDF Scott Ransom June2022
Entrepreneurialism for ERCs Zoom recording Schaffer Grimm (author:Scott Ransom) April2022
Entrepreneurialism for ERCs Slides/PDF Schaffer Grimm (author:Scott Ransom) April2022
Annual Reports, Industry Day and Site Visits Video Scott Ransom March2022
Annual Reports, Industry Day and Site Visits Audio Scott Ransom March2022
Annual Reports, Industry Day and Site Visits Slides/PDF Scott Ransom March2022
Value Proposition in an ERC Video Peter Keeling Feb2022
Value Proposition in an ERC Audio Peter Keeling Feb2022
Value Proposition in an ERC Slides/PDF Peter Keeling Feb2022
ILO Onboarding Curriculum PDF   Nov2021
ILO/SPI Role Within an ERC Slides Deborah Jackson, Peter Keepng, Randy Duran Dec2021
IAB Management Video Scott Ransom, author; Christopher Finberg, presenter Jan2022
IAB Management Audio Scott Ransom, author; Christopher Finberg, presenter Jan2022
IAB Management Slides Christopher Finberg Jan2022
IP & Tech Transfer Video  Scott Ransom & panel Jan2022
IP & Tech Transfer Audio  Scott Ransom & panel Jan2022
IP & Tech Transfer Slides Thomas Dudley, Ernest Davis Jan2022


Title Affiliation Presenter Year
Biobook CMat Scott Ransom 2023
ILO Mentor Chart PATHS-UP Christopher Finberg 2021
Mentoring Update CNT Scott Ransom 2021
ERC ILO Mentor Program Description CNT Scott Ransom 2021
Core Competencies CNT Scott Ransom 2019


Title Affiliation Presenter Year
CMaT Sustainability Plan CMat Scott Ransom 2024
ERC Updated Sustainability Status ERCs Peter Keeling 2023
CSNE Outline for Sustainability Plan CNT Scott Ransom 2018
FREEDM Sustainability Plan FREEDM Ken Dulaney 2015
Achieving CCEFP Sustainability CCEFP Mike Gust 2017
Sustainability Planning for Post Graduation CURENT Lisa Beard 2017
The EUV ERC Sustainability Plan EUV   2013
Building a Sustainability Plan CIAN   2013
View from a Graduated Center (Sustainability Planning) Elysium Holdings Erik Sander 2013
The role of the Sustainability Director CCEFP Mike Gust 2013
ERC Beyond NSF - Sustainability QoLT Dan Siewiorek 2012


COVID-19 Impact
Title Affiliation Presenter Year
COVID Impact CELL-MET Tom Dudley 2021
Conducting Site Visits & Writing Annual Reports after COVID TANMS-ASSIST Schaffer Grimm and Adam Curry 2020
Impact of COVID on Conduct of Research and ILO Role within ERC CISTAR and QESST Peter Keeling and John Mitchell 2020
"Covid 19: The Great Equalizer" - ERC Member Recruiting & Engagement PATHS-UP and NEWT Chris Finberg and Ernest Davis 2020


Introduction to a Specific ERC
Title Affiliation Presenter Year
POETS POETS Karen Bender 2017
QUEST QESST John Mitchell 2017
NSF Engineering Research Center CBiRC Peter Keeling 2016
CIAN - Center for Integrated Access Networks CIAN Nasser Hamdan 2016
Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (now CNT) - ILO Round Robin CNT Scott Ransom 2016
CURENT Overview CURENT Brad Trento 2016
FREEDM System Center FREEDM Ken Dulaney 2016
Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment NEWT Ernest Davis 2016
What is POETS? POETS   2016
Re-inventing the Nation's Urban Water Infrastructure ILO Round Robin ReNUWlt Meabon Burns 2016
TANMS Overview TANMS Tom Normand 2016
How does nature do it? CBBG Nasser Hamdan 2016
CSU Lab Tour EUV Jorge Rocca and Carmen Menoni 2013


NSF and Funding Opportunities
Title Affiliation Presenter Year
TIP Directorate Overview for ILOs NSF TIP Allen Walker 2023
SBIR-ERC Collaborative Opportunities (SECO) NSF Deborah Jackson (ERC) and Murali Nair (IIP) 2016
The ERC Program in NSF ENG/EEC NSF Keith Roper 2016
ILO Support for SECOs CURENT Brad Trento 2016


Title Affiliation Presenter Year
Marketing and Communications at an ERC CNT Scott Ransom 2022
Marketing and Communications: Forming a Strategic Plan CNT Wayne Gilam 2016
ERC ILO Retreat 2016 University of Florida, Florida Engineering Experiment Station Erik Sander 2016
Industry Communications - Marketing the ERC for Sustainability QoLT Randy Eager 2013


IP and Tech Transfer
Title Affiliation Presenter Year
IP and Tech Transfer for ILOs - Slides/PDF CMaT Cynthia Sundell 2024
IP and Tech Transfer for ILOs - Transcript CMaT Cynthia Sundell 2024
IP Strategies QESST John Mitchell 2013
Trends in University Technology Transfer CTTEC Tara Branstad 2012


Title Affiliation Presenter Year
Gen-4 ERC: Convergent Research and Innovation through Inclusive Partnerships and Workforce Development NSF Deborah Jackson 2020
NSF ERC ILO Biobook, Resource Repositories, & Communications ReNUWlt Kara Baker 2020
Questions for NSF NSF Deborah Jackson 2013


Additional Resources

